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Lady Pank

小简介: Lady Pank is a popular Polish rock band, started in 1982 in Warsaw by Jan Borysewicz and Andrzej Mogielnicki. Its first hit was "Mała Lady Punk" (Little Lady Punk). Lady Pank garnered some attention in the United States in 1986 when MTV placed the video for the band's single "Minus Zero" on rotation. The title of this song was translated differently from its original for the English language release; the literal Polish translation of the title is "Less Than Zero" ("Mniej niż zero"). Lady Pank was quite a curiosity on the Polish musical market in that they gained widespread attention and notoriety even before they were actually formed. The group, which was originally planning to call itself "Żużel" ("clinker", but also "speedway"), received a lot of media coverage as a result of a skilfully conducted promotional campaign.[citation needed] The video for one of the band's greatest hits "Zawsze Tam Gdzie Ty" is set on Chicago's L, the Quincy Station in particular.

