

【低碳音乐舟】音乐·微综艺【Music Yacht Club】 敬爱的“您”爱的,也是我们爱的~We all love the ocean~! One Guest,One island,One Voyage,One Sharing,One MTV ; 一位嘉宾、一座岛、一次航行、一次分享、一首歌; A: Collecting and broadcasting works for the general public:Deep Music Show 向社会各界征集和展播公益作品:滨水表演MTV You will also need to prepare 1 to 3 minutes for self-introduction and ocean sharing. 您还需要准备 1~3 分钟,自我介绍及关于海洋的分享。 B: Star guests, staying at the music club on the sailing boat, sharing a beautiful afternoon and afternoon tea, or a low-carbon sailing trip around the island for 3 days and 2 nights. The interviews and sharing during the journey, and in the process, participated in the creation and co-creation: [Ocean Music Album] works, and talent performances. 明星嘉宾、下榻帆船上的音乐俱乐部、共享美好的下午及下午茶,或是一次3天两夜的帆船低碳环岛旅行。旅程中的访谈分享,并在过程中,参与创作共同打造:[海洋音乐大碟]作品,和才艺表演。 {低碳音乐舟}栏目;用音乐助力低碳号召,愿望展现社会各界对于"蓝色地球""大海母亲"的热爱,与海内外华人同胞的全球生态观。【Peace & love】 媒体数据表示:中国已经成为全球“绿色新能源”使用率最高的国家,而我们还会继续进步。


