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Marc Teicholz

Marc Teicholz毕业于耶鲁大学。1986年摘得了帕格尼尼大奖赛的桂冠之后,又于1989年荣获美国吉他基金会国际吉他大赛(GFA)金奖,1991年又在纽约中西艺术家大赛中夺魁。至今,他已在北美、东南亚等地成功举办了独奏音乐会,并录制了许多唱片,受到广大观众的一致好评。目前任教于旧金山音乐学院,他的演奏流畅明快,对比鲜明,非常适宜学生聆赏观摩。 “Both technically gifted and musical to the core.” -Los Angeles Times Guitarist Marc Teicholz was awarded first prize at the 1989 International Guitar Foundation of America Competition, the largest, most prestigious contest of its kind in the United States. He was also a prize winner at the 1991 New York East-West Artists Competition. Described by Gramophone as “arguably the best of the new young guitarists to have emerged,” and by Soundboard magazine as “among the best we have ever heard,” Teicholz’s performances throughout the world include tours of the United States, Canada, Russia, Poland, Switzerland, Southeast Asia, New Zealand and Fiji. His recitals and master classes have received critical acclaim, and he has been featured in concert with orchestras in Spain, Portugal, California and Hawaii. He has also had new works written specially for him. Teicholz tours the United States extensively with The Festival of Four. He is featured on the pilot soundtrack for George Lucas’ Young Indiana Jones, and has recorded solo CDs for Naxos, Sugo, Menus and Music, and most recently, Guitar Salon International. His latest disc, Valseana, presents works performed on historic guitars of the period of each musical selection. For Naxos, Marc Teicholz has made his mark with two collections of Sor’s music already committed to disc. In a show of his versatility, he has also recorded the fifth volume of the collected works for guitar by the 19th Century French virtuoso guitarist and composer Napoleon Coste. Teicholz, currently on the faculty of the San Francisco Conservatory, teaches in the summer at the California Summer Arts Festival and the Weatherfield Music festival in Vermont. He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the Yale School of Music, and holds a J.D. from the University of California Berkeley Boalt School of Law.

