Angel Blue
Angel Blue&the Prophets Band - I Don't Love You Any Less
Angel Blue&the Prophets Band - Jonny McGaster
Angel Blue&the Prophets Band - The Blues Remedy
Angel Blue&the Prophets Band - Guilty Baby
Angel Blue&the Prophets Band - Short Chain
Angel Blue&the Prophets Band - I'm Guilty
Angel Blue&the Prophets Band - 749
Angel Blue&the Prophets Band - Back Here In The Kitchen
Angel Blue&the Prophets Band - Baby What You Want Me To Do
Angel Blue&the Prophets Band - Bottom Of The Bottle Blues
Angel Blue&the Prophets Band - Stormy Monday
Angel Blue&the Prophets Band - Shimmy Shakin Low Down Blues
Angel Blue&Iain Burnside - No. 4. Ne poy, krasavitsa, pri mne (Sing not to me, beautiful maiden) (Text by A. Pushkin)
Angel Blue&Iain Burnside - Summertime
Angel Blue&Iain Burnside - No. 4. A Route to the Sky
Angel Blue&Iain Burnside - V. Joy Alone (Connection)
Angel Blue&Iain Burnside - II. Animal Passion
Angel Blue&Iain Burnside - Oh! quand je dors, S282/1/R569 (1st Version)
Angel Blue&Iain Burnside - De España vengo
Angel Blue&Iain Burnside - Valley Girl in Love
Angel Blue&Iain Burnside - He's Been Faithful
Angel Blue&Iain Burnside - 12 Songs, Op. 21, No. 7. Zdes' khorosho (How peaceful) (Text by G. Galina)
Angel Blue&Iain Burnside - No. 11. Vesenniye vodi (Spring Waters) (Text by F.I. Tyutchev)
Angel Blue&Iain Burnside - 4 Lieder, Op. 27, TrV 170, No. 3. Heimliche Aufforderung (Text by J.H. Mackay)
Angel Blue&Iain Burnside - No. 3. Die Nacht (The Night)
Angel Blue&Iain Burnside - No. 8. Allerseelen
Angel Blue&Iain Burnside - 5 Lieder, Op. 39, TrV 189 (), No. 4. Befreit (Text by R. Dehmel and O.J. Bierbaum)
Angel Blue&Iain Burnside - Las carceleras
Angel Blue&Iain Burnside - 14 Songs, Op. 34, No. 14. Vocalise in E Minor
Angel Blue&Iain Burnside - Ride On, King Jesus
Meredith Arwady&Claudia Mahnke&Angel Blue&Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra - Prologue: Welch Licht leuchtet dort? (The Norns)
Angel Blue&Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra&Sebastian Weigle - Prologue: Es ragt die Burg (Third Norn)
Meredith Arwady&Claudia Mahnke&Angel Blue&Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra - Prologue: Dammert der Tag? (The Norns)
Niteriderz&Angel Blue - Wonderful night (First Radio Cut)
Niteriderz&Angel Blue - Wonderful night (Creative Blue Radio Mix)
Niteriderz&Angel Blue - Wonderful night (AKI meets DJ Falk Radio Mix)
Niteriderz&Angel Blue - Wonderful night (Ambient Radio Mix)
Niteriderz&Angel Blue - Wonderful night (Creative Blue Club Mix)
Niteriderz&Angel Blue - Wonderful night (AKI meets DJ Falk Club Mix)
Marin Alsop&Philharmonia Orchestra&Angel Blue&Chauncey Packer - Porgy and Bess (Highlights) : Cheer Up, Sistuh
Marin Alsop&Philharmonia Orchestra&Angel Blue&Lester Lynch&Alexandra Crichlow - Porgy and Bess (Highlights) : Porgy, I Hates to Go
Marin Alsop&Philharmonia Orchestra&Angel Blue&Alexandra Crichlow&Morgan State University Choir - Porgy and Bess (Highlights) : Oh, I Can't Sit Down
Marin Alsop&Philharmonia Orchestra&Angel Blue&Chauncey Packer - Porgy and Bess (Highlights) : You Low Crawlin' Hound!
