Claudine Longet资料,Claudine Longet最新歌曲,Claudine LongetMV视频,Claudine Longet音乐专辑,Claudine Longet好听的歌

Claudine Longet

Claudine Longet,1942年生于法国巴黎,19岁在拉斯维加斯表演时接识了Andy Williams(情歌圣手安迪威廉斯被喻为叱咤风云的歌坛长青树,从他开始进入歌坛以来,已经屹立了超过六十个年头。1928年出生的安迪,少年时代与三个兄弟以「威廉斯四兄弟」的姿态崛起。1952年,他展开独唱生涯,以温暖而多情的高音闻名,1961年加盟新力唱片之后,更进入了全盛时期,最为脍炙人口的包括「第凡内早餐」、「教父」、「爱的故事」等电影的主题曲,虽然不是原唱,却都成了他的招牌歌曲,甚至比「原唱」更受欢迎。)并成为他的妻子,之后Claudine一些电视剧集里出演过一些角色、也上过大荧幕拍过一些不起眼的电影、主持一些节目等等,但都没有给人们留下什么特别深刻的印像。 Claudine Longet在1967年灌录了她的首张唱片"Claudine",然后到74年为止,她一共发行了"The Look of Love" / "Love is Blue" / "Colours" / "Run Wild, Run Free" / "We’ve Only Just Begun" / "Let’s Spend the Night Together"等七张唱片(当然都是LP黑胶唱片),这些唱片也并未为她带来更大的声望。 Claudine的音乐风格很简单,便是当时流行乐里盛行的easy listening了,缠缠绵绵,轻轻柔柔的抒情歌,偶尔也加入一些bossa nova的选曲,因为她的法语口音总使歌曲有份甜美的欧陆化的异国情调。Claudine的声音和她的人一样,非常美,虽然这种带点女孩气的嗓音现在很多(特别是清新乐里),但就我听过的女歌手里,能在这样讨好的声线里又带出非尘世的童话梦幻般的绝美触感的人却不是很多: 前英国chamber pop乐队Shelleyan Orphan的主唱Caroline Crawley算一个,同是英国的中产阶级无忧公主Virginia Astley算一个,然后就是Claudine Longet了,配上60-70’年代流行一时的轻吟浅唱的crooning唱法,更显得纯真、羸弱、惹人爱怜。但上天总是有意忽略掉一些完美的造物,只留给有心人发现,纵然有Williams之妻的头衔,也有几首电台常播的热门歌曲,但Claudine从未得到过更多的关注。 Claudine与Williams在70年离异,72年她与美国的滑雪运动员Spider Sabich相识并迅速坠入爱河,两年后他们搬到科罗拉多州的Aspen居住,但不久后两人感情渐渐疏离,最终在76年三月Spider要求Claudine和她的三个孩子(都是她与Williams的子女)搬出他的住处。3月21日晨,Spider被发现枪杀于浴室内,而凶手正是Claudine。 虽然Claudine称这是手枪走火的一个不幸意外,当时她正在向Spider请教如何使用手枪,以便日后她与三个子女单独生活时可用来自卫。但除了少数的几个朋友,可以说整个美国都不相信她的话,所有媒体都把她描述成一个冷血的恶毒女人。这也难怪,除开一位弃妇的疯狂报复这样明显的动机和手枪走火这样的憋脚理由无法不令人有谋杀的猜疑之外;男权社会里的性别歧视,热爱运动的美国人所固有的英雄情结,无论哪方面人们都无法容忍一位奥运冠军、一位风度翩翩人见人爱、传奇般的优秀男人被一个不起眼的从事娱乐行业并被人两度遗弃的女人给杀害,因此所有的人都在为Spider Sabich挥泪而没有人去听Claudine的解释。 不过故事没有结束,尽管绝大多数人坚信是Claudine冷血地谋杀了她的男友,但在后来的审判中,法官和陪审团却一致认为Claudine是无辜的,只定了她过失杀人的罪行,刑期仅仅30天。这个判决令所有人大为意外且相当失望,人们因此更加嫉恨Claudine,偏生Claudine Longet还不断刺激那些人的神经,在她服刑期满后不久,她便与她的辩护律师结婚,后者为她抛弃了原来的家庭,而更令人意外的是他们竟然决定仍留在Aspen生活。 这便是后来Claudine Longet这个名字唯一让人们记住的事情。 从此Claudine便从人们视线里消失了,长久以来电台不会播放她的歌曲,所有的与六、七十年代有关的歌曲选辑里也不会收入,而她的唱片早已绝迹,更不曾被转成CD版再发行(除了日本这个对唱片狂热的国家),唱片工业似乎要故意忘掉这个名字,以致70年代后出生的新一辈年轻人就完全没有听说过她了。好在近些年情况稍稍改观,特别是互联网的出现总算让Claudine Longet和她的音乐有了让人注意的机会,虽然微乎其微,但凡是听过她的歌的人都无法忘怀那个童话般美丽的声音。</ by Jason Ankeny Although French chanteuse Claudine Longet recorded a series of bewitchingly ethereal albums which are much revered by todays aficionados of smooth, sophisticated Sixties pop, among the general public her career as a performer was ultimately dwarfed by the events of her personal life, most regrettably the 1976 shooting which killed her boyfriend, skiing star Spider Sabich. Longet was born in Paris on January 29, 1942; according to an excellent article in the magazine Girlyhead, she relocated to the U.S. at age 19, settling in Las Vegas and becoming the lead dancer in the Folies Bergère show. There she met crooner Andy Williams, with whom shed earlier crossed paths while still a child in Paris; they were married in 1961, although the 14-year difference in their ages was the source of much controversy among Williams fans. During the early years of her marriage to Williams, Longet put her career on hold to start a family; resurfacing in 1964, she appeared as a guest star on television series including Combat!, Hogans Heroes, Run for Your Life and The Rat Patrol. Not surprisingly, she was also regularly featured on The Andy Williams Show. Longet signed to A&M Records in 1966, scoring a minor hit with her debut single Meditation; her first LP, Claudine, appeared the next year, gaining moderate airplay for Hello, Hello and a cover of the Beatles Here, There and Everywhere. The Look of Love appeared later in 1967, and in 1968 Longet issued Love Is Blue; that same year, she co-starred opposite Peter Sellers in the hit film The Party. Also in 1968, Longet issued her fourth album for A&M, Colours; after one final effort for the label, 1970s Run Wild, Run Free, a year later she jumped to Williams new Barnaby imprint for Weve Only Just Begun — an ironic title given that the couples marriage had ended just months earlier, although she and their three children continued appearing on his annual television Christmas specials for years to follow as well. Lets Spend the Night Together, from 1972, was Longets final official release, although she recorded an albums worth of tracks for a proposed follow-up (finally assembled in 1993 under the title Sugar Me). As Longets music career faded, she became romantically involved with Olympic skiing champion Spider Sabich, in 1974 moving with him to Aspen, Colorado, a getaway for the rich and famous where their neighbors included the likes of Jack Nicholson and John Denver. On the morning of March 21, 1976, Sabich was shot and killed when his Lüger pistol went off in Longets hand; around Aspen, many demonized the tragedy as a case of cold-blooded murder — rumors about the couples souring romance swirled endlessly — although the resulting trial found Longet guilty only on charges of criminal negligence, for which she served 30 days in jail. Upon her release, she later married her defense attorney, Ron Austin, and remained in Aspen, although in the years to follow she appeared in public only rarely.

