

小简介\r \r Labardford是由Carter Brown,Mark Nelson和Robert Donne于1992年在美国的维琴尼亚州组建,他们的音乐非常注重严谨的乐器编排,同时使用了大量的滞缓的吉他回音等来营造出细致无比的音乐空间,间或还会插入Nelson的细语呢喃,他们的音乐犹如精功细雕的艺术品,他们音乐里的每一个音符都是那么动人,尽管很多人会认为Labardford似乎张张唱片都差不多,变化不大,其实不然,Labardford一直Experimental Ambient里寻找实验的可行性,在乐队的过往音乐历程,他们不断加入了弦乐和一些颇有质感和光怪陆的Minimal Techno效果,使他们的音乐层次感更强和尽现低调唯美。 \r \r \r by Sean Cooper\r Consisting of bassist Robert Donne, guitarist/vocalist Mark Nelson, and Carter Brown on keyboards, Labradford are an experimental ambient/post-rock group from Richmond, Virginia. Incorporating electronics as well as non-traditional arrangement and production techniques, the groups soundtrack-y, effects-heavy sonic landscapes operate in a vein closely allied with groups such as Experimental Audio Research, Flying Saucer Attack, and Gastr del Sol, and have earned the group high praise among a diverse variety of different audiences. The trio have released material through American indies Merge and Kranky, as well as the Kiwi rock label Flying Nun and Stereolabs Duophonic imprint. Though occasionally incorporating vocal and rhythmic elements, the group rely most often on the drone aesthetic, mixing looping guitar effects and long keyboard passages with snippets of barely-audible voice and assorted found objects on records like 1994s Prazision, 1995s Stable Reference, 1996s self-titled effort and 1997s Mi Media Naranja. 1999 brought the release of a new album, E Luxo So, as well as a tour with Godspeed You Black Emperor! and their Festival Of Drifting series, which also featured appearances from Pole, Matmos and Papa M. The ultra-minimal Fixed::Context followed two years later.\r
