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John Abercrombie

John Abercrombie是ECM唱片公司的一员大将,他是当今最著名的爵士吉它演奏家之一。他一方面保持着爵 士传统的演奏风格,另一方面又对音乐进行了改进和发展,并采用即兴的演奏方式来创造更加自由的音乐空间。John Abercrombie作为一位卓越的吉它演奏家、声学专家,他的音乐生涯,或许很多音乐爱好者也曾亲身经历过。最初他是作为一名普通的演奏者参加吉它演奏活动的。他曾与拉尔菲·唐纳(Ralph Towner)进行过合作,并以二重奏的组合形式进行演出。如今,他主要组织四重奏小组从事演出活动。 John Abercrombie 于1944年12月16日出生在纽约的切斯特港(Port Chester)。十四岁时,他开始弹奏吉它,并立志长大后成为一名职业吉它演奏家。之后,他进入波士顿的伯克利音乐学院学习,同时,他还在当地的俱乐部从事演出活动。他首先是与管风琴家约翰·哈蒙德(John Hammond)去各地巡演。后来,他与布雷克(Brecker)兄弟首次登台演出。 1969 年,他毕业后前往纽约,并在那儿崭露头角获得了成功。不仅如此,他还曾与一位名叫比利·科巴姆(Billy Cobham)的著名音乐家一起巡演,还参与过多比(Dobbie)兄弟组织的流行摇滚的演出活动。在这之后,他应邀参加了在瑞士蒙特勒(Montevx)举办的爵士艺术节,同时他还与ECM唱片公司签约,为该公司录制了他们的三重奏和四重奏的专辑。与他合作录音的 “门口三重奏小组”成员有:杰克·德约翰内特(Jack Dejohnette)和戴维·霍兰德(Dave Holland);四重奏成员有:里奇·贝拉奇(Richie Beirach)、乔治·姆拉兹(George Mraz)和皮特·唐纳德(Peter Donald)。值得一提的是,他与他的同行拉尔菲·唐纳(Ralph Towner)的吉它二重奏及与皮特·厄斯金(Peter Erskine)、马克·约翰逊(Marc Johnson)的三重奏均反响巨大。他演奏的很多乐曲,均是由他本人创作的,特别是他的吉它三重奏可谓是“为爵士吉它音乐的发展,所做出的最突出的贡献”。 九十年代,他与管风琴师丹·沃尔(Dan Wall)和鼓手亚当·纳西鲍姆(Adam Nussbaum)一起演出。据说,他还与小提琴家马克·费尔德曼(Mark Feldman)合作过。2004年末,他与巴西著名吉它和歌唱家巴迪·阿萨德(Badi Assad)及美国杰出吉它演奏家拉里·科耶尔(Larry Corryell)共同在德国举办了引人瞩目的吉它音乐会,这次音乐会还进行了现场直播。by Chris KelseyJohn Abercrombies tying together of jazzs many threads made him one of the most influential acoustic and electric guitarists of the 1970s and early 80s; his recordings for ECM have helped define that labels progressive chamber jazz reputation. His star has since faded somewhat, due largely to the general conservatism thats come to dominate jazz, though he has remained a vital creative personality. Abercrombies style draws upon all manner of contemporary improvised music; his style is essentially jazz-based, but he also displays a more-than-passing familiarity with forms that range from folk and rock to Eastern and Western art musics.Abercrombie attended Bostons Berklee College of Music from 1962 to 1966. While at Berklee, the guitarist toured with bluesman Johnny Hammond. After relocating to New York in 1969, Abercrombie spent time in groups led by drummers Chico Hamilton and Billy Cobham. It was with the latters Spectrum group that Abercrombie first received widespread attention. Abercrombies first album as leader was Timeless, a trio album with drummer Jack DeJohnette and keyboardist Jan Hammer. That was followed by Gateway, another trio with DeJohnette and bassist Dave Holland replacing Hammer. Abercrombies subtle and lyrical style is heard to best effect in small, intimate settings, with the recurring Gateway trio or as captured in duos with fellow guitarist Ralph Towner.Abercrombie continued to be active as the 21st century opened, releasing Cat n Mouse in 2002, Class Trip in 2004, A Nice Idea (with pianist Andy LaVerne) in 2005, Structures (recorded with a single microphone) in 2006, and Third Quartet in 2007.

