

Genre: Sludge/Stoner/Doom Metal Born from random encounters and the will to explore a style not well known in France, Oruga was formed early in 2010. Claiming no labels, but forged from the individual experiences of each individual musician, the band deeply allies the oppressive heaviness of Doom and the filthy rage of Sludge, aggressively impregnated with Metal, all melting into the hypnotic dynamics of Stoner. Never pretending to be revolutionary, the songs are merely performed with heart and guts. Bare-naked expressions of untold feelings and repressed frustrations, escape in a voice about to break, the sorrows of Oruga explode onto the heavy rhythm, emphasized by mighty riffs, unpolished, noisy, massive, raw and desperate. Floating as a cold and melancholic spirit, far away from affiliations and merchandising, the sound of Oruga mirrors their region of origin, North of France: faithful and authentic.
