Julia Sukmanova
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - Skazhi zachem (Tell Me Why)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - Kak sladko s toboyu mnye bits (How sweet it is to be with you)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - Ya zdes', Inezil'ya (I am Here, Inezilla)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - Venetsianskaya noch' (Venetian Night)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - Noch' osennyaya, lyubeznaya (O gentle autumn night)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - Nochnoy smotr (The Night Review)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - Ne govori, chto serdtsu bol'no (Say not that it grieves the heart)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - Somneniye (Doubt)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - Priznaniye (Declaration)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - Pobeditel (The Conqueror)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - Meri (Mary)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - Ne iskushay menya bez nuzhdi (Do not tempt me needlessly)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - Pur nel sonno
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - Mio ben ricordati
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - O Dafni che di quest' anima
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - Bedniy pevets (The Poor Singer)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - Zhavoronok (The Lark)
Julia Sukmanova - No. 2. German
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 12 Songs, Op. 21 (text by E. Beketova and A.N. Apukhtin) - No. 6. Otrivok iz A. Myusse (Fragment from Musset)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 12 Songs, Op. 14 - No. 6. Tebya tak lyubyat vse (How Everyone Loves Thee)
Julia Sukmanova&Corby Welch&Bernd Valentin&Nicholas Isherwood - The Commandment of Faith: Nur eine kurze Zeit, und die Welt wird mich nicht mehr sehen (Bass, Chorus 1, Chorus 2)
Julia Sukmanova&Corby Welch&Bernd Valentin&Nicholas Isherwood - Entombment: Weil es aber Freitag war und am Sabbat das hohe Paschafest folgte (Bass, Chorus 2, Chorus 1)
Julia Sukmanova&Corby Welch&Bernd Valentin&Nicholas Isherwood - Christ's First Appearance to his Disciples: I will not Believe: Thomas aber, einer der zwolf Junger, war nicht bei ihnen (Bass, Chorus 1, Chorus 2, Soprano, Tenor, Baritone)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 12 Songs, Op. 14 - No. 7. Ne ver' mne, **** (Believe me not, Friend)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 15 Songs, Op. 26 (text by I.A. Bunin and A. Khomyakov) - No. 7. K detyam (To the Children)
Julia Sukmanova&Corby Welch&Bernd Valentin&Nicholas Isherwood - Mary Magdalene: Am ersten Tag der Woche kam Maria Magdalena fruhmorgens zum Grab (Bass, Soprano, Chorus 1, Chorus 2)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 12 Songs, Op. 14 - No. 12. Pora ('Tis time)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 6 Songs, Op. 38: No. 6. A-u! (text by K.D. Balmont): 6 Songs, Op. 38: No. 6. A-u!
Julia Sukmanova&Corby Welch&Bernd Valentin&Nicholas Isherwood - Christ's First Appearance to his Disciples: Receive the Holy Spirit: Es war am Abend jenes Tages (Bass, Chorus 1, Chorus 2, Soprano)
Julia Sukmanova&Corby Welch&Bernd Valentin&Nicholas Isherwood - The Seven Bowls of Wrath: Der erste Engel goss seine Schale uber das Land (Baritone, Chorus 1, Chorus 2)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 6 Songs, Op. 4: No. 4. Ne poy, krasavitsa, pri mne (Sing not to me, beautiful maiden) (text by A. Pushkin): 6 Songs, Op. 4: No. 4. Ne poy, krasavitsa, pri mne (Sing not to me, beautiful maiden)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 6 Songs, Op. 8 (text by A.N. Pleshcheyev) - No. 5. Son
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 12 Songs, Op. 14 - No. 11. Vesenniye vodi (Spring Waters)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 12 Songs, Op. 14 - No. 2. Ostrovok (The Isle)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 6 Songs, Op. 38 (text by I. Severyanin and V. Bryusov) - No. 4. Krisolov (The Rat-Catcher)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 15 Songs, Op. 26: No. 10. U moyego okna (Before my Window) (text by G. Galina): 15 Songs, Op. 26: No. 10. U moyego okna (Before my Window)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 12 Songs, Op. 14 - No. 4. Ya bil u ney (I was with Her)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 12 Songs, Op. 14 - No. 3. Davno v lyubvi otradï malo (For Long there has been Little Consolation in Love)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 12 Songs, Op. 14 - No. 10. V moyey dushe (In my Soul)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 12 Songs, Op. 14 - No. 1. Ya zhdu tebya (I Wait for Thee)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 12 Songs, Op. 14 - No. 9. Ona, kak polden', khorosha (She is as Lovely as the Noon)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 6 Songs, Op. 8 (text by A.N. Pleshcheyev) - No. 2. Ditja! Kak cvetok ty prekrasna
