

UK-based ambient artist Dennis Huddleston, aka 36, has somehow managed to release nothing but consistently good material, a true feat for an ambient artist on his own label. He first appeared with last year’s debut Hypersona, and his recently released follow-up Hollow received high praise on this site. Heavy on the heels of that record is the first volume of a three-part tape series, each installment limited to a mere 36 cassettes. Luckily the series is also available in digital download. Tape Series: Blue features reinterpretations from both LPs as well as unreleased material from both periods. What makes Blue so interesting is that like jazz, the variations subtlely transform the songs and make for a different listening experience. Effects vary; clicks are added or deleted. There’s no guarantee which version a listener will prefer; it’s all a matter of which tones and filters will resonate. 3six Recordings also deserves a nod for the lovely packaging (and sold out materiality) of the tape. (Joseph Sannicandro)
