Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus
Raymond Leppard&Alfreda Hodgson&Helen Watts&Robert Tear&Sheila Armstrong&Christopher Keyte&Stafford Dean&Lillian Watson&Wendy Eathorne&Bernard Dickerson&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus - Anima del cor mio
Sheila Armstrong&Wendy Eathorne&Lillian Watson&Alfreda Hodgson&Helen Watts&Bernard Dickerson&Robert Tear&Stafford Dean&Christopher Keyte&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Raymond Leppard - Volgea l'anima mia
Sheila Armstrong&Wendy Eathorne&Lillian Watson&Alfreda Hodgson&Helen Watts&Bernard Dickerson&Robert Tear&Stafford Dean&Christopher Keyte&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Raymond Leppard - Ohime se tanto amate
Raymond Leppard&Alfreda Hodgson&Helen Watts&Robert Tear&Sheila Armstrong&Christopher Keyte&Stafford Dean&Lillian Watson&Wendy Eathorne&Bernard Dickerson&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus - Io me son giovinetta
Raymond Leppard&Alfreda Hodgson&Helen Watts&Robert Tear&Sheila Armstrong&Christopher Keyte&Stafford Dean&Lillian Watson&Wendy Eathorne&Bernard Dickerson&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus - A un giro sol de'begl'occhi
Raymond Leppard&Alfreda Hodgson&Helen Watts&Robert Tear&Sheila Armstrong&Christopher Keyte&Stafford Dean&Lillian Watson&Wendy Eathorne&Bernard Dickerson&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus - La piaga c'ho nel core
Henry Ward&Raymond Leppard&English Baroque Orchestra&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Members of the English Chamber Orchestra&Robert Spencer - d) "Ei l'armi cinse"
Sheila Armstrong&Wendy Eathorne&Lillian Watson&Alfreda Hodgson&Anne Collins&Gerald English&Ian Partridge&Stafford Dean&Christopher Keyte&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Raymond Leppard - Monteverdi: Vattene pur, crudel - (T. Tasso, Gerusalemme liberata, Canto XVI) /Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III) - Part I: "Vattene pur, crudel" - Part II: "Là tra'l sangu' e le morti" - Part III: "Poi ch'ella in sè tornò"
Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Members of the English Chamber Orchestra&Henry Ward&Raymond Leppard - b) "Così sol d'una chiara fonte"
Sheila Armstrong&Wendy Eathorne&Lillian Watson&Alfreda Hodgson&Helen Watts&Bernard Dickerson&Robert Tear&Stafford Dean&Christopher Keyte&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Raymond Leppard - Ah dolente partita
Raymond Leppard&Alfreda Hodgson&Helen Watts&Robert Tear&Sheila Armstrong&Christopher Keyte&Stafford Dean&Lillian Watson&Wendy Eathorne&Bernard Dickerson&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus - Quel augellin che canta
Henry Ward&Raymond Leppard&English Baroque Orchestra&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Members of the English Chamber Orchestra&Robert Spencer - b) "Movete al mio bel suon"
English Baroque Orchestra&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Members of the English Chamber Orchestra&Osian Ellis&Robert Spencer&Henry Ward&Raymond Leppard - a) "Altri canti di Marte"
Raymond Leppard&Alfreda Hodgson&Helen Watts&Robert Tear&Sheila Armstrong&Christopher Keyte&Stafford Dean&Lillian Watson&Wendy Eathorne&Bernard Dickerson&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus - Anima mia perdona...Che se tu se'il cor mio
Raymond Leppard&Alfreda Hodgson&Helen Watts&Robert Tear&Sheila Armstrong&Christopher Keyte&Stafford Dean&Lillian Watson&Wendy Eathorne&Bernard Dickerson&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus - Voi pur da me partite
Raymond Leppard&Yvonne Fuller&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Henry Ward - Dolcissimo uscignuolo - (G.B. Guarini) /Madrigali Guerrieri et Amorosi (Book VIII)
