Andreas Frese
Christoph Prégardien&Andreas Frese&Camerata Musica Limburg&Jan Schumacher - II. So Gut' als Weisheit stromen mild
Alison Browner&Andreas Frese&Camerata Musica Limburg&Jan Schumacher - Standchen (Serenade), Op. 135, D. 920 (Version A)
Camerata Musica Limburg&Andreas Frese&Jan Schumacher - I. Gutigster, Bester, Weisester
Alison Browner&Andreas Frese - No. 5. At the mid hour of night
Alison Browner&Sharon Carty&Andreas Frese - Aubade
Sharon Carty&Andreas Frese - No. 4. The Miller of Dee
Sharon Carty&Andreas Frese - No. 4. Nocturne
Camerata Musica Limburg&Andreas Frese&Jan Schumacher - Das Grab, D. 569 (4th setting)
Andreas Frese&Camerata Musica Limburg&Jan Schumacher - No. 3. Mitten wir im Leben sind
martin bruns&Andreas Frese - No. 4. O duse draha jedinka (Thou only dear one)
martin bruns&Andreas Frese - No. 10. Me casto tyra pochyba (Tormented oft by doubt)
Marcus Ullmann&Andreas Frese - No. 15. Mou celou dusi zadumne (Painful emotions pierce my soul)
martin bruns&Andreas Frese - No. 17. Nad krajem vevodi lehky spanek (Nature lies peaceful)
Andreas Frese&Camerata Musica Limburg&Jan Schumacher - No. 4. Grablied. Pilger auf Erden, so raste am Ziele
Andreas Frese&Camerata Musica Limburg&Jan Schumacher - Er nimmt auf seinen Rucken
Andreas Frese&Camerata Musica Limburg&Jan Schumacher - No. 7. Absolve domine
Alison Browner&Andreas Frese - No. 3. How sweet the answer
Alison Browner&Sharon Carty&Andreas Frese - See How the Morning Smiles
Alison Browner&Andreas Frese - No. 1. The Salley Gardens
Sharon Carty&Andreas Frese - No. 6. O Waly, Waly
Sharon Carty&Andreas Frese - No. 2. Greensleeves
martin bruns&Andreas Frese - No. 9. Kol domu se ted' potacim (I wander oft)
Andreas Frese&Camerata Musica Limburg&Jan Schumacher - No. 1. Beati Mortui
Alison Browner&Andreas Frese - No. 2. St Mark's Square
Marcus Ullmann&Andreas Frese - No. 1. Vy vrouci pisne pjeite (Sing fervent songs)
Andreas Frese&Camerata Musica Limburg&Jan Schumacher - Glaube, Hoffnung und Liebe, D. 954
Andreas Frese&Camerata Musica Limburg&Jan Schumacher - Salve regina, D. 811
Andreas Frese&Camerata Musica Limburg&Jan Schumacher - Psalm 23, Op. 132, D. 706
Andreas Frese&Camerata Musica Limburg&Jan Schumacher - Hymnus an den Heiligen Geist, D. 948
Andreas Frese&Camerata Musica Limburg&Jan Schumacher - No. 6. Requiem aeternam
Andreas Frese&Camerata Musica Limburg&Jan Schumacher - No. 5. Von dem Dome schwer und bang
Andreas Frese&Camerata Musica Limburg&Jan Schumacher - No. 2. Nicht die Trane kann es sagen
Andreas Frese&Camerata Musica Limburg&Jan Schumacher - No. 1. Ach wie nichtig
Andreas Frese&Camerata Musica Limburg&Jan Schumacher - Adspice Domine de sede sancta tua
Andreas Frese&Camerata Musica Limburg&Jan Schumacher - No. 2. Periti autem
Alison Browner&Claudia Stillmark&Andreas Frese - No. 10. The Stream in the Valley
Sharon Carty&Andreas Frese - No. 6. I wonder as I wander
Alison Browner&Andreas Frese - A Slumber Song of the Madonna
Alison Browner&Andreas Frese - No. 3. Rainstorm
Alison Browner&Andreas Frese - No. 1. The Gondolier
Alison Browner&Andreas Frese - No. 1. Avenging and bright
Alison Browner&Andreas Frese - No. 6. Rich and rare
Sharon Carty&Andreas Frese - No. 3. A blackbird singing
Sharon Carty&Andreas Frese - No. 2. Beloved
Sharon Carty&Andreas Frese - No. 1. The ships of Arcady
Alison Browner&Sharon Carty&Andreas Frese - Full Fathom Five
Alison Browner&Sharon Carty&Andreas Frese - There Is a Garden in Her Face
Alison Browner&Sharon Carty&Andreas Frese - In Summer Woods
martin bruns&Andreas Frese - No. 18. Ty se ptas proc moje zpevy bouri (You are asking why)
martin bruns&Andreas Frese - No. 16. Tam stoji stara skala (There stands an ancient rock)
Marcus Ullmann&Andreas Frese - No. 14. Zde v lese u potoka (In deepest forest glade)
Marcus Ullmann&Andreas Frese - No. 13. Na horach ticho a v udoli ticho (Everything's still)
martin bruns&Andreas Frese - No. 11. Me srdce casto v bolesti (Downcast am I)
Marcus Ullmann&Andreas Frese - No. 8. O nasi lasce nekvete (Never will love lead us)
Marcus Ullmann&Andreas Frese - No. 7. O zlata roze, spanila (O charming golden rose)
martin bruns&Andreas Frese - No. 6. Ja vim, ze v sladke nadeji (I know that on my love)
Marcus Ullmann&Andreas Frese - No. 5. O byl to krasny, zlaty (Oh, it was a lovely golden dream)
martin bruns&Andreas Frese - No. 3. V tak mnohem srdci mrtvo jest (Death reigns)
Marcus Ullmann&Andreas Frese - No. 2. V te sladke moci (When thy sweet glances)
Camerata Musica Limburg&Andreas Frese&Jan Schumacher - La pastorella al prato, D. 513
Alison Browner&Andreas Frese&Camerata Musica Limburg&Jan Schumacher - Um Mitternacht, WAB 89
Camerata Musica Limburg&Andreas Frese&Jan Schumacher - Das Grab, D. 569 (4th setting)
Christoph Prégardien&Andreas Frese&Camerata Musica Limburg&Jan Schumacher - Im Gegenwartigen Vergangenes, D. 710
Camerata Musica Limburg&Andreas Frese&Jan Schumacher - Widerspruch, Op. 105, No. 1, D. 865a
martin bruns&Andreas Frese - No. 12. Zde hledim na ten drahy list (Here gaze I)
Andreas Frese&Camerata Musica Limburg&Jan Schumacher - No. 8. Die Seligkeiten nach Matthaei
Sharon Carty&Andreas Frese - No. 9. The Last Rose of Summer
Alison Browner&Sharon Carty&Andreas Frese - The Echoing Green