Paul Michael Meredith
来自美国加利福尼亚的New Age 冥想音乐家。Paul 常以自身实践冥想而感悟到的灵性能量,并将它融入于音乐创作,让聆听者的心灵在音乐的陪伴下回归静宿,超然自在。 Welcome to my personal web page. My involvement with HCH Institute began nearly 20 years ago as a student of alternative healing modalitites. Since then my wife Holly and I have been developing, teaching, and administrating the many HCH classes and trainings found here on this website. As a long time meditator I have become increasingly moved by the innate capacity we all share for transformation and greater levels of inner peace. I would be honored to support you in your own quest for greater fulfillment. "Paul is a seeker and transformer. He is committed to his spiritual path and the transformation of consciousness. As a meditator since his twenties, and a life long student of metaphysics, Paul combines the practice of Reiki, EFT and Hypnotherapy with the power of presence. As his client you will experience Pauls innate wisdom, his ability to hold a safe and non-judgmental space and his natural ability to take clients beyond the pain body and attachment to story into the greater realm of Self where healing and transformation take place. For those clients who want to include live music with the therapy process, Paul will play the harp and native American flute upon request as a part of the hypnotic inductions he facilitates. As his client, you are in for a healing, nurturing and creative venture into the realm of presence."