Raymond Leppard&Alfreda Hodgson&Helen Watts&Robert Tear&Sheila Armstrong&Christopher Keyte&Stafford Dean&Lillian Watson&Wendy Eathorne&Bernard Dickerson&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus - Anima dolorosa
Sheila Armstrong&Wendy Eathorne&Lillian Watson&Alfreda Hodgson&Anne Collins&Gerald English&Ian Partridge&Stafford Dean&Christopher Keyte&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Raymond Leppard - Monteverdi: Vivrò fra i miei tormenti - (T. Tasso, Gerusalemme liberata, Canto XII) /Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III) - Part I: "Vivrò fra i miei tormenti" - Part II: "Ma dove, o lasso me" - Part III: "Io pur verrò"
Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Members of the English Chamber Orchestra&Henry Ward&Raymond Leppard - a) "Hor ch'el ciel e la terra"
Sheila Armstrong&Wendy Eathorne&Lillian Watson&Alfreda Hodgson&Anne Collins&Gerald English&Ian Partridge&Stafford Dean&Christopher Keyte&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Raymond Leppard - Monteverdi: Rimanti in pace - (L. Celiano) /Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III) - Part I: "Rimanti in pace" - Part II: "Ond'ei di morte"
Sheila Armstrong&Wendy Eathorne&Lillian Watson&Alfreda Hodgson&Anne Collins&Gerald English&Ian Partridge&Stafford Dean&Christopher Keyte&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Raymond Leppard - Occhi un tempo mia vita - (G.B. Guarini) /Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III)
Sheila Armstrong&Wendy Eathorne&Lillian Watson&Alfreda Hodgson&Helen Watts&Bernard Dickerson&Robert Tear&Stafford Dean&Christopher Keyte&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Raymond Leppard - Sfogava con le stelle
Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Henry Ward&Raymond Leppard - Ardo, avvampo - (Anonymous) /Madrigali Guerrieri et Amorosi (Book VIII)
Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Members of the English Chamber Orchestra&Henry Ward&Raymond Leppard - Monteverdi: Altri canti d'Amor - (Anonymous, after G.B. Marino) /Madrigali Guerrieri et Amorosi (Book VIII) - Sinfonia - "Altri canti d'Amor"
Raymond Leppard&Alfreda Hodgson&Helen Watts&Robert Tear&Sheila Armstrong&Christopher Keyte&Stafford Dean&Lillian Watson&Wendy Eathorne&Bernard Dickerson&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus - Longe da te cor mio
Sheila Armstrong&Wendy Eathorne&Lillian Watson&Alfreda Hodgson&Helen Watts&Bernard Dickerson&Robert Tear&Stafford Dean&Christopher Keyte&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Raymond Leppard - Cor mio mentre vi miro
Raymond Leppard&Angela Bostock&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Henry Ward - Chi vol haver felice - (G.B. Guarini) /Madrigali Guerrieri et Amorosi (Book VIII)
Sheila Armstrong&Wendy Eathorne&Lillian Watson&Alfreda Hodgson&Anne Collins&Gerald English&Ian Partridge&Stafford Dean&Christopher Keyte&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Raymond Leppard - Ch'io non t'ami - (G.B. Guarini) /Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III)
English Baroque Orchestra&Clifford Grant&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Members of the English Chamber Orchestra&Osian Ellis&Robert Spencer&Henry Ward&Raymond Leppard - b) "Due belli occhi"
Raymond Leppard&Alfreda Hodgson&Helen Watts&Robert Tear&Sheila Armstrong&Christopher Keyte&Stafford Dean&Lillian Watson&Wendy Eathorne&Bernard Dickerson&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus - Luci serene e chiare
Sheila Armstrong&Wendy Eathorne&Lillian Watson&Alfreda Hodgson&Anne Collins&Gerald English&Ian Partridge&Stafford Dean&Christopher Keyte&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Raymond Leppard - La giovinetta pianta - Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III)
