Chris Dahlgren
Gebhard Ullmann&Chris Dahlgren&Art Lande - Blaue Nixe(Teil3)
Gebhard Ullmann&Chris Dahlgren&Art Lande - Blaue Nixe(Teil2)
Gebhard Ullmann&Chris Dahlgren&Art Lande - Spieldosen
Gebhard Ullmann&Chris Dahlgren&Art Lande - Baba
Gebhard Ullmann&Chris Dahlgren&Art Lande - Winter Thoughts
Gebhard Ullmann&Chris Dahlgren&Art Lande - The Sun Seemed Never Again as Yellow
Gebhard Ullmann&Chris Dahlgren&Art Lande - Blaue Nixe(Teil4)
Gebhard Ullmann&Chris Dahlgren&Art Lande - Blaue Nixe(Teil5)
Gebhard Ullmann&Chris Dahlgren&Art Lande - Blaue Nixe(Teil6)
Gebhard Ullmann&Chris Dahlgren&Art Lande - Das Tiefe A
Gebhard Ullmann&Chris Dahlgren&Art Lande - From What I Remember
Gebhard Ullmann&Chris Dahlgren&Art Lande - Flutist with Hat and Shoe
Gebhard Ullmann&Chris Dahlgren&Art Lande - Blaue Nixe(Teil1)
Gebhard Ullmann&Chris Dahlgren&Art Lande - Blaue Nixe(Teil7)
Gebhard Ullmann&Chris Dahlgren&Art Lande - Verschiedene Annäherungen an Den Ton Ges
Chris Dahlgren&Ben Monder&Tim Ries&Kenny Wollesen - Visken
Chris Dahlgren&Ben Monder&Tim Ries&Kenny Wollesen - Harmonic Cloud #3
Chris Dahlgren&Ben Monder&Tim Ries&Kenny Wollesen - Good'n Plenty
Chris Dahlgren&Ben Monder&Tim Ries&Kenny Wollesen - Velociraptor
Chris Dahlgren&Ben Monder&Tim Ries&Kenny Wollesen - Mu Blues Mu Fugue
Chris Dahlgren&Kenny Wollesen&Ben Monder&Tim Ries - In a Sentimental Mood
Chris Dahlgren&Ben Monder&Tim Ries&Kenny Wollesen - The Lonius
Chris Dahlgren&Ben Monder&Tim Ries&Kenny Wollesen - Crotalus Cerastes
Chris Dahlgren&Ben Monder&Tim Ries&Kenny Wollesen - Shifty
Chris Dahlgren&Ben Monder&Tim Ries&Kenny Wollesen - Cherubs Contemplating Tacky Bass Figurines in Heaven
Alexey Kruglov&Anastasia Masloboeva&Tim Dorofeev&Chris Dahlgren - At the End of the Sunset(Live) (Live)
Alexey Kruglov&Anastasia Masloboeva&Tim Dorofeev&Chris Dahlgren - Gulbushka(Live) (Live)
Alexey Kruglov&Anastasia Masloboeva&Tim Dorofeev&Chris Dahlgren - Kvashya(Live) (Live)
Christopher Dell&3D&Maurice De Martin&Chris Dahlgren - Terminal
Christopher Dell&3D&Maurice De Martin&Chris Dahlgren - Not 3
Christopher Dell&3D&Maurice De Martin&Chris Dahlgren - Phasing Music
Christopher Dell&3D&Maurice De Martin&Chris Dahlgren - The Streets of Berlin
Christopher Dell&3D&Maurice De Martin&Chris Dahlgren - Imitation
Christopher Dell&3D&Maurice De Martin&Chris Dahlgren - Reanimation
Christopher Dell&3D&Maurice De Martin&Chris Dahlgren - Difference
Christopher Dell&3D&Maurice De Martin&Chris Dahlgren - Das Licht
Gebhard Ullmann&Chris Dahlgren&Jay Rosen - Walking Under Trains
Gebhard Ullmann&Chris Dahlgren&Jay Rosen - Grid Speak
Gebhard Ullmann&Chris Dahlgren&Jay Rosen - Mbira
Gebhard Ullmann&Chris Dahlgren&Jay Rosen - Lolligager
Gebhard Ullmann&Chris Dahlgren&Jay Rosen - U.S.O. Ballad
Gebhard Ullmann&Chris Dahlgren&Jay Rosen - Epilog(Ballad No.2)
Gebhard Ullmann&Chris Dahlgren&Jay Rosen - No Mouthpiece
Gebhard Ullmann&Chris Dahlgren&Jay Rosen - Calling Mr. Waits No. 1
Gebhard Ullmann&Chris Dahlgren&Jay Rosen - Calling Mr. Waits No. 2
Gebhard Ullmann&Chris Dahlgren&Jay Rosen - Bass/Bass
Chris Dahlgren&Maurice De Martin&Christopher Dell&3D - Actually: It's Better Like This
Chris Dahlgren&Maurice De Martin&Christopher Dell&3D - Gratwanderung
Chris Dahlgren&Maurice De Martin&Christopher Dell&3D - Ausklang
Chris Dahlgren&Maurice De Martin&Christopher Dell&3D - Difference
Chris Dahlgren&Maurice De Martin&Christopher Dell&3D - Chuzpe
Chris Dahlgren&Maurice De Martin&Christopher Dell&3D - Raphael
Chris Dahlgren&Maurice De Martin&Christopher Dell&3D - There's a Virus in Room No.1
Chris Dahlgren&Maurice De Martin&Christopher Dell&3D - Requiem
Chris Dahlgren&Maurice De Martin&Christopher Dell&3D - Lyra
Chris Dahlgren&Maurice De Martin&Christopher Dell&3D - Good'n Plenty
Chris Dahlgren&Maurice De Martin&Christopher Dell&3D - Cybernetics
Chris Dahlgren&Maurice De Martin&Christopher Dell&3D - Spontaneous Combustion
Christopher Dell&3D&Maurice De Martin&Chris Dahlgren - Trio
Chris Dahlgren - Lay Low
Chris Dahlgren - Stairs
Chris Dahlgren - If I could...
Chris Dahlgren - Forget your Name
Chris Dahlgren - I'm an Asteroid
Chris Dahlgren - Everybody loves my Hat
Chris Dahlgren - A Child's Spinning Top
Chris Dahlgren - Steal my Blue
Chris Dahlgren - Berlin, Berlin