Julian Boyce
Volante Opera&Angharad Morgan&Julian Boyce - Beren and Lúthien, Interlude and Scene Eight
Volante Opera&Julian Boyce - Beren and Lúthien, Now Withered Lay the Hemlock Sheaves
Volante Opera&Helen Jarmany&Martin Lloyd&Julian Boyce - Beren and Lúthien, Death You Have Earned With Those Words
Volante Opera&Jasey Hall&Julian Boyce&Simon Crosby Buttle - Beren and Lúthien, He Chanted a Song of Wizardry
Volante Opera&Martin Lloyd&Julian Boyce - Beren and Lúthien, I See the Ring
Volante Opera&Julian Boyce - Beren and Lúthien, O Proud and Fearless Hand and Heart
Volante Opera&Julian Boyce - Where Have You Been, and What Have You Seen?
Volante Opera&Angharad Morgan&Julian Boyce - A Sable Hill, Gigantic, Rampart-Crowned
Volante Opera&Jasey Hall&Julian Boyce&Simon Crosby Buttle - Beren and Lúthien, Farewell, My Friend and Comrade!
Volante Opera&Julian Boyce&Simon Crosby Buttle - My Lord, I Have a Need of Friends
Volante Opera&Angharad Morgan&Martin Lloyd&Julian Boyce - Beren and Lúthien, Who Are You That Come Hither as a Thief
Volante Opera&Angharad Morgan&Julian Boyce - And Lúthien Came to the Borders of the World
Volante Opera&Angharad Morgan&Julian Boyce - Beren and Lúthien, Shadow, Descend!
Volante Opera&Angharad Morgan&Julian Boyce - Beren and Lúthien, I Hear a Song Far Under Welling
Volante Opera&Julian Boyce - Beren and Lúthien, Thy Death I Will Avenge
Volante Opera&Julian Boyce - Beren and Lúthien, Slowly the Sundering Flood Rolls Past!
Volante Opera&Julian Boyce - Beren and Lúthien, I Hear Rumour of the Strength of Morgoth
Volante Opera&Angharad Morgan&Julian Boyce - Beren and Lúthien, I Return According to My Word
Julian Boyce&Simon Crosby Buttle&Volante Demo Chorus&Volante Demo Orchestra - Gwindor, Dear Friend, You Are Falling Back into Sadness
Helen Greenaway&Julian Boyce&Volante Demo Orchestra - You Have Come at Last
Emma Mary Llewellyn&Julian Boyce&Volante Demo Orchestra - Daughter of the King, Let No Grief Lie Between Us
Julian Boyce&Volante Demo Chorus&Volante Demo Orchestra - So Beleg Departed from Doriath
Julian Boyce&Simon Crosby Buttle&Volante Demo Orchestra - Who Are You?
Julian Boyce&Simon Crosby Buttle&Volante Demo Chorus&Volante Demo Orchestra - Thus Did Túrin Come to Nargothrond
Julian Boyce&Laurence Cole&Volante Demo Orchestra - I Am the Elder King
Emma Mary Llewellyn&Simon Crosby Buttle&Julian Boyce&Volante Demo Chorus - For I Love You, Gwindor, and I Am Ashamed That I Love You Not More
Julian Boyce&Simon Crosby Buttle - IX. Scene Six "This Is Strange in You, Voronwë"
Julian Boyce&Stephen Wells - VII. Scene Two "You Are of the House of Eöl, Maeglin"
Simon Crosby Buttle&Julian Boyce - V. Scene Four "Hail, Voronwë! I Await You"
Anitra Blaxhall&Volante Demo Chorus&George Newton-Fitzgerald&Julian Boyce&Stephen Wells&Simon Crosby Buttle&Philip Lloyd Evans - IV. Scene Nine "Ilu Ilúvatar"
Simon Crosby Buttle&Julian Boyce - VIII. Scene Five "Fell Is This Frost"
Simon Crosby Buttle&Julian Boyce - VI. Scene Four "Often Have I Vowed"
George Newton-Fitzgerald&Julian Boyce - For so I Hold You"
Paul Corfield Godfrey&Julian Boyce&Laurence Cole&Simon Crosby Buttle - Thou Speakest of Thraldom (Demo)
Paul Corfield Godfrey&George Newton-Fitzgerald&Simon Crosby Buttle&Laurence Cole&Julian Boyce - Hearest Thou (Demo)
Paul Corfield Godfrey&Julian Boyce - Tears Unnumbered Ye Shall Shed (Demo)
Paul Corfield Godfrey&Simon Crosby Buttle&Michael Clifton-Thompson&Philip Lloyd Evans&Julian Boyce&Stephen Wells&George Newton-Fitzgerald&Laurence Cole&Jasey Hall - Be He Friend or Foe (Demo)
Julian Boyce&Volante Demo Chorus - I Sate Upon the Mossy Promontary
Julian Boyce&Helen Greenaway&Jasey Hall&Angharad Morgan - Why Is He Crying?
Emma Mary Llewellyn&Julian Boyce&Volante Demo Chorus - O Secret Self of Things!
Julian Boyce - All Things That Are Complete and Solitary
Julian Boyce&Volante Demo Chorus - The Sphinx
Angharad Morgan&Helen Greenaway&Julian Boyce - Give Me a Red Rose
Angharad Morgan&Simon Crosby Buttle&Julian Boyce&Volante Demo Chorus - A Wind in the Grass!
Julian Boyce&Martin Lloyd&George Newton-Fitzgerald&Simon Crosby Buttle&Sophie Yelland - Shall Mortal Man Step Living Upon the Undying Realm
Angharad Morgan&Simon Crosby Buttle&Julian Boyce&Volante Demo Chorus - I Would Not Seek the Burning Domes and Sands
Julian Boyce&Volante Demo Chorus - Bare has our Realm Become
Julian Boyce&Martin Lloyd&Volante Demo Chorus - I Will Follow that Light
Julian Boyce&Frederick Brown - The Four Friends
Julian Boyce&Frederick Brown - Will You Walk a Little Faster?
Frederick Brown&Julian Boyce - Brownie
Frederick Brown&Julian Boyce - The Christening
Julian Boyce&Frederick Brown - At the Zoo
Julian Boyce&Frederick Brown - Beautiful Soup
Julian Boyce&Frederick Brown - The Emperor’s Rhyme
Julian Boyce&Frederick Brown - Disobedience
Julian Boyce&Frederick Brown - In the Dark
Julian Boyce&Frederick Brown - Cherry Stones
Julian Boyce&Helen Greenaway&Helen Jarmany - Madame Arcati, Would You Please Come In Now?
Helen Jarmany&Julian Boyce&Rosie Hay - You've Absolutely Ruined That Border by the Sundial
Helen Greenaway&Simon Crosby Buttle&Rosie Hay&Julian Boyce&Stella Woodman - This is the Moment I Always Hate
Julian Boyce&Rosie Hay&Helen Jarmany&Emma Mary Llewellyn&Helen Greenaway - Did You Ring, Sir?
Helen Greenaway&Julian Boyce - Hullo… Hullo…
Helen Greenaway&Julian Boyce&Simon Crosby Buttle - I'm Afraid I'm Rather Late…
Helen Jarmany&Julian Boyce - Do You Think She Really Could Get Me Back Again?
Rosie Hay&Simon Crosby Buttle&Julian Boyce&Stella Woodman&Helen Jarmany - I Suddenly Felt a Draught
Rosie Hay&Emma Mary Llewellyn&Julian Boyce - Madam Arcati, Mrs Bardman and I
Helen Jarmany&Julian Boyce - Let Her Go. She'll Calm Down