Marin Alsop&Philadelphia Orchestra&Philharmonia Orchestra&Angel Blue&Morgan State University Choir - Porgy and Bess (Highlights) : Summertime
Marin Alsop&Philharmonia Orchestra&Angel Blue&Alexandra Crichlow&Kevin Short - Porgy and Bess (Highlights) : Hear What I Tell You
Marin Alsop&Philharmonia Orchestra&Angel Blue&Lester Lynch&Alexandra Crichlow&Morgan State University Choir - Porgy and Bess (Highlights) : I Got Plenty o' Nuttin'
Marin Alsop&Philharmonia Orchestra&Angel Blue&Lester Lynch&Chauncey Packer&Kevin Short - Porgy and Bess (Highlights) : Lo' Bess, Goin' to Picnic?
Marin Alsop&Philharmonia Orchestra&Angel Blue&Lester Lynch&Darrin Scott&Morgan State University Choir - Porgy and Bess (Highlights) : Thank Gawd I's Home Again!
Marin Alsop&Philharmonia Orchestra&Angel Blue&Kevin Short - Porgy and Bess (Highlights) : What You Want wid Bess?
Marin Alsop&Philharmonia Orchestra&Angel Blue&Morgan State University Choir - Porgy and Bess (Highlights) : My Man's Gone Now
Marin Alsop&Philharmonia Orchestra&Angel Blue&Lester Lynch - Porgy and Bess (Highlights) : Bess, You Is My Woman Now
Marin Alsop&Philharmonia Orchestra&Angel Blue&Kevin Short&Darrin Scott&Alexandra Crichlow&Morgan State University Choir - Porgy and Bess (Highlights) : Where Is Brudder Robbins? He's a Gone, Gone, Gone
Marin Alsop&Philharmonia Orchestra&Angel Blue&Lester Lynch - Porgy and Bess (Highlights) : Now de Time, oh Gawd — I Loves You, Porgy
Yannick Nézet-Séguin&Angel Blue&Will Liverman&David Frost&Latonia Moore&Metropolitan Opera Orchestra&Metropolitan Opera Chorus - Do you know what it means to have made the line?
Yannick Nézet-Séguin&Angel Blue&Will Liverman&Metropolitan Opera Orchestra&Metropolitan Opera Chorus&Walter Russell III - Hey Uncle Paul-Hey boy, How my baby?
Yannick Nézet-Séguin&Angel Blue&Will Liverman&Metropolitan Opera Orchestra - Boy, get off that wall
Yannick Nézet-Séguin&Angel Blue&Will Liverman&Metropolitan Opera Orchestra - Greta. Greta. What is this feeling?
Yannick Nézet-Séguin&Angel Blue&Will Liverman&Metropolitan Opera Orchestra - Golden button, where you come from?
Yannick Nézet-Séguin&Angel Blue&Will Liverman&David Frost&Latonia Moore&Metropolitan Opera Orchestra&Metropolitan Opera Chorus&Walter Russell III - C'mon let's do what we did last night
Yannick Nézet-Séguin&Angel Blue&Will Liverman&Metropolitan Opera Orchestra - l used to hate the night
Yannick Nézet-Séguin&Angel Blue&Will Liverman&Metropolitan Opera Orchestra - You can be free
Yannick Nézet-Séguin&Angel Blue&Will Liverman&Metropolitan Opera Orchestra - So you've come back, boy...I knew you would.
Angel Blue&Will Liverman&Walter Russell III - Roast beef, again?
Yannick Nézet-Séguin&Angel Blue&Metropolitan Opera Orchestra&Metropolitan Opera Chorus - There was once a boy, of peculiar grace
Yannick Nézet-Séguin&Angel Blue&Will Liverman&Metropolitan Opera Orchestra - When I was just a little boy
Yannick Nézet-Séguin&Angel Blue&Will Liverman&Latonia Moore&Metropolitan Opera Orchestra&Metropolitan Opera Chorus&Walter Russell III - Mama, look at me!I got muscles!
Yannick Nézet-Séguin&Latonia Moore&Metropolitan Opera Orchestra&Metropolitan Opera Chorus&Angel Blue&Walter Russell III - Charles?-Mama?-Boy, I tole you not to skip like that
Yannick Nézet-Séguin&Angel Blue&Will Liverman&Metropolitan Opera Orchestra&Metropolitan Opera Chorus&Walter Russell III - Where did Love lose me?