Susan Bullock
Lance Ryan&Susan Bullock&Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra&Sebastian Weigle - Act I Scene 3: Jetzt bist du mein (Siegfried, Brunnhilde)
Susan Bullock&Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra&Sebastian Weigle - Act II Scene 5: Welches Unholds List liegt hier verhohlen? (Brunnhilde)
Gregory Frank&Susan Bullock&Johannes Martin Kranzle&Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra - Act II Scene 5: Vertraue mir, betrog'ne Frau! (Hagen, Brunnhilde, Gunther)
Gregory Frank&Johannes Martin Kranzle&Susan Bullock&Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra - Act II Scene 5: Dir hilft kein Hirn (Hagen, Gunther, Brunnhilde)
Johannes Martin Kranzle&Susan Bullock&Gregory Frank&Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra - Act II Scene 5: So soll es sein! (Gunther, Brunnhilde, Hagen)
Lance Ryan&Susan Bullock&Gregory Frank&Frankfurt Opera Chorus - Act II Scene 4: Was ist ihr? Ist sie entruckt? (Chorus, Siegfried, Brunnhilde, Hagen)
Susan Bullock&Lance Ryan&Johannes Martin Kranzle&Gregory Frank - Act II Scene 4: Einen Ring sah ich an deiner Hand (Brunnhilde, Siegfried, Gunther, Hagen)
Susan Bullock&Anja Fidelia Ulrich&Johannes Martin Kranzle&Frankfurt Opera Chorus - Act II Scene 4: Betrug! Betrug! (Brunnhilde, Gutrune, Chorus, Gunther)
Lance Ryan&Susan Bullock&Johannes Martin Kranzle&Anja Fidelia Ulrich - Act II Scene 4: Achtest du so der eignen Ehre? (Siegfried, Brunnhilde, Chorus, Gunther, Gutrune, Hagen)
Lance Ryan&Susan Bullock&Frankfurt Opera Chorus&Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra - Act II Scene 4: Helle Wehr! Heilige Waffe! (Siegfried, Brunnhilde, Chorus)
Susan Bullock&Anja Fidelia Ulrich&Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra&Sebastian Weigle - Act III Scene 3: Schweigt eures Jammers (Brunnhilde, Gutrune)
Susan Bullock&Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra&Sebastian Weigle - Act III Scene 3: Starke Scheite schichtet mir dort (Brunnhilde)
Susan Bullock&Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra&Sebastian Weigle - Act III Scene 3: Wie Sonne lauter strahlt mir sein Licht (Brunnhilde)
Susan Bullock&Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra&Sebastian Weigle - Act III Scene 3: O ihr, der Eide ewige Huter! (Brunnhilde)
Susan Bullock&Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra&Sebastian Weigle - Act III Scene 3: Mein Erbe nun nehm' ich zu eigen (Brunnhilde)
Susan Bullock&Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra&Sebastian Weigle - Act III Scene 3: Fliegt heim, ihr Raben! (Brunnhilde)
Susan Bullock&Jochen Schmeckenbecher&Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra&Sebastian Weigle - Act III Scene 3: Grane, mein Ross (Brunnhilde, Alberich)
Susan Bullock&Lance Ryan&Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra&Sebastian Weigle - Act III Scene 3: Heil dir, Sonne! Heil dir, Licht! (Brunnhilde, Siegfried)
Susan Bullock&Lance Ryan&Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra&Sebastian Weigle - Act III Scene 3: Siegfried! Siegfried! Seliger Held! (Brunnhilde, Siegfried)
Susan Bullock&Lance Ryan&Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra&Sebastian Weigle - Act III Scene 3: Dort seh' ich Grane (Brunnhilde, Siegfried)
Susan Bullock&Lance Ryan&Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra&Sebastian Weigle - Act III Scene 3: Kein Gott nahte mir je! (Brunnhilde, Siegfried)
Susan Bullock&Lance Ryan&Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra&Sebastian Weigle - Act III Scene 3: Ewig war ich, ewig bin ich (Brunnhilde, Siegfried)
Lance Ryan&Susan Bullock&Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra&Sebastian Weigle - Act III Scene 3: Dich lieb' ich: o liebtest mich du! (Siegfried, Brunnhilde)
Ameral Gunson&Della Jones&Susan Bullock&Yan Pascal Tortelier - Sancta Susanna, Op. 21