Sheila Armstrong&Wendy Eathorne&Lillian Watson&Alfreda Hodgson&Anne Collins&Gerald English&Ian Partridge&Stafford Dean&Christopher Keyte&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Raymond Leppard - O come è gran martire - (G.B. Guarini) /Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III)
Sheila Armstrong&Wendy Eathorne&Lillian Watson&Alfreda Hodgson&Anne Collins&Gerald English&Ian Partridge&Stafford Dean&Christopher Keyte&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Raymond Leppard - Sovra tenere herbette - Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III)
Sheila Armstrong&Wendy Eathorne&Lillian Watson&Alfreda Hodgson&Anne Collins&Gerald English&Ian Partridge&Stafford Dean&Christopher Keyte&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Raymond Leppard - O dolce anima mia - (G.B. Guarini) /Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III)
Sheila Armstrong&Wendy Eathorne&Lillian Watson&Alfreda Hodgson&Anne Collins&Gerald English&Ian Partridge&Stafford Dean&Christopher Keyte&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Raymond Leppard - Stracciami pur il core - (G.B. Guarini) /Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III)
Sheila Armstrong&Wendy Eathorne&Lillian Watson&Alfreda Hodgson&Anne Collins&Gerald English&Ian Partridge&Stafford Dean&Christopher Keyte&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Raymond Leppard - O rossignuol - (P. Bembo) /Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III)
Sheila Armstrong&Wendy Eathorne&Lillian Watson&Alfreda Hodgson&Anne Collins&Gerald English&Ian Partridge&Stafford Dean&Christopher Keyte&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Raymond Leppard - Se per estremo ardore - (G.B. Guarini) /Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III)
Sheila Armstrong&Wendy Eathorne&Lillian Watson&Alfreda Hodgson&Anne Collins&Gerald English&Ian Partridge&Stafford Dean&Christopher Keyte&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Raymond Leppard - O primavera - (G.B. Guarini, Il pastor fido) /Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III)
Sheila Armstrong&Wendy Eathorne&Lillian Watson&Alfreda Hodgson&Anne Collins&Gerald English&Ian Partridge&Stafford Dean&Christopher Keyte&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Raymond Leppard - Perfidissimo volto - (G.B. Guarini) /Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III)
Sheila Armstrong&Wendy Eathorne&Lillian Watson&Alfreda Hodgson&Anne Collins&Gerald English&Ian Partridge&Stafford Dean&Christopher Keyte&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&Raymond Leppard - Lumi miei, cari - (G.B. Guarini) /Madrigali a 5 voci (Book III)
Raymond Leppard&Alfreda Hodgson&Helen Watts&Robert Tear&Sheila Armstrong&Christopher Keyte&Stafford Dean&Lillian Watson&Wendy Eathorne&Bernard Dickerson&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus - Non piu guerra pietate
Raymond Leppard&Alfreda Hodgson&Helen Watts&Robert Tear&Sheila Armstrong&Christopher Keyte&Stafford Dean&Lillian Watson&Wendy Eathorne&Bernard Dickerson&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus - Si ch'io vorrei morire
Raymond Leppard&Alfreda Hodgson&Helen Watts&Robert Tear&Sheila Armstrong&Christopher Keyte&Stafford Dean&Lillian Watson&Wendy Eathorne&Bernard Dickerson&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus - Piagne e sospira
Yvonne Fuller&Angela Bostock&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus&English Baroque Orchestra&Osian Ellis&Robert Spencer&Members of the English Chamber Orchestra&Henry Ward&Raymond Leppard - Vago augelletto - (F. Petrarca) /Madrigali Guerrieri et Amorosi (Book VIII)
Raymond Leppard&Alfreda Hodgson&Helen Watts&Robert Tear&Sheila Armstrong&Christopher Keyte&Stafford Dean&Lillian Watson&Wendy Eathorne&Bernard Dickerson&Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus - Cor mio, non mori?