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Los Campesinos!

Los Campesinos是一支由七个人组成的流行乐队,来自加的夫,威尔士。Los Campesinos在西班牙语中的意思是:一群农民。 2006年,这个乐队在大学校园里面成立。 起初的成员有,吉他手Neil,贝斯手Ellen,鼓手Ollie。同年三月,Tom加入,他是乐队的主吉他手兼歌曲作者。后来,Gareth,Harriet加入,分别担任铁琴手,键盘。最后Aleks也来了,他擅长键盘和声乐。2006年五月,在学生俱乐部的晚会上,乐队进行第一次演出。紧接着,又在加的夫进行了一系列受欢迎的演出。一个早先录制的唱片样本记录了他们非常经典的一些歌曲。诸如,Death To Los Campesinos,Sweet Dreams Sweet Cheeks,You! Me! Dancing!这些歌在网上发表之后,他们充满活力的现场表演更增强了他们的受欢迎程度,并使他们获得在Beth & Huw's(BBC Radio 1 wales办的)晚会的表演的机会。乐队变得越来越红\r \r Celebrating a bratty, tongue-in-cheek viewpoint and a spunky indie-punk style similar to Art Brut while applying an assortment of instruments akin to Architecture in Helsinki, seven-piece group Los Campesinos! (roughly translating to "the Peasants") formed in 2006 in Cardiff, Wales. The lineup includes Aleksandra (keyboard, horn), Ellen (bass), Gareth (glockenspiel), Harriet (violin, keyboard), Neil (guitar), Ollie (drums), and Tom (guitar), with all members sharing vocals and the last name of Campesinos! The band played its first show in May 2006 and by the following August opened for Broken Social Scene. Later that year they signed to U.K. label Wichita, which released their first single in early 2007. A few months later they were added to the roster of Canadian label Arts & Crafts. That summer the band's young catalog expanded with another single from Wichita and an EP from Arts & Crafts titled Sticking Fingers into Sockets, produced by David Newfeld (Broken Social Scene). The full-length Hold on Now, Youngster... followed in 2008.

