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Stephane Pompougnac

现年 34 岁,出生于法国西南部的 Stephane Pompougnac,音乐事业开始于 The Palace 与 Queen 两家传奇夜店。紧接着在另一著名舞场 Bains Douches 担任驻场时,他那广泛吸收英美流行音乐精华并烘托法国典雅气息的打碟风格,很快地在当时众多的 DJ 新星中脱颖而出,并得到改变他一生的伯乐 ~ Jean-Louis Costes ~ 也就是 Hotel Costes 的创办人的赏识,邀请他来到巴黎,为这家五星级旅店规划出独一无二的音乐化环境。此举不但吸引了欧美乐坛众星包括 Madonna,Kylie Minogue,Craig David 的专程拜访,也让 Stephane Pompougnac 立刻成为巴黎时尚 / 音乐圈锋头最健的人物。时至今日,他的影响力,在音乐上既聪明又轻盈的品味,早就藉由堪称为沙发终极经典的"Hotel Coste"系列,掳获对时尚极度灵敏的台湾人心。不过,只是单单由 "Hotel Coste"就想断定 Stephane 的才华在哪里,恐怕会是狭隘又不正确的结果。这张来自 Stephane 的处女创作专辑"Living On The Edge",绝对够资格打败一堆看来声势浩大,内涵却乏善可陈的音乐单位,成为今年底各大音乐杂志年终榜前时大的座上客。怎么说呢?听听专辑里大胆游走于 House / Hip Hop / Soul / Bossa Nova / Folk 的万变曲风,时而轻快,时而自省,又常在极度华丽的管弦乐烘托下显得诡谲神秘的气氛营造,就可以了解 Stephane 的野心早已不是 Lounge,而是将他脑海中酝酿多年,庞杂如史诗却又轻盈似蝶舞的音乐架构付诸实现。更让人惊喜的,则是那首早成 French House 经典,往昔只以十二吋姿态散见于诸多舞曲合辑,地位与 Laurent Garnier 的"The Man With Red Face"平起平坐的"PNC auc portes",也在这张专辑里以完整的面貌呈现! by Brendan SwiftAt the age of 18, Stéphane Pompougnac made his DJ debut in clubs such as the Ubu, the Colony, and the Dream in Bordeaux, France, during the mid-'80s. After finishing his studies and national service, he spent six months in London before returning to Paris in 1992 where he mixed at clubs, such as Queen, Folies Pigalle, the Locomotive, and Privilege. One year later, he became the resident DJ at les Bains et Douche . Albert De Paname ostensibly first introduced him to Jean-Louis Costes although Pompougnac had worked as a waiter for Costes some ten years prior at Cafe Costes in Les Halles. This time, however, Costes offered Pompougnac a more coveted position: resident DJ at the famous Hotel Costes. He accepted. Hotel Costes is one of France's most famous and regularly sports stars of the film and fashion world. Pompougnac released his first CD in 1999, titled Café Costes. Pompougnac's second CD, Costes, La Suite, met with more success and the song "Sympatique" was used for a car ad in France sending record sales over 100,000. His first two albums were released in France through Barclay Universal; his increased success, however, saw a deal with MSI for his third compilation, Etage 3, released in October 2000. His first three compilations together sold nearly half a million copies. Pompougnac also spins for Les Venues de la Mode (the fashion Oscars) and has provided the music for various fashion shows by Gucci and Yves Saint-Laurent.

