Carole Bogard
Carole Bogard&John Duke - Six Poems by Emily Dickinson
Carole Bogard&John Duke - Six Poems by Emily Dickinson
Carole Bogard&John Duke - Songs to Portions of "From the Sea" by Sara Teasdale
Carole Bogard&John Duke - Songs to Portions of "From the Sea" by Sara Teasdale
Carole Bogard&John Duke - Songs to Portions of "From the Sea" by Sara Teasdale
Carole Bogard&John Duke - Songs to Portions of "From the Sea" by Sara Teasdale
Carole Bogard&John Duke - Songs to Portions of "From the Sea" by Sara Teasdale
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty - Gitanjali by Rabindranth Tagore
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty - Gitanjali by Rabindranth Tagore
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty - Gitanjali by Rabindranth Tagore
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty - Gitanjali by Rabindranth Tagore
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty - Gitanjali by Rabindranth Tagore
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty - Gitanjali by Rabindranth Tagore
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty - Four Poems by Tennyson
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty - Two Poems by Siegfried Sassoon
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty - Two Poems by Siegfried Sassoon
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty - Four Poems by Tennyson
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty - Four Poems by Tennyson
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty - Four Poems by Tennyson
Carole Bogard&R. Sullivan&David Del Tredici - Good-bye My Fancy (Walt Whitman)
Carole Bogard&David Del Tredici - Three Poems by Howard Moss
Carole Bogard&David Del Tredici - Three Poems by Howard Moss
Carole Bogard&David Del Tredici - Three Poems by Howard Moss
Carole Bogard&David Del Tredici - Cycle from "Time's Long Ago!" by Herman Melville
Carole Bogard&David Del Tredici - Cycle from "Time's Long Ago!" by Herman Melville
Carole Bogard&David Del Tredici - Cycle from "Time's Long Ago!" by Herman Melville
Carole Bogard&David Del Tredici - Cycle from "Time's Long Ago!" by Herman Melville
Carole Bogard&David Del Tredici - Cycle from "Time's Long Ago!" by Herman Melville
Carole Bogard&David Del Tredici - Cycle from "Time's Long Ago!" by Herman Melville
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty - Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty - Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty - Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson
Gwendolyn Killebrew&Joanna Simon&John Moriarty&Lars Holm Johansen&Albert Fuller&Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen&Carole Bogard&Marius Rintzler - Tamerlano, HWV 18
Carole Bogard&Albert Fuller&John Moriarty&Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen&Lars Holm Johansen - Tamerlano, HWV 18
Sophia Steffan&John Moriarty&Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen&Lars Holm Johansen&Carole Bogard&Albert Fuller - Tamerlano, HWV 18
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty&Lars Holm Johansen&Albert Fuller&Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen - Tamerlano, HWV 18
Sophia Steffan&Albert Fuller&Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen&Carole Bogard&Lars Holm Johansen&John Moriarty - Tamerlano, HWV 18
Alexander Young&Sophia Steffan&Lars Holm Johansen&John Moriarty&Albert Fuller&Carole Bogard&Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen - Tamerlano, HWV 18
Carole Bogard&Albert Fuller&Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen&Lars Holm Johansen&John Moriarty - Tamerlano, HWV 18
Gwendolyn Killebrew&Carole Bogard&Albert Fuller&John Moriarty&Lars Holm Johansen&Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen - Tamerlano, HWV 18
Sophia Steffan&Carole Bogard&Albert Fuller&Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen&Lars Holm Johansen&John Moriarty - Tamerlano, HWV 18
Gwendolyn Killebrew&Marius Rintzler&John Moriarty&Albert Fuller&Carole Bogard&Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen&Sophia Steffan&Lars Holm Johansen&Alexander Young - Tamerlano, HWV 18
Gwendolyn Killebrew&Carole Bogard&Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen&Albert Fuller&Alexander Young&Sophia Steffan&John Moriarty&Lars Holm Johansen - Tamerlano, HWV 18
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty&Lars Holm Johansen&Albert Fuller&Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen - Tamerlano, HWV 18
Gwendolyn Killebrew&Albert Fuller&Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen&Carole Bogard&Lars Holm Johansen&Alexander Young&Joanna Simon&John Moriarty&Sophia Steffan - Tamerlano, HWV 18
Sophia Steffan&John Moriarty&Albert Fuller&Carole Bogard&Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen&Lars Holm Johansen - Tamerlano, HWV 18
Alexander Young&Albert Fuller&Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen&Carole Bogard&Marius Rintzler&Sophia Steffan&John Moriarty&Lars Holm Johansen - Tamerlano, HWV 18
Gwendolyn Killebrew&John Moriarty&Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen&Sophia Steffan&Carole Bogard&Lars Holm Johansen&Alexander Young&Albert Fuller - Tamerlano, HWV 18
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty&Lars Holm Johansen&Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen&Albert Fuller - Tamerlano, HWV 18
Alexander Young&Lars Holm Johansen&John Moriarty&Albert Fuller&Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen&Carole Bogard - Tamerlano, HWV 18
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty&Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen&Lars Holm Johansen&Albert Fuller - Tamerlano, HWV 18
Carole Bogard&Albert Fuller&John Moriarty&Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen&Lars Holm Johansen&Joanna Simon - Tamerlano, HWV 18
Sophia Steffan&Albert Fuller&Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen&Carole Bogard&John Moriarty&Lars Holm Johansen - Tamerlano, HWV 18
Alexander Young&Carole Bogard&Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen&Albert Fuller&John Moriarty&Lars Holm Johansen - Tamerlano, HWV 18
Gwendolyn Killebrew&Carole Bogard&Alexander Young&Albert Fuller&Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen&Lars Holm Johansen&John Moriarty - Tamerlano, HWV 18
Gwendolyn Killebrew&Lars Holm Johansen&Alexander Young&Joanna Simon&John Moriarty&Sophia Steffan&Albert Fuller&Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen&Carole Bogard - Tamerlano, HWV 18
Gwendolyn Killebrew&Alexander Young&Joanna Simon&Sophia Steffan&John Moriarty&Lars Holm Johansen&Carole Bogard&Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen&Albert Fuller - Tamerlano, HWV 18
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty - Printemps
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty - Cinq chansons de Lise Hirtz
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty - Cinq chansons de Lise Hirtz
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty - Cinq chansons de Lise Hirtz
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty - Cinq chansons de Lise Hirtz
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty - Cinq chansons de Lise Hirtz
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty - Six chansons françaises
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty - Six chansons françaises
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty - Six chansons françaises
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty - Six chansons françaises
Carole Bogard&John Moriarty - Six chansons françaises