Danny Antill
Danny Antill - The Prayer
Danny Antill - Shout to the Lord
Danny Antill - There Is No Place Like Heaven
Danny Antill - I Exalt Thee
Danny Antill - Always on My Mind
Danny Antill - Across the Night
Danny Antill - Careless Whisper
Danny Antill - Song for Guy
Danny Antill - Up Where We Belong
Danny Antill - Helder Skyn Ons Lig Vir Die Nasies / Kom Sing 'n Nuew Lied Vir Hom / Staan Op, Staan Op Vir Jesus / As Ek In Die Aand Na Die Sterre Kyk / Habekuk 3 / Want So Lief Het God / Silwer en Goud
Danny Antill - I Believe I Can Fly
Danny Antill - He Will Carry You
Danny Antill - Oh Happy Day
Danny Antill - Blessed Assurance
Danny Antill - More Love More Power
Danny Antill - He Touched Me
Danny Antill - Medley: Abide with Me / As the Deer / All Hail King Jesus
Danny Antill - The Lord's My Shepherd
Danny Antill - Forever Young
Danny Antill - Always on My Mind
Danny Antill - Holy, Holy, Holy
Danny Antill - Bring Hom Hulde / Hallelu, Hallelu / Ek Is Bly / Ek Het Sy Vreugde / Kom Laat Ons Die Here Dien / Jesus, Jesus / Ek Het Jesus In My Hart / My Enigste Troos / Die Heel Beste Rede
Danny Antill - Wees Stil en Weet / Jesus Groot Bo Almal / Weet Jy? / U Is Waardig / Hy Leef, Hy Het Opgestaan
Danny Antill - Praise to the Lord Almighty
Danny Antill - Medley: I'm a New Creation / He Touched Me
Danny Antill - In the Name of Jesus
Danny Antill - Now Thank We All Our God
Danny Antill - God Is Good
Danny Antill - I, Who Received Your Forgiveness
Danny Antill - Praise Before the Lord
Danny Antill - Everybody Ought to Know
Danny Antill - Medley: He Is the King of Kings / What a Mighty God We Serve
Danny Antill - I Simply Live for You
Danny Antill - This Little Light of Mine
Danny Antill - Because He Lives
Danny Antill - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Danny Antill - He Touched Me
Danny Antill - Lisa
Danny Antill - A Whiter Shade of Pale
Danny Antill - Thoughts
Danny Antill - Final Run
Danny Antill - In the Garden
Danny Antill - Living Waters
Danny Antill - Lady in Red
Danny Antill - Memory
Danny Antill - Medley 6: 1) I have decided to follow Jesus 2) All over the world 3) He's got the whole world in His hands 4) Stand up and shout it 5) This little light of mine 6) I'm walking in the light of God 7) B
Soekie En Die Radikids&Danny Antill - Radikids
Danny Antill - The Lord is my light
Danny Antill - Sing to the Lord
Danny Antill - Hallelujah / Holy Holy
Danny Antill - In moments like these
Danny Antill - This little light of mine
Danny Antill - He will carry you
Danny Antill - Fear not my child
Danny Antill - Living waters
Danny Antill - He touched me
Danny Antill - In the garden
Danny Antill - Soar like an eagle
Danny Antill - Because He lives
Danny Antill - As the deer
Danny Antill - Medley: 1) Turn your eyes upon Jesus 2) Oh how I love Jesus 3) Oh the Blood
Danny Antill - It is well with my soul
Danny Antill - Medley: 1) Just as I am 2) I surrender all
Danny Antill - Give thanks
Danny Antill - Medley: 1) Turn your eyes upon Jesus 2) Lord You're beautiful 3) Jesus, name above all names 4) We are standing
Danny Antill - Medley: 1) All hail the power of Jesus Name 2) Crown Him with many crowns-Medley
Danny Antill - Be still and know
Danny Antill - Morning has broken