

Rose,本名叫Keren,因为Keren有人叫了,就选了Rose当艺名,理由是想起来她崇拜的Janis Joplin,和Mark Rydell根据其生平拍的电影The Rose。她是尼斯人,1978年生,当过小学老师,既不对自己的音乐才能有足够的信心,又不认为教书就可以长此以往。她在小本子上给自己和别人写歌,和玩音乐的朋友一起在尼斯的酒吧演唱,上巴黎。 \r 她的音乐里美国味道似乎还是挺重的,虽然她的歌声也像她官网照片里那件紫色的衬衫一样,那么轻易地引起对法国南部的想象。\r \r Two artists carry the name of Rose:\r 1) Rose Walker, an American singer-songwriter\r 2) Keren Meloul, a French singer-songwriter\r \r 1) Rose Walker reels in the love with her catchy hooks and heartfelt lyrics. Her angelic voice delivered with youthful energy captures listeners with a personality that is truly authentic. “I don’t want my music to try to be something that it’s not. I want my character to shine through on every song I write.” \r \r Her self-titled debut EP available April 29th includes six songs from pop rock opener “Always For You” to “Voices,” a delicate piano ballad that closes the album. The songs tell stories about love, frustration, doubt, and longing. The 16-year old Atlanta native seemed destined to write music, growing up with a dad who released several independent albums of his own and a brother who ran off to Nashville to become a producer. After writing her first single “Another Sometime”, a piano driven pop song, she came to Nashville to record with her older brother the six songs that would become her self-titled EP.