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 6 Songs, Op. 8 (text by A.N. Pleshcheyev) - No. 4. Polyubila ya na pechal' svoyu (I have Grown Fond of Sorrow)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 15 Songs, Op. 26: No. 15. Prokhodit vsyo (All Things Pass By) (text by D. Rathaus): 15 Songs, Op. 26: No. 15. Prokhodit vsyo (All Things Pass By)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 6 Songs, Op. 38 (text by I. Severyanin and V. Bryusov) - No. 3. Margaritki (Daisies)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 15 Songs, Op. 26 (text by I.A. Bunin and A. Khomyakov) - No. 12. Noch' pechal'na (Night is Mournful)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 12 Songs, Op. 14 - No. 8. O ne grusti (Oh, do not Grieve)
Julia Sukmanova&Corby Welch&Bernd Valentin&Nicholas Isherwood - Christ's Third Appearance to his Disciples: I Saw a New Heaven and a New Earth: Christus ist auferstanden von den Toten! (Chorus 1, Chorus 2, Baritone, Tenor)
Julia Sukmanova&Corby Welch&Bernd Valentin&Nicholas Isherwood - The Judgement: Alliluija, alliluija, alliluija (Chorus 1, Chorus 2)
Julia Sukmanova&Corby Welch&Bernd Valentin&Nicholas Isherwood - Christ's Second Appearance to his Disciples: The Darkness is Passing Away: Die Finsternis vergeht, und sogleich scheint das wahre (Soprano, Chorus 1, Tenor)
Julia Sukmanova&Corby Welch&Bernd Valentin&Nicholas Isherwood - Christ's Second Appearance to his Disciples: I am the Living Bread: Ich bin das lebendige Brot, das vom Himmel gekommen ist (Chorus 1, Chorus 2, Tenor)
Julia Sukmanova&Corby Welch&Bernd Valentin&Nicholas Isherwood - Interlude
Julia Sukmanova&Corby Welch&Bernd Valentin&Nicholas Isherwood - Christ's Second Appearance to his Disciples: Do not Doubt: Und nach acht Tagen erschien Jesus erneut und sprach (Bass)
Julia Sukmanova&Corby Welch&Bernd Valentin&Nicholas Isherwood - The Rider on a White Horse: Und dann sah ich (Baritone, Tenor, Chorus 1, Chorus 2, Soprano)
Julia Sukmanova&Corby Welch&Bernd Valentin&Nicholas Isherwood - Easter Morning: Christus ist auferstanden von den Toten! (Chorus 1, Chorus 2)
Julia Sukmanova&Corby Welch&Bernd Valentin&Nicholas Isherwood - A Woman Clothed with the Sun: Der siebte Engel blies die Posaune (Baritone, Soprano, Chorus 2, Tenor, Chorus 1)
Julia Sukmanova&Corby Welch&Bernd Valentin&Nicholas Isherwood - Hope: Heiliger Vater! Du gabst deinem Sohn Macht uber alle Menschen. (Bass, Chorus 1, Chorus 2)
Julia Sukmanova&Corby Welch&Bernd Valentin&Nicholas Isherwood - The Commandment of Love: Ich bin der wahre Weinstock, und mein Vater ist der Winzer (Tenor)
Julia Sukmanova&Corby Welch&Bernd Valentin&Nicholas Isherwood - The Washing of Feet: Es war vor dem Paschafest (Bass, Chorus 1, Tenor)
Julia Sukmanova&Corby Welch&Bernd Valentin&Nicholas Isherwood - The Word: Im Anfang war das Wort, und das Wort war bei Gott (Chorus 1, Chorus 2)
Julia Sukmanova&Corby Welch&Bernd Valentin&Nicholas Isherwood - Christ's Third Appearance to his Disciples: Farewell: Und nach Vollendung der tausend Jahre wird Satan wieder (Chorus 2, Bass, Baritone, Chorus 1, Tenor, Soprano)
Julia Sukmanova&Corby Welch&Bernd Valentin&Nicholas Isherwood - The Way to Golgotha: Sie ubernahmen Jesus and fuhrten ihn ab (Bass, Baritone, Chorus 2, Chorus 1)
Julia Sukmanova&Corby Welch&Bernd Valentin&Nicholas Isherwood - Betrayal, Denial, Flagellation, Condemnation: Nach diesen Worten ging Jesus hinaus mit seinen Jungern (Bass, Tenor, Chorus 2, Soprano, Chorus 1)
Julia Sukmanova&Corby Welch&Bernd Valentin&Nicholas Isherwood - Liturgy in Heaven: Alliluija, alliluija, alliluija (Baritone, Chorus 1, Soprano, Chorus 2)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 12 Songs, Op. 21 (text by E. Beketova and A.N. Apukhtin) - No. 5. Siren' (Lilacs)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 6 Romances, Op. 63, No. 2. Rastvoril ya okno (I opened the window)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 6 Romances, Op. 16, No. 2. Pogodi! (Wait!)
Julia Sukmanova&Elena Sukmanova - 16 Songs for Children, Op. 54, No. 5. Legenda (Legend) (Text by A.N. Pleshcheyev)