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Matthias Reim

Matthias Reim 1957年11月26日出生于德国korbach,是德国音乐史上杰出歌手。他对音乐的热爱始于十岁时在学校的表演,而1976年开始自己的歌唱职业生涯。Matthias Reim的噪音沙哑醇厚,极具爆发力,歌曲在他的演绎下或激情淋漓或蕴含深情,在近三十年的演唱生涯中他深受歌迷喜爱并取得巨大成功。众多上了年纪的德国人都是由他的歌声伴随着度过的。Matthias Reim是众多德国追星者的最爱偶像,不论男女老少。他们喜欢他的歌曲,他们也许还喜欢他的生活,三次婚姻,四个孩子,被那些吹捧者作为歌王象征的他,享受着他的自由生活。A powerful, dramatic singer and songwriter, Germany's Matthias Reim began his career writing for others (Bernhard Brink, Roberto Blanco, Tina York) before beginning his own singing career in 1990 with the album Reim. A single from the album, "Verdammt, Ich Lieb Dich," spent 16 weeks on top of the German charts, tying the record held by Boney M. Reim would keep successfully recording throughout the '90s, but a partnership with businessman Alfred Reimann that included investments in everything from computer stores to hair salons slowly sent Reim into bankruptcy. His personal life was also turbulent, including three failed marriages and four children from four different mothers, including one with the popular German singer Michelle. Reflecting upon these struggles, Reim wrote and released the emotional album Männer Sind Krieger in 2007. The German press hailed it as a collection of insightful songs from a true survivor.

