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Paolo Buonvino

Composer,Born in 1968 in Scordia, in the province of Catania, Sicily (Italy), he graduated in piano at the Conservatory "F. Cilea" of Reggio Calabria and studied Music Discipline at the University of Bologna. Initially he was a music assistant for singer-songwriter Franco Battiato, then he devoted himself to theater, writing incidental music for various theatrical companies. Also he composed "Francesco: la notte, il sogno, l'alba", a multimedia opera for soprano, tenor, bass, voice, orchestra, chorus, computer, keyboards, as well as a mass entitled "Epiklesis" for soprano, chorus, orchestra, computer, keyboards. Active in the cinematographic field, where he wrote the film soundtracks for "Dancing North" by Paolo Quaregna and "Ecco fatto" by Gabriele Muccino, as well as in television, for which he composed the music for "The Octopus 8", "The Octopus 9" and "L'elefante bianco". Furthermore, he wrote the music for the commercial that was made for the opening of the "Palazzo Altemps" museum in Rome.