Richard Hickox&City Of London Sinfonia&Susan Bullock&Rebecca Evans&Sally Burgess&Robert Tear&Stephen Richardson&Alan Opie&Benjamin Britten&Eric Crozier - Stuffy! Tobacco stink! (Lady Billows, Miss Wordsworth, Florence, Mayor, Superintendent, Vic
Richard Hickox&City Of London Sinfonia&Susan Bullock&Pamela Helen Stephen&Alan Opie&Rebecca Evans&Sally Burgess&Anne Collins&Benjamin Britten&Eric Crozier - Fools! (Lady Billows, Nancy, Vicar, Miss Wordsworth, Florence, Mum, Mayor, Superintendent)
Richard Hickox&City Of London Sinfonia&Rebecca Evans&Yvette Bonner&Rebecca Bottone&Gregory Monk&Susan Bullock&Benjamin Britten&Eric Crozier - Husssh!... Harold Wood! (Miss Wordsworth, Harry, Emmie, Cis, Mum, Lady Billows)
Richard Hickox&Spoleto Festival Orchestra&Jacalyn Kreitzer&Susan Bullock&Gian Carlo Menotti - Mother, why are you so still, Mother! (Magda, Mother)
Richard Hickox&Spoleto Festival Orchestra&Susan Bullock&Gian Carlo Menotti - I never meant to do this (Magda)
Susan Bullock&Graeme Broadbent&Alan Ewing&John Wegner - Scene 2: Who spoke then, who was that calling out? (Salome, 2nd Soldier, Narraboth, Slave, 1st Soldier, Jokanaan, Page)
Susan Bullock&John Wegner&Andrew Rees&Philharmonia Orchestra - Scene 3: It's your mouth that I desire, Jokanaan (Salome, Jokanaan, Narraboth)
John Graham Hall&Sally Burgess&Susan Bullock&Philharmonia Orchestra - Scene 4: Ah, heavenly! Wonderful, wonderful! (Herod, Salome, Herodias)
Richard Hickox&Spoleto Festival Orchestra&Susan Bullock&Jacalyn Kreitzer&Charles Austin&Gian Carlo Menotti - Quick, John! The Police! (Mother, Magda, Police Agent)
Richard Hickox&Spoleto Festival Orchestra&Victoria Livengood&Robin Blitch Wiper&Malin Fritz&Herbert Eckhoff&Susan Bullock&John Horton Murray&Gian Carlo Menotti - What did you say your name was? (Secretary, Anna Gomez, Vera Boronel, Mr Kofner)
Susan Bullock&John Wegner&Philharmonia Orchestra&Charles Mackerras - Scene 3: I'm enamoured of your hair, Jokanaan (Salome, Jokanaan)
Susan Bullock&Philharmonia Orchestra&Charles Mackerras - Scene 4: Ah! You would not let me kiss your mouth, Jokanaan! (Salome)
Dennis O'Neill&David Parry&Philharmonia Orchestra&Susan Bullock - The sweetest glowing fire of love… (Teco io sto – Non sai tu che se l'anima mia) (Gustavus, Amelia)
Richard Hickox&Spoleto Festival Orchestra&Susan Bullock&Giovanna Manci&Herbert Eckhoff&Malin Fritz&John Horton Murray&Gian Carlo Menotti - I beg your pardon, Madam (Magician, Vera Boronel, Magda, Foreign Woman, Mr Kofner)
Richard Hickox&Spoleto Festival Orchestra&Victoria Livengood&Susan Bullock&Gian Carlo Menotti - Next. Hello. Oh! It's you! (Secretary, Magda)
Richard Hickox&Spoleto Festival Orchestra&Victoria Livengood&Herbert Eckhoff&Susan Bullock&Giovanna Manci&Gian Carlo Menotti - Next. Next! (Secretary, Foreign Woman, Mr Kofner)
Richard Hickox&Spoleto Festival Orchestra&Susan Bullock&Louis Otey&Jacalyn Kreitzer&Gian Carlo Menotti - Now, O lips, say goodbye (Magda, Mother, John)
Richard Hickox&Spoleto Festival Orchestra&Susan Bullock&Louis Otey&Jacalyn Kreitzer&Gian Carlo Menotti - Don't move yet (Magda, Mother, John)
Richard Hickox&Spoleto Festival Orchestra&Susan Bullock&Louis Otey&Jacalyn Kreitzer&Gian Carlo Menotti - Tu reviendras et voudras m'enfermer dans tes bras (Voice on Record, John, Magda, Mother)
Richard Hickox&Spoleto Festival Orchestra&Susan Bullock&Robin Blitch Wiper&Victoria Livengood&Malin Fritz&Giovanna Manci&Jacalyn Kreitzer&Gian Carlo Menotti - Lo, Death's frontiers are open (Foreign Woman, Anna Gomez, Secretary, Vera Boronel, Mother, John, Mr
Richard Hickox&Spoleto Festival Orchestra&Victoria Livengood&Malin Fritz&Graeme Broadbent&Susan Bullock&Gian Carlo Menotti - Don't forget to sign (Secretary, Vera Boronel, Assan, Magda) )
Richard Hickox&Spoleto Festival Orchestra&Victoria Livengood&Malin Fritz&Graeme Broadbent&Susan Bullock&Gian Carlo Menotti - How often must I tell you, Mrs Sorel (Secretary, Vera Boronel, Assan, Magda)
Richard Hickox&Spoleto Festival Orchestra&Susan Bullock&Malin Fritz&Herbert Eckhoff&Victoria Livengood&Gian Carlo Menotti - To this we've come (Magda, Vera Boronel, Mr Kofner, Secretary)
