Rahsaan Patterson
小简介\r \r Rahsaan Patterson来自纽约的于纽约最北端的Bronx,Rahsaan Patterson和Erykah Badu,Maxwell一起被称为带动起Neo-Soul发展的人,他们掀起了一场新的音乐风暴。和大部分歌手一样Rahsaan Patterson也是从童星出发,早在6岁时便已在唱诗班献唱,而在学校被星探发现他的歌唱长才后,1984年起便被网罗至全美很受小孩欢迎的节目“Kids Incompleted”中担纲演出。 直到1987年,可能因年纪有些超龄了,便不是很合适这个儿童节目的属性.......不过凭藉著独到的音乐天份,他仍担任许多歌手的幕后合音,之后便与MCA唱片公司签约,发了他个人的第一张同名专辑Rahsaan Patterson,当时正是Neo-Soul最为火热的时候,Rahsaan Patterson也成为Neo-Soul的代表人物。 \r by John Bush\r Soul vocalist and songwriter Rahsaan Patterson is another in the line of new-school R&B singers (Maxwell, Erykah Badu) with a bit more integrity than most of the chart-toppers during the 1990s. After singing in church from the age of six, Patterson moved with his family from New York to California to star in the childrens show KIDS Incorporated. He later moved back to the East Coast, resuming his career with small TV roles and assorted commercials, but returned to Los Angeles in the early 90s to record demos and contribute backing vocals to albums by Martika and Brandy, among others. Patterson proved himself a more than competent songwriter as well, penning hits like Tevin Campbells Back to the World and Brandys Baby. Those successes finally earned him a recording contract with MCA, which issued his self-titled debut album in early 1997. Love in Stereo followed two years later. After a hiatus from the performace spotlight, he released After Hours in August of 2005.\r