Chamber Choir Lege Artis
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31: Credo
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31: Our Father (the Lord`s Prayer)
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31: O Lord, Save the Pious-Holy God
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31: Blessed is he that Comth - We have Seen the true Light
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31: Come, Let Us Worship
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31: Meet it is, in Truth, to Bless Thee
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31: In thy Kingdom Remember us-Blessed are
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31: Let our Mouths be Filled with thy Praise
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31: Praise the Lord from the Heavens
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - Concerto for Choir: The Grave and Death Could not Hold the Mother of God
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31: Song of the Cherubim
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - Meet it is, in Truth, to Bless Thee No. 3, Op. 38
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - Song of the Cherubim
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - Song of the Cherubim
Boris Abalyan&Chamber Choir Lege Artis - Kheruvimskaya pesn
Boris Abalyan&Chamber Choir Lege Artis - Praise the Name of the Lord, No. 5, Op. 44
Chamber Choir Lege Artis - Mercy of Peace No. 6, Op. 27
Chamber Choir Lege Artis - Kiparisoviy larets - A Casket Made of Cypress Wood - Ein Kostchen aus Zypressenholz. Five 3-part verses. Concerto for unaccompanied mixed choir
Chamber Choir Lege Artis - Bless the Lord, O my Soul No. 1, Op. 44
Chamber Choir Lege Artis - Kiparisoviy larets - A Casket Made of Cypress Wood - Ein Kostchen aus Zypressenholz. Five 3-part verses. Concerto for unaccompanied mixed choir
Chamber Choir Lege Artis - The Blessed Man No. 2, Op. 27
Chamber Choir Lege Artis - A Prudent Robber No. 4, Op. 6
Chamber Choir Lege Artis - Never Keep Secret from You, Mother of God No. 4, Op. 43
Chamber Choir Lege Artis - The Blessed Man (for bass and choir) No. 2, Op. 44
Chamber Choir Lege Artis - Open the Gates of Mercy No. 3, Op. 43
Chamber Choir Lege Artis - We Come to Thy Mercy No. 5, Op. 43
Chamber Choir Lege Artis - Holy Mother of God No. 1, Op. 43
Chamber Choir Lege Artis - Kiparisoviy larets - A Casket Made of Cypress Wood - Ein Kostchen aus Zypressenholz. Five 3-part verses. Concerto for unaccompanied mixed choir
Chamber Choir Lege Artis - Concerto No. 3 (No. 71) Gospodi, siloyu Tvoeyu vozveselitsia Tsar - Lord, Let the King Rejoice - Herr, lass den Konig erfreut sein
Chamber Choir Lege Artis - Diligent Protector No. 6, Op. 43
Chamber Choir Lege Artis - Vier Gesänge (Four Songs) , Op. 59
Chamber Choir Lege Artis - Praise the Name of the Lord No. 5, Op. 44
Chamber Choir Lege Artis - Concerto No. 34 (No. 102) Da voskresnet Bog, i rastochatsja vragi Ego - Let the Lord Be Resurrected, Let His Enemies Be Scattered - Lass den Herrn ausferstehen, Lass seine Feinde sich zerstreuen
Chamber Choir Lege Artis - Choral Concerto
Chamber Choir Lege Artis - How to Call Thee, Oh the Graceful Mother of God No. 2, Op. 43
Chamber Choir Lege Artis - O Gentle Light of Holy Glory No. 3, Op. 44
Chamber Choir Lege Artis - Concerto No. 26 (No. 94) Gospodi, Bozhe Izrailev! - Lord, God of Israel - Herr, Gott Israels
Chamber Choir Lege Artis - Concerto No. 32 (No. 100) Skazhi mi, Gospodi, konchinu moyu - Oh Lord, Show Me My Destiny - Herr, Zeige mir mein Schicksal
Chamber Choir Lege Artis - Three Part Liturgy, No.9 : Slava I nine& I Edinorodniy Sine - Glory Be to God and The Only-Begotten Son - Ehre sei Gott& und dem Eingeborenen Sohn
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - Kheruvimskaya pesn
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - Bless the Lord, O my Soul No. 1, Op. 44
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - Messe: 4. Sanctus
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - Letztes Glück, No. 3, Op. 104
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - Vespers, Op. 43: Psalm: Bless the Lord, O my Soul
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31: A Mercy of Peace
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - Messe: 1. Kyrie
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - Missa de Notre Dame: 4. Sanctus
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - Kheruvimskaya pesn
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - Song of the Cherubim
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - 6 Chansons: VI. Verger
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - 7 Chansons, FP 81: 2. A peine défigurée
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - 7 Lieder, Op. 62: 2. Von alten Liebesliedern
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - 7 Chansons, FP 81: 6. Marie
Chamber Choir Lege Artis&Boris Abalyan - I Drink to the Health of Mary