Claire Bloom
Sir Laurence Olivier&Sir John Gielgud&Sir Ralph Richardson&Claire Bloom - They do me Wrong and I Will Not Endure It / Act 1 / Scene 3
Sir Laurence Olivier&Sir John Gielgud&Sir Ralph Richardson&Claire Bloom - Cousin of Buckingham,Give me thy Hand / Act 4 / Scene 2
Sir Laurence Olivier&Sir John Gielgud&Sir Ralph Richardson&Claire Bloom - Gentle Lady Anne is not the Cause of the Untimely Death of Your Brave Prince / Act 1 / Scene 2
Sir Laurence Olivier&Sir John Gielgud&Sir Ralph Richardson&Claire Bloom - Why Looks Your Grace so Heavily Today / Act 1 / Scene 4
Sir Laurence Olivier&Sir John Gielgud&Sir Ralph Richardson&Claire Bloom - My Lord,Who is There / Act 5 / Scene 3
Claire Bloom&Albert Finney&Dame Edith Evans&Kenneth Haigh - Romeo and Juliet: Act 3, Scene 1
Claire Bloom&Albert Finney&Dame Edith Evans&Kenneth Haigh - Romeo and Juliet: Act 1, Scene 5
Claire Bloom&Albert Finney&Dame Edith Evans&Kenneth Haigh - Romeo and Juliet: Act 3, Concluded
Claire Bloom&Albert Finney&Dame Edith Evans&Kenneth Haigh - Romeo and Juliet: Act 2, Concluded
Claire Bloom&Albert Finney&Dame Edith Evans&Kenneth Haigh - Romeo and Juliet: Act 4
Claire Bloom&Albert Finney&Dame Edith Evans&Kenneth Haigh - Romeo and Juliet: Act 5
Claire Bloom&Albert Finney&Dame Edith Evans&Kenneth Haigh - Romeo and Juliet: Act 2, Scene 1, Scene 3
Claire Bloom&Albert Finney&Dame Edith Evans&Kenneth Haigh - Romeo and Juliet: Act 3, Scene 2, Scene 3, Scene 4, Scene 5
Claire Bloom&Albert Finney&Dame Edith Evans&Kenneth Haigh - Romeo and Juliet: Act 1, Scene 1, Scene 2, Scene 3, Scene 4
Claire Bloom - Tristan & Iseult - Part 1
Claire Bloom - A Slumber Did My Spirits Seal / Wordsworth
Claire Bloom - The Daffodils / Wordsworth
Claire Bloom - L'Allegro / Milton
Claire Bloom - To a Skylark / Shelley
Claire Bloom&Max Adrian&Judith Anderson&Corin Redgrave - Caesar and Cleopatra: Act 5, The Esplanade Before the Palace
Claire Bloom&Max Adrian&Judith Anderson&Corin Redgrave - Caesar and Cleopatra: Act 4, The Palace / Beginning
Claire Bloom&Max Adrian&Judith Anderson&Corin Redgrave - Caesar and Cleopatra: Act 3, The Quay in Front of the Palace / The Lighthouse in the Harbour of Alexandria
Claire Bloom&Max Adrian&Judith Anderson&Corin Redgrave - Caesar and Cleopatra: Act 4, The Palace / Conclusion
Claire Bloom&Max Adrian&Judith Anderson&Corin Redgrave - Caesar and Cleopatra: Act 2, The Palace
Claire Bloom&Max Adrian&Judith Anderson&Corin Redgrave - Caesar and Cleopatra: Act 1, The Desert / Cleopatra's Palace in Alexandria
Claire Bloom&Claude Rains&Nancy Wickwire - The Song Of Songs
Edith Evans&Claire Bloom&Harry Andrews - The School For Scandal - Parts 3 & 4
Edith Evans&Claire Bloom&Harry Andrews - The School For Scandal - Parts 1 & 2
Claire Bloom - Gallop apace you fiery-footed steeds
Claire Bloom - O bid me leap ..
Albert Finney&Claire Bloom - But soft! what light through yonder window
Claire Bloom - When Icycles Hang
Dame Edith Evans&Claire Bloom&Albert Finney&Anthony Nicholls&Peter Bayliss&Ronnie Stevens&Wallas Eaton&Michael Alexander&Yvonne Coulette&West End Shakespeare Players&Jeremy Spenser&Christopher Guinee&Catherine Lacey&Donald Eccles&William Hutt - Romeo and Juliet, Act 1, Prologue and Scenes 1-3
West End Shakespeare Players&Claire Bloom&Dame Edith Evans&Albert Finney&Hilton Edwards - Romeo and Juliet, Act 2, Scene 2 "Balcony scene"
Dame Edith Evans&Claire Bloom&Albert Finney&Anthony Nicholls&Peter Bayliss&Ronnie Stevens&Kenneth Haigh&West End Shakespeare Players&Jeremy Spenser&Christopher Guinee - Romeo and Juliet, Act 1, Scenes 4 "Romeo Meets Juliet" & 5
Dame Edith Evans&Hilton Edwards&Claire Bloom&Albert Finney&Ronnie Stevens&Kenneth Haigh&West End Shakespeare Players&Jeremy Spenser - Romeo and Juliet, Act 2, Scenes 3-5
Hilton Edwards&Claire Bloom&Albert Finney&West End Shakespeare Players - Romeo and Juliet, Act 2, Scene 6 "Romeo and Juliet meet at Friar Laurence's cell and marry"
Dame Edith Evans&Hilton Edwards&Claire Bloom&Anthony Nicholls&Peter Bayliss&Ronnie Stevens&Wallas Eaton&West End Shakespeare Players&Catherine Lacey&William Hutt - Romeo and Juliet, Act 4, Scenes 3 "Juliet Poisons Herself", 4 & 5
Dame Edith Evans&Hilton Edwards&Claire Bloom&Albert Finney&Anthony Nicholls&West End Shakespeare Players&Catherine Lacey&William Hutt - Romeo and Juliet, Act 3, Scenes 2 "Gallop apace", 3 & 4
Dame Edith Evans&Claire Bloom&Albert Finney&West End Shakespeare Players&Catherine Lacey - Romeo and Juliet, Act 3, Scene 5 "Love Scene"
Dame Edith Evans&Hilton Edwards&Claire Bloom&Anthony Nicholls&Peter Bayliss&Ronnie Stevens&West End Shakespeare Players&Catherine Lacey&William Hutt - Romeo and Juliet, Act 4, Scenes 1 & 2
Hilton Edwards&Claire Bloom&Albert Finney&Anthony Nicholls&Ronnie Stevens&Wallas Eaton&Michael Alexander&West End Shakespeare Players&Christopher Guinee&Catherine Lacey&Donald Eccles&William Hutt - Romeo and Juliet, Act 5, Scene 3 "Death of Romeo and Juliet"
Claire Bloom&William Shakespeare - Wilt Thou Be Gone It Is Not Yet Near Day
Claire Bloom&William Shakespeare - It Was a Lover and His Lass