

2002是Real Music旗下薄有名气的一支轻音乐乐团,由夫妻搭档Pamela(女)与Randy Copus(男)组成。 两人各擅长多种乐器,像Randy就在音乐制作中演奏钢琴、大提琴、吉他、贝斯、电子键盘等,而Pamela则会弹奏长笛、竖琴、键盘以及一种叫做WX5的“独门”管乐器,她现在还在学习一些环游世界时收集得来的异国乐器。此外他俩还担任专辑中的所有和声和演唱。多才多艺的两人配合无间,因此尽管2002这个组合始终仅有两人参与制作,却依然显得丰富多彩,不显单调。他们的音乐恰如上面的标题所述——“仿似无声胜有声”,大体风格与BSC Music旗下的Eleven Of Hearts颇为相似。而不同之处在于,Eleven Of Hearts大致是以飘逸的女声为旋律主导,2002则更接近于“环境音乐”,以连绵不绝的电子合成音色营造空灵飘逸的音乐氛围,旨在给人以完全放松安逸的音乐享受,其旋律几乎被弱化到了接近于无物的地步。 他们的专辑也常常从各地神话传说中取材,使其音乐更富灵性迷人的特质,尽显唯美风格。 by Heather PharesThe new age duo 2002 consists of Texas-based multi-instrumentalists/vocalists Pamela and Randy Copus. Both husband and wife had an early interest in music: Pamela started piano lessons at age six and went on to study keyboards, flute, piccolo, oboe, guitar, violin, and the bagpipes, while Randy studied voice, guitar, piano, keyboards, trumpet, tuba, and guitar before learning about recording and production. Randy worked as a recording engineer, session musician and vocalist, producer, and composer in studios in New York, L.A., New Orleans, Dallas, and Austin before forming 2002 with Pamela in the early '90s. Their 1992 debut album, Wings, introduced the duo's lush arrangements, epic choral vocals, and spacious productions. Releases like 1995's Savitri, 1997's Chrysalis, 1998's Land of Forever, and 2000's River of Stars defined them as one of the '90s most distinctive new age talents. Keeping busy in their namesake year, 2002 released their first career retrospective, The Sacred Well, as well as a new album, Across an Ocean of Dreams. The duo discussed changing their name once the year had passed, but in 2003 This Moment Now appeared with their original moniker intact.
