

戸田 色音(とだ いろね、本名:戸田 信子(とだ のぶこ)、1972年11月18日 - )は、映像音楽の作曲家。東京都出身。 バークリーメソッドによる映画音楽の制作手法に基づいた「フィルムスコアリング(映像の為の音楽)」の作風が特徴。主に映画やTVドラマ、ゲーム音楽を勤める劇伴作曲家である。 A composer, orchestrator and music director for film, TV and videogames, Nobuko Toda started composing at the age of four on the piano and electric organ by putting music to picture books and nursery tales. With most of her work based in the film score realm, Toda has received many accommodations for her music since her studies at Berklee College of Music, including applause from film score maestro John Williams. Her music style integrates electronic instruments with dynamic, lyrical orchestration. In 2003, she was chosen as the in-house composer for Konami Digital Entertainment’ s Metal Gear Solid series, mainly scoring for cutscenes. On the PS3 platform game, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, she worked side by side with Harry Gregson-Williams as chief composer. In 2010, Toda established music production FILMSCORE LLC, based in Tokyo and Los Angeles, providing scores for coming up videogames, films, and TV drama series. She is also interested in the education of young composers.

