Camille Du Locle
James Levine&Giuseppe Verdi&Joseph Méry&Camille Du Locle - Scena ed Aria: Pietà! Perdon! Per la rea che si pente (Eboli, Elisabetta)
James Levine&Giuseppe Verdi&Joseph Méry&Camille Du Locle - Ah! più non vedro la Regina! - O don fatale (Eboli)
James Levine&Giuseppe Verdi&Joseph Méry&Camille Du Locle - Scena e Duetto: È lui!...desso!...L'Infante! (Rodrigo, Don Carlo, coro di frati, un frate)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Julian Gavin&Jane Dutton&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - At midnight in the garden of the Queen… (Don Carlos, Eboli)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Alastair Miles&John Tomlinson&Stephen Briggs&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - The Grand Inquisitor (Count of Lerma, Grand Inquisitor, Philip)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Alastair Miles&Janice Watson&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - Your highness I ask for justice! (Elisabeth, Philip)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&William Dazeley&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - My last day has dawned forever (Rodrigo)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Janice Watson&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - France, my noble land, so dear to me in childhood! (Elisabeth)
Pierre d'Assy&Ernest Reyer&Camille Du Locle&Alfred Blau - Sigurd, Acte III Scène 6: Scène "Au nom du roi Gunther" (Hagen)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Julian Gavin&Jane Dutton&William Dazeley&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - Treacherous son, adult'rous lover (Eboli, Rodrigo, Don Carlos)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&William Dazeley&Julian Gavin&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - But why do you speak of death? (Don Carlos, Rodrigo)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Julian Gavin&William Dazeley&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - But the King has not yet discovered your secret? (Don Carlos, Rodrigo)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Julian Gavin&William Dazeley&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - There he is! The Prince (Don Carlos, Rodrigo)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Alastair Miles&Julian Gavin&William Dazeley&Janice Watson&Julia Sporsen&Opera North Chorus&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - Sire! I have something to ask you! (Don Carlos, Philip, Elisabeth, Rodrigo, Thibault, Monks, Chorus of
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Alastair Miles&Julia Sporsen&Opera North Chorus&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - The King (Thibault, Philip, Chorus)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Opera North Chorus&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - Today is a day of gladness and joy (Chorus of People, Chorus of Monks)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Jane Dutton&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - Oh cruel fate. Oh hated gift (Eboli)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Janice Watson&Alastair Miles&Julian Gavin&John Tomlinson&Clive Bayley&Opera North Chorus&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - Yes, for ever! A double sacrifice is needed! (Philip, Grand Inquisitor, Elisabeth, Don Carlos, Old Monk, Choru
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Julian Gavin&William Dazeley&Clive Bayley&Opera North Chorus&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - God who has brought us together (Don Carlos, Rodrigo, Old Monk, Chorus of Friars)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Alastair Miles&William Dazeley&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - What kind of peace is this you give your subject? (Rodrigo, Philip)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - Introduction
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Alastair Miles&Janice Watson&William Dazeley&Jane Dutton&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - Accurst be this hour (Philip, Eboli, Rodrigo, Elisabeth)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - Introduction
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Jane Dutton&Janice Watson&William Dazeley&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - I'm so eager to hear the news you bring (Eboli, Rodrigo, Elisabeth)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Julia Sporsen&Jane Dutton&Janice Watson&William Dazeley&Opera North Chorus&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - The Queen (Eboli, Elisabeth, Thibault, Rodrigo, Chorus)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Julia Sporsen&Jane Dutton&Opera North Chorus&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - In the marble palace of the Moorish King (Eboli, Thibault, Chorus)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Julia Sporsen&Jane Dutton&Opera North Chorus&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - Where the pine grove is green and shady (Thibault, Eboli, Chorus)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Julian Gavin&Clive Bayley&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - And I have lost her (Don Carlos, Old Monk)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Clive Bayley&Opera North Chorus&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - Charles the Fifth, our mighty Lord (Old Monk, Chorus of Friars)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Alastair Miles&William Dazeley&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - Remain here! I've seen you at my court (Philip, Rodrigo)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Alastair