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Wim Mertens

Wim Mertens 是比利时著名作曲家,并且是男高音。1975年 Wim Mertens 毕业于鲁汶大学,在根特和布鲁塞尔的皇家温室学习音乐理论和钢琴。他举办过很多次音乐会,比如在:菲利普格拉斯、史蒂夫帝国、特里赖利梅芮迪斯孟克、萨克斯和其他城市。他以其卓绝的音乐才华和作品迅即在欧洲引起轰动,并位列前卫音乐的荣誉殿堂。Wim Mertens 是典型的新古典音乐家,其精致淡雅、清新怡人的音乐吸收了20世纪新古典音乐的精华,尤其是对简约派技巧的运用,更赋予音乐高度凝练的形式美感。\r \r by Linda Kohanov\r This Belgian composer is not well known among U.S. audiences, although he has made several highly regarded appearances at the New Music America festivals. In Spain, however, where he was the subject of a major television special, he is a new-music celebrity. Mertens's style employs mesmerizing minimalist techniques with a sense of the romantic that appeals to both serious music aficionados and more mainstream listeners. The keyboardist uses a certain amount of electronics along with some acoustic instruments like violin, flute, and saxophone.\r
