Bruce Neswick
Bruce Neswick&Cheryl Gobbetti Hoffman - III. The Miracle at Bethesda
Sydney de Lapeyrouse&Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Caroline Gregg&Bruce Neswick - No. 4, That Yongë Child
Clyde Beavers&Bruce Neswick - I. Allegro marcato
Clyde Beavers&Bruce Neswick - III. Allegro ma non troppo
Bruce Neswick - 50. Kyrie, Christ the Comforter of the World
Bruce Neswick - 53. Praise the Lord God Almighty
Bruce Neswick - 57. Now Thank We All Our God
Bruce Neswick - Regina Coeli, Op. 64
Bruce Neswick - 59. Come Now, Saviour of the Heathen
Bruce Neswick - 64. Deck Thyself, O Beloved Soul
Bruce Neswick - 72. Awake! Hear the Call of Watchmen
Clyde Beavers&Bruce Neswick - II. Allegro moderato
Clyde Beavers&Timothy Durbin&Bruce Neswick - I. -
Clyde Beavers&Timothy Durbin&Bruce Neswick - II. Lento
Clyde Beavers&Timothy Durbin&Bruce Neswick - III. (Energico - Largo - Presto)
Clyde Beavers&Timothy Durbin&Bruce Neswick&Jennifer Rende - I. Preludio
Clyde Beavers&Timothy Durbin&Bruce Neswick&Jennifer Rende - II. Scherzando
Clyde Beavers&Timothy Durbin&Bruce Neswick&Jennifer Rende - III. Larghetto
Clyde Beavers&Timothy Durbin&Bruce Neswick&Jennifer Rende - IV. Rondo
Bruce Neswick - 31. Lord God Now Open Wide Thy Heaven
Bruce Neswick - 32. Lord Jesus Christ, Turn to Us
Bruce Neswick - 33. My Soul Longeth to Depart in Peace
Bruce Neswick - 48. Descend, O Jesus, from Heaven to Earth
Bruce Neswick - 49. Kyrie, God the Everlasting Father
Bruce Neswick - 51. Kyrie, God the Holy Ghost
Bruce Neswick - 54. Praise God, All Ye Christians
Bruce Neswick - 58. Rejoice Now, Beloved Christians
Bruce Neswick - 60. O Gracious God
Bruce Neswick - 63. The Child was Born in Bethlehem
Bruce Neswick - 68. Out of High Heaven Have I Come
Bruce Neswick - 69. From Heaven Above Came Angels
Bruce Neswick - 70. I Will Never Part from God
Bruce Neswick - 71. Before Thy Throne I Will Appear
Bruce Neswick - 73. He that Suffereth God to Guide Him
Bruce Neswick - 74. How Bright Shineth the Day-Star
Bruce Neswick - 75. We Christians
Bruce Neswick - 76. We Thank Thee, Lord Jesus, for Thy Redemptive Death
Bruce Neswick - 77. We All Believe in One God
Bruce Neswick - 78. We All Believe in One God
Bruce Neswick - 79. Whither Shall I Flee?
Bruce Neswick - 52. Beloved Jesus, Here We Stand
Rosa Lamoreaux&Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Douglas Major&Bruce Neswick - III. The Angel of God
Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Douglas Major&Bruce Neswick - IV. Hymn to the Luminous Trinity
Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Erik Wm. Suter&Bruce Neswick - O Hear Us, Lord
Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Caroline Gregg&Bruce Neswick - No. 6, As Dew in Aprille
Sydney de Lapeyrouse&Barbara Marks&Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Caroline Gregg&Bruce Neswick - No. 10, Spring Carol
Barbara Marks&Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Caroline Gregg&Bruce Neswick - No. 5, Balulalow
Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Caroline Gregg&Bruce Neswick - No. 11, Deo Gracias
Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Caroline Gregg&Bruce Neswick - No. 12, Recession
Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Douglas Major&Bruce Neswick - Choristers' Blessing
Barbara Marks&Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Erik Wm. Suter&Bruce Neswick - IVb. Communion (Alleluia! I Am the Good Shepherd)
Eliza Hulme&Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Erik Wm. Suter&Bruce Neswick - II. Gradual (Alleluia! On the Day of My Resurrection)
Scott Wood&Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Erik Wm. Suter&Bruce Neswick - I. Introit (Alleluia! Rejoice to God Our Helper)
Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Douglas Major&Bruce Neswick - I. Sing We Triumphant
Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Caroline Gregg&Bruce Neswick - No. 7, This Little Babe
Douglas Major&Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Bruce Neswick - Jubilate Deo
Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Erik Wm. Suter&Bruce Neswick - Magnificat
Douglas Major&Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Bruce Neswick - Nunc dimittis
Scott Wood&Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Erik Wm. Suter&Bruce Neswick - III. Offertory (An Angel of the Lord)
Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Caroline Gregg&Bruce Neswick - No. 1, Procession
Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Caroline Gregg&Bruce Neswick - No. 2, Wolcum Yole!
Kristen Veblen&Eliza Hulme&Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Caroline Gregg&Bruce Neswick - No. 9, In Freezing Winter Night
Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Bruce Neswick - Ave Maria, Op. 9b
Scott Wood&Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Erik Wm. Suter&Bruce Neswick - V. Sortie (God Is Ascended)
Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Erik Wm. Suter&Bruce Neswick - IVa. Communion (The Lord Is My Shepherd)
Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Bruce Neswick - Magnificat
Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Erik Wm. Suter&Bruce Neswick - Nunc dimittis
Washington National Cathedral Girl Choristers&Douglas Major&Bruce Neswick - II. The Apostolic Band