Miles&Janice Watson&William Dazeley&Opera North Chorus&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - Don't weep, my dear companion (Elisabeth, Rodrigo, Philip, Chorus)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Julian Gavin&Janice Watson&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - Here where I stand let the earth crack asunder (Don Carlos, Elisabeth)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Julian Gavin&Janice Watson&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - I come before the Queen and I ask for a favour (Don Carlos, Elisabeth)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Jane Dutton&Janice Watson&William Dazeley&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - Carlos my friend, hope of our future (Rodrigo, Eboli, Elisabeth)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Janice Watson&Julian Gavin&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - She's there! (Don Carlos, Elisabeth)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&William Dazeley&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - Now I die, die contented (Rodrigo)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&William Dazeley&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - O Carlos, now listen, your mother awaits you (Rodrigo)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&William Dazeley&Julian Gavin&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - I'm here my Carlos (Rodrigo, Don Carlos)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Jane Dutton&Janice Watson&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - Forgive! Forgive and pardon a woman who's wronged you (Eboli, Elisabeth)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Alastair Miles&Janice Watson&William Dazeley&Jane Dutton&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - You know full well, my hand was plighted (Elisabeth, Philip, Eboli, Rodrigo)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Alastair Miles&John Tomlinson&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - In this land of Spain no heresy has thrived (Grand Inquisitor, Philip)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Alastair Miles&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - She has no love for me! (Philip)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Julian Gavin&Jane Dutton&William Dazeley&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - Now he has scorned the love I gave him (Eboli, Rodrigo, Don Carlos)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Julian Gavin&Jane Dutton&William Dazeley&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - Alas your youthful mind has no idea (Eboli, Don Carlos, Rodrigo)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - Prelude
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Alastair Miles&William Dazeley&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - O King, I come here from Flanders (Rodrigo, Philip)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Janice Watson&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - You, who spurned and renounced all the world (Elisabeth)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Janice Watson&Julian Gavin&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - We shall meet not in this world (Elisabeth, Don Carlos)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - Prelude
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Alastair Miles&Campbell Russell&Opera North Chorus&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - Let the sacred doors now be opened (Philip, Royal Herald, Chorus of People)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Alastair Miles&Julian Gavin&William Dazeley&Janice Watson&Julia Sporsen&Julian Close&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - O Heav'n! It's Carlos! (Elisabeth, Rodrigo, Philip, Don Carlos, Thibault, Flemish Deputies, Chorus of
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Alastair Miles&Julian Gavin&Janice Watson&Rebecca Ryan&Julian Close&Grant Doyle&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - O heav'n! (Elisabeth, Don Carlos, Philip, Voice from Heaven, Flemish Deputies, Monks, Chorus of People
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Alastair Miles&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - I'll only sleep when I am laid to rest (Philip)
Richard Farnes&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Alastair Miles&Julian Gavin&John Tomlinson&Stephen Briggs&Jane Dutton&Opera North Chorus&Giuseppe Verdi&Camille Du Locle&Joseph Méry&Andrew Porter - My son I return you your sword (Philip, Don Carlos, Count of Lerma, Eboli, Grand Inquisitor, Chorus)
Camille Du Locle - Sigurd: Des presents de Gunther … Avec ces fleurs
Camille Du Locle - Don Carlos: O don fatale
Camille Du Locle - Sigurd: Au mon du roi Gunther
Camille Du Locle - Sigurd: Un souvenir poignant
Camille Du Locle - Sigurd: Des presents de Gunther
Camille Du Locle - Sigurd: Esprits Gardiens
Camille Du Locle - Helle, Op. 4: Cantilene
Camille Du Locle - Sigurd: Des presents de Gunther
Camille Du Locle - Sigurd: Au mon du roi Gunther
Camille Du Locle - Sigurd: Avec cesl fleurs … Oublions les maux
James Levine&Giuseppe Verdi&Joseph Méry&Camille Du Locle - Scena e Duetto: Al mio pie', perché? (Elisabetta, Don Carlo, Tebaldo)
James Levine&Giuseppe Verdi&Joseph Méry&Camille Du Locle - Per me giunto è il di supremo (Rodrigo)
Lionel Lhote&The Monnaie Symphony Orchestra&Marc Soustrot&Giuseppe Verdi&Joseph Méry&Camille Du Locle - Per me giunto (Rodrigo) (Live)
James Levine&Giuseppe Verdi&Joseph Méry&Camille Du Locle - Parte seconda - Morte di Rodrigo e Sommossa: Son io, mio Carlo (Rodrigo, Don Carlo)