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Damien Kay

法国籍的Damien自小受到hip hop, disco, soul, funk,以及传奇的Daft Punk电子音乐的熏陶。得出的结论是:一个持续闪耀的音乐不需要任何语言却能囊括所有的文化信仰。身为上海Bar Rouge的音乐总监和驻场DJ,他博众所好,为他的客人传达最佳的音乐,为无数个夜晚增添色彩。与David Guetta, Bob Sinclar, Denis Ferrer, Benny Benassi, Vandalism, Junior Sanchez, Antoine Clamaran, Laurent Garnier, Kerri Chandler, Agoria等一些DJ一样,Damien Kay作为音乐制作人已经不能仅仅满足于如何挑选歌曲。他必须创作,用他独到的想法和激情来创作。在与Greg Ceronne, Vandalism, Klaas, John Dahlback等一些DJ合作的Bar Rouge CD合辑中,他首度创作了“上海就是音乐”,得到了全球的赞誉。Native from France, Damien’s style was born out of a hip hop, disco, soul, funk influenced, and the energizing sound of the legendary Daft Punk. The result: a steady, sparkling sound that needs no language and embraces every culture.As Bar Rouge’s Shanghai music director and DJ resident, he takes particular joy in progressing the evenings for his guests and personally selecting the right sound to be conveyed. Having played alongside such prestigious alumni such as David Guetta, Bob Sinclar, Denis Ferrer, Benny Benassi, Vandalism, Junior Sanchez, Antoine Clamaran, Laurent Garnier, Kerri Chandler, Agoria… Damien Kay as well as music producer is one of those artists not satisfied with merely picking songs. He must create. He creates with his vision; he creates with his passion.He produced his first track; “Shanghai Is Music” on Bar Rouge CD compilation mixed by himself including tracks of Greg Ceronne, Vandalism, Klaas, John Dahlback… witch receive a worldwide success. http://www.myspace.com/damienkay