Richard Hickox&Spoleto Festival Orchestra&Victoria Livengood&Susan Bullock&Gian Carlo Menotti - Any news for me? (Magda, Secretary)
Richard Hickox&Spoleto Festival Orchestra&John Horton Murray&Victoria Livengood&Robin Blitch Wiper&Malin Fritz&Herbert Eckhoff&Susan Bullock&Gian Carlo Menotti - My charming Ma'moiselle (Magician, Secretary, Anna Gomez, Vera Boronel, Mr Kofner, Magda, Foreign Woma
Richard Hickox&Spoleto Festival Orchestra&Susan Bullock&Jacalyn Kreitzer&Gian Carlo Menotti - Tu reviendras et voudras m'enfermer dans tes bras (Voice on Record, Magda, Mother)
Richard Hickox&City Of London Sinfonia&Susan Bullock&Sally Burgess&Benjamin Britten&Eric Crozier - The morning room at Lady Billows' house in Loxford (Lady Billows, Florence)
Richard Hickox&City Of London Sinfonia&Susan Bullock&Benjamin Britten&Eric Crozier - Now then! Notebook, Florence! (Lady Billows)
Richard Hickox&City Of London Sinfonia&Alan Opie&Stephen Richardson&Robert Tear&Rebecca Evans&Sally Burgess&Susan Bullock&Benjamin Britten&Eric Crozier - Virtue, says Holy Writ (Vicar, Superintendent, Mayor, Miss Wordsworth, Florence, Lady Billo
Richard Hickox&City Of London Sinfonia&Susan Bullock&Anne Collins&James Gilchrist&Sally Burgess&Alan Opie&Robert Tear&Benjamin Britten&Eric Crozier - We bring great news to you (Lady Billows, Mum, Albert, Florence, Vicar, Mayor, Superintende
Richard Hickox&City Of London Sinfonia&Susan Bullock&Anne Collins&Stephen Richardson&James Gilchrist&Rebecca Evans&Robert Tear&Benjamin Britten&Eric Crozier - Come, let's sit down (Lady Billows, Mum, Superintendent, Albert, Miss Wordsworth, Mayor, S
Richard Hickox&City Of London Sinfonia&Susan Bullock&Alan Opie&Benjamin Britten&Eric Crozier - I'm full of happiness (Lady Billows, Vicar)
Richard Hickox&City Of London Sinfonia&Alan Opie&Sally Burgess&James Gilchrist&Anne Collins&Susan Bullock&Rebecca Evans&Benjamin Britten&Eric Crozier - Albert the Good! (Vicar, Florence, Albert, Mum, Lady Billows, Miss Wordsworth, Superintend
Richard Hickox&City Of London Sinfonia&Roderick Williams&Pamela Helen Stephen&Rebecca Evans&James Gilchrist&Susan Bullock&Sally Burgess&Benjamin Britten&Eric Crozier - Bring the plates! Quickly now! (Sid, Nancy, Miss Wordsworth, Albert, Lady Billows, Florenc
Richard Hickox&City Of London Sinfonia&Alan Opie&Pamela Helen Stephen&Robert Tear&Susan Bullock&Stephen Richardson&Sally Burgess&Benjamin Britten&Eric Crozier - In the midst of life is death (Vicar, Nancy, Mayor, Lady Billows, Superintendent, Florence, Miss
Richard Hickox&City Of London Sinfonia&James Gilchrist&Susan Bullock&Rebecca Evans&Pamela Helen Stephen&Sally Burgess&Robert Tear&Benjamin Britten&Eric Crozier - Albert… (Albert, Lady Billows, Miss Wordsworth, Nancy, Florence, Mayor, Sid, Vicar, Superintenden
Richard Hickox&City Of London Sinfonia&James Gilchrist&Anne Collins&Pamela Helen Stephen&Roderick Williams&Susan Bullock&Rebecca Evans&Benjamin Britten&Eric Crozier - I can't remember anything (Albert, Mum, Nancy, Sid, Lady Billows, Miss Wordsworth, Florence, Vica
Susan Bullock&Hilary Summers&Philharmonia Chorus&Philharmonia Orchestra&Francesco d'Avalos - Castle at Gesualdo - Room of Carlo Gesualdo - Night - Sequel to the First Scene - Death of Carlo Gesualdo
Susan Bullock&Yan Pascal Tortelier&BBC Philharmonic Orchestra - No. 2. Weltende (World's End)
Susan Bullock&Rebecca de Pont Davies&John Wegner&Philharmonia Orchestra - Scene 2: I will not stay there. I cannot stay there (Salome, Page, Jokanaan)
John Graham Hall&Sally Burgess&Susan Bullock&Philharmonia Orchestra - Scene 4: Salome, come drink wine with me (Herod, Salome, Herodias)
John Graham Hall&Sally Burgess&Susan Bullock&John Wegner - Scene 4: Dance for me, Salome (Herod, Herodias, Salome, Jokanaan)
Susan Bullock&Philharmonia Orchestra&Charles Mackerras - Scene 4: Your body was an ivory column (Salome)
Richard Hickox&City Of London Sinfonia&Susan Bullock&Sally Burgess&Benjamin Britten&Eric Crozier - Is this all you can bring? (Lady Billows, Florence)