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Michelle Tumes

Michelle Tumes 是一名生于澳大利亚Adelaide的现代基督乐歌手兼创作人。四岁开始学习钢琴。十几岁时接受了两年胡正统古典钢琴教育,从此立志以音乐为业。在她省吃俭用的妹妹资助下,她录制了一盘样带,并很快被一家澳洲唱片公司看中。不久迁居美国,随即替Jaci Velasquez写出了现代基督乐榜冠军歌 If This World。但作为个人发展,她一开始并不是一帆风顺的。直到98年签约Sparrow公司推出首张个人专辑Listen,由两获Dove Award大奖(一项New Age界权威的奖项)的Charlie Peacock监制。里面除了这首Feel以外,Please Come Back、 Healing Waters、 Christ of Hope也成为大热。她也因此获当年Dove Award最佳新人提名。从此一发不可收拾,短短几年内就推出6张专辑。最新专辑Cener of My Universe也已在2000年面世,依然延续其轻盈缥缈的声线,结合New Age和福音,带出老少皆宜的风格。\r by Jason AnkenyCCM singer/songwriter Michelle Tumes was born in Adelaide, Australia, and began studying piano at the age of four. While in her teens, she enrolled in a two-year classical piano program, an experience which left her so disillusioned about performing that she instead turned to studying dentistry. At that point, her little sister gave Tumes $40 she had saved from her paper route in order to convince her older sibling to cut a demo; she agreed, sending the tape unsolicited to a variety of publishing companies. Offers quickly poured in, and after signing a songwriting deal with an Australian publisher she relocated to the U.S., soon authoring Jaci Velasquez's CCM chart-topper "If This World." Tumes' attempts to mount a solo career initially met with frustration, but she eventually signed with the Sparrow, issuing her debut LP Listen in 1998 and earning a major hit with the single "Please Come Back." Center of My Universe followed in early 2000.

