BØRNS原名Garrett Borns,1992年1月7日出生于密歇根湖畔Grand Haven,现定居于洛杉矶。小时候曾迷上胡迪尼而练习魔术,10岁那年成为了一名职业魔术师(名号“Garrett the Great”)。BØRNS自幼练习古典和爵士钢琴,喜爱听60-70年代的唱片。在采访中多次谈到Bee Gees, the Zombies, David Bowie, Earth Wind and Fire及the Beatles对他的影响,然而他的音乐却在将Psychedelic Rock, Glam Rock, Disco和Synth-Pop等多种流派融为一炉的同时,听起来既新颖又摩登。他戏称自己的风格为”Pheromone Electro Pop“。另外BØRNS雌雄莫辩、梦幻迷离的嗓音,更给他的音乐增加了性感和神秘的味道。 2014年11月BØRNS在Interscope厂牌发行了首张EP"Candy",仅凭四首原创歌曲,就成为2015年各大音乐节的宠儿。歌曲“Electric Love”“10,000 Emerald Pools” 等更是成为维多利亚的秘密大秀闭场歌曲和许多知名品牌的广告歌。2015年10月16日首张录音室专辑“Dopamine”发行。2016年BØRNS参加了4月的Coachella音乐节,并为专辑的宣传举行了一系列巡演。 BØRNS, a Michigan native who spent time in New York before landing in his new home of Los Angeles, is a preternatural talent. He understands instinctively how to connect the intricacies of a melody to the sensual receptors in the human ear, and how to conjure up a song from its building blocks to reach the heavens. Working with producers Tommy English and Kennedy, in 2014 BØRNS released the Candy EP, a shot of sunny, sweet, sweeping adrenaline to the pop music landscape that put “10,000 Emerald Pools” and “Electric Love” on playlists across the world. In early 2015 BØRNS reunited with English and began work on an album, writing and recording in between the steadily growing live shows, and with the stage in mind. Enamored of and inspired by his new home on the west coast, BØRNS injected much of that sunshine vibe into the new music that would become his debut album Dopamine.

