

On 2017 debut EP ‘Liminality’, south east London songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Liam Ramsden, aka Mellah, put forward a case for being one of the UK’s brightest, most vivid young storytellers. He steered heartfelt tales with a spirited vocal that was both stripped of effects and right at the top of the mix. His words were there to be heard, and he showcased an uncanny ability to put smart spins on tough subjects, like the sudden death of his father (‘Nada’), or trying to keep depression at the door (‘Old Friend’, which appeared in the third season of Charlie Brooker’s sci-fi dystopia Black Mirror). On follow up EP ‘Middle England’, Mellah’s strengths as a songwriter are front-and-centre. Once more, Ramsden isn’t intimidated by any topic, and even if the subject matter can appear serious, he finds a way to weave in something extra: be it humour, observational poetry or playful motifs. But whereas before he looked inwards and wrote with a personal slant, ‘Middle England’ considers the wider picture. It asks big questions: Which outside forces make us who we are today? Why do complete strangers feel pitted against each other? In what world can selfish-ness triumph over decency? On paper it sounds heavy – potentially murky territory for a relatively new songwriter to be travelling in – and yet the end result is anything but.
