Alec Guinness
Alec Guinness&Cathleen Nesbitt&Robert Flemyng&Irene Worth - The Cocktail Party, Act One, Scene 2: The Same Room. Later in the Evening.
William Holden&Alec Guinness&Jack Hawkins - The River Kwai March
Alec Guinness&Cathleen Nesbitt&Robert Flemyng&Irene Worth - The Cocktail Party, Act One, Scene 3: The Same Room. The Following Evening.
Alec Guinness - A Voyage to Lilliput [First Excerpt]
Alec Guinness - A Voyage to Lilliput [Second Excerpt]
Alec Guinness - A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms
Alec Guinness - A Meditation Upon a Broomstick
Alec Guinness - Resolutions When I Come to be Old
Alec Guinness - A Modest Proposal
Alec Guinness - Directions to Servants (In Particular to the Cook)
Alec Guinness - Verses on the Death of Doctor Swift
Alec Guinness - Lines from the Gospel According to Thomas - Part Two
Alec Guinness - Incident at the Battle of Minden By Erasmus Darwin
Alec Guinness - Revelations of Divine Love By Julian of Norwich
Alec Guinness - The Female Friend Friend By Cornelius Whur
Alec Guinness - Letter to St. Jeanne Frances de Chantal
Alec Guinness - Concluding Lines from the Apocrypha - Maccabbees II, Chapter XV
Alec Guinness - Oh Ask Me Not for Sportive Lays By Thomas Haynes Bayly
Alec Guinness - Lines from the Gospel According to Thomas - Part One
Alec Guinness - The NIght By Henry Vaughan
Alec Guinness - The Cherry Tree Carol
Alec Guinness - Sweet Spring
Alec Guinness - When Faces Called Flowers
Alec Guinness - The Moon Looked into My Window
Osian Ellis&Alec Guinness - Toujours le meme
Osian Ellis&Alec Guinness - Excelsior
Alec Guinness - If It Were Done When 'Tis Done, Then 'Twere Well It Were Done Quickly (from Macbeth)
Alec Guinness&Pamela Brown - Macbeth Part One
Alec Guinness - Toujours le Meme By Thomas Haynes Bayly
Alec Guinness - I Sing of a Maiden
Alec Guinness - To St. Teresa By Richard Crashaw
Alec Guinness - The Death of Lord and Lady Dalhousie By William McGonagall
Alec Guinness - Excelsior By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Osian Ellis&Alec Guinness - Ask Me Not for Sportive Lays
Osian Ellis&Alec Guinness - The Female Friend
Alec Guinness&Pamela Brown - Hang out Our Banners on the Outward Walls
Alec Guinness - Is This a Dagger Which I See Before Me, the Handle Toward My Hand (from Macbeth)
Alec Guinness&Pamela Brown - Macbeth Part Two
Alec Guinness - The Man Who Could Work Miracles
Alec Guinness - Wilfred Owen: Strange Meeting
Alec Guinness - Gerard Manley Hopkins: The Leaden Echo and the Golden Echo
Alec Guinness - William Blake: Night
Alec Guinness - Arthur Hugh Clough: Spectator Ab Extra
Alec Guinness - Ogden Nash: Serviette in a Lovely Home
Alec Guinness - Robert Browning: A Toccata of Galuppi’s
Alec Guinness - William Shakespeare: Henry VI, Part 3 – Act 2, Scene 5: Soliloquy
Alec Guinness - Anon: King John and the Abbot of Canterbury
Alec Guinness - Anon: Clerk Saunders
Alec Guinness - W.H. Auden: Hearing of Harvest, Rotting in the Valley
Alec Guinness - Robert Graves: Through Nightmare
Alec Guinness - Walter James Turner: Romance ("Chimborazo Cotopaxi")
Alec Guinness - Hilaire Belloc: Tarantella
Alec Guinness - Edith Sitwell: Polka (Façade)
Alec Guinness - Edith Sitwell: I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside (Façade)
William Holden&Alec Guinness&Jack Hawkins - Overture
William Holden&Alec Guinness&Jack Hawkins - Finale
William Holden&Alec Guinness&Jack Hawkins - Working On The Bridge
William Holden&Alec Guinness&Jack Hawkins - Shear's Escape
William Holden&Alec Guinness&Jack Hawkins - Sunset
William Holden&Alec Guinness&Jack Hawkins - Trek To The Bridge
William Holden&Alec Guinness&Jack Hawkins - Nicholson's Victory
William Holden&Alec Guinness&Jack Hawkins - Camp Concert Dance
Alec Guinness - Act I Scene VI
Alec Guinness - Act V, Scene I
Alec Guinness - Act V, Scene IV
Alec Guinness - Act II Scene II
Alec Guinness - Act I Scene VII
Alec Guinness - Act V, Scene V