David Collins
Doog Pop&David Collins - Mentir (Doog Pop Remix)
David Collins - Fluid (Tribal Groove Mix)
David Collins - The Padre, dragged out of the river farther downstream…
David Collins - 3. There was every facility for dancing.
David Collins - 7. Vandeleur's headquarters for that night were fixed in a cottage…
David Collins - 9. The bivouac was the worst imaginable…
David Collins - 7. The rain began to fall again on the 15th November.
David Collins - Chapter 6: Vittoria
David Collins - 9. Harry did not reach Pauillac until the following day.
David Collins - But West had already taken Juana to the rear…
David Collins - As they rode towards the rear of the Light division, the noise…
David Collins - 3. It was not until 28th June that the Light division at last broke camp.
David Collins - 'I hope to God it is! But oh, the times I have sighed…'
David Collins - He brought in the news that one of the French Generals' wives…
David Collins - 6. If Harry showed no sympathy, there were others who did.
David Collins - 5. Harry was up long before Tom Falls in the morning…
David Collins - 6. The rain continued all night…
David Collins - 7. Early in May, Major-General Baron Charles Alten…
David Collins - 2. With the departure of Tom for Whittlesey…
David Collins - 4. When Sir Rowland Hill’s force arrived in Madrid…
David Collins - Laboriously spelling out this news in the Gazette…
David Collins - 3. But the brigade, in spite of having possessed themselves…
David Collins - Although the army had had plenty of opportunity of judging…
David Collins - 2. In January, upon its becoming known that General Skerrett
David Collins - Just as she was wondering whether she could with propriety…
David Collins - But he was careful to explain it all to Juana.
David Collins - 5. Dusk, and the consequent slackening of gun-fire…
David Collins - 4. The sight of the retreating column whipped up…
David Collins - 'And since when will you have been owning a wife?'
David Collins - 8. The centre column, of which the Light division…
David Collins - 3. By Christmas, everybody, except those who still filled the hospitals…
David Collins - They got to Peneranda painfully, by shocking roads.
David Collins - 5. The leading column of the division reached Alcala at dawn…
David Collins - Never had the Light division engaged on a more glorious action.
David Collins - But although famine reigned in the background…
David Collins - Chapter 4: Madrid
David Collins - 2. Lord Wellington rode into Salamanca that day…
David Collins - 3. No honeymoon for the bride…
David Collins - 6. All next day the army plodded and waded its way along the road…
David Collins - 8. When the living had been disentangled from the dead…
David Collins - Chapter 3: Salamanca
David Collins - 5. If the truth were told, Lord Wellington was by no means satisfied…
David Collins - 6. When the dawn came, however, all was quiet in the French lines.
David Collins - 2. The Smiths had rejoined the division in time to share…
David Collins - 8. By the 7th June, the division had come in sight of Palencia…
David Collins - A Castle, poised upon a hundred-foot rock…
David Collins - The Spanish Bride
David Collins - 4. A double ration of grog was served out to the men.
David Collins - 5. Kincaid, who had been sent on picket the previous evening…
David Collins - When they reached Ghent, they found that Sir John had arrived…
David Collins - 7. 'All ready for the march? When do we rompe for it?'
David Collins - 2. Hardly had England had time to recover from the news…
David Collins - The situation of the brigade was uncomfortable…
David Collins - 7. While the family was seated at breakfast next morning…
David Collins - Book I
David Collins - Aeneas was much disturbed by the words…
David Collins - And now was Aurora, leaving the saffron…
David Collins - Now he had hewed out a panel…
David Collins - The son of Hyrtacus shot the first arrow…
David Collins - Each captain mustered for battle…
David Collins - Even as a boulder that rolls straight down…
David Collins - Three stormy nights did the South wind…
David Collins - With the same ease will a falcon, prophetic…
David Collins - Just so did the ranks of Troy and Latium clash…
David Collins - Thus did Aeneas speak…
David Collins - There were chariots in the cortege…
David Collins - She spoke, then closed her lips.
David Collins - Now, Euryalus, for you…