Christianne Stotijn
Christianne Stotijn&Edwin Crossley-Mercer&Henk Neven&Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble&Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble&Jacky da Cunha&Nathalie Gaudefroy&Udo Reinemann - No. 27: Recitative and Chorale: Sehet, ich fuhre ihn heraus zu euch... (See, I bring him out to you...) (Tenor, Tutti)
Christianne Stotijn - Nachtwanderer (Eichendorff), Op. 7, No. 2
Julius Drake&Christianne Stotijn - Reconciliation, Op.25 No.1
Christianne Stotijn - Schubert - Erlkönig D328
Christianne Stotijn - Befreit (Dehmel) Op. 39, No. 4
Christianne Stotijn - Zueignung (von Gilm) Op. 10, No. 1
Christianne Stotijn - Des Dichters Abendgang (Uhland) Op. 47, No. 2
Christianne Stotijn - Mahler - Der Schildwache Nachtlied
Christianne Stotijn&Julius Drake - Mahler - Um Mitternacht
Christianne Stotijn - Why? Op.6 No.5
Christianne Stotijn - The Bride's Lament, Op.47 No.7
Christianne Stotijn - It Was in Early Spring, Op.38 No.2
Christianne Stotijn - Mahler - Wo die schönen Trompeten blasen
Christianne Stotijn - Mild Stars Looked Down, Op.60 No.12
Christianne Stotijn - Si vous pensez elle
Christianne Stotijn - Naissance de bouddha
Christianne Stotijn - Far, Far From Each Other
Christianne Stotijn - Adagio
Christianne Stotijn - Écoute mon coeur
Christianne Stotijn - Les bergers
Christianne Stotijn - Image de Noël
Christianne Stotijn - Les cadeaux
Christianne Stotijn - No. 2, L'énigme éternelle
Christianne Stotijn - No. 1, Kaddisch
Christianne Stotijn - Un sapin isolé
Christianne Stotijn - Une belle
Christianne Stotijn - The Soul Flew Quietly Through The Celestial Skies
Christianne Stotijn - Evening Prayer
Christianne Stotijn - Prayer
Christianne Stotijn - Arapka
Christianne Stotijn - Onbot
Christianne Stotijn - Music When Soft Voices Die
Christianne Stotijn - Where Is It That Our Soul Doth Go
Christianne Stotijn - Abboen
Christianne Stotijn&Julius Drake - Cuckoo, Op.54 No.8
Christianne Stotijn&Joseph Breinl - Berg - 4 Lieder op. 2: I Schlafen, schlafen, nichts als schlafen
Christianne Stotijn - Schubert - An den Mond D193
Christianne Stotijn - Kindertotenlieder
Christianne Stotijn - Schlechtes Wetter (Heine) Op. 69, No. 5
Christianne Stotijn - The Gypsy Song, Op.60 No.7
Christianne Stotijn - Not a Word, My Friend, Op.6 No.2
Christianne Stotijn - Over Burning Ashes, Op.25 No.2
Christianne Stotijn&Julius Drake - Mahler - Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen
Christianne Stotijn - Mahler - Rheinlegendchen
Christianne Stotijn - Lockung (Eichendorff), Op. 7, No. 4
Christianne Stotijn - Ständchen (Schack) Op. 17, No. 2
Christianne Stotijn&Joseph Breinl - Morgen! (Mackay) Op. 27, No. 4
Christianne Stotijn&Joseph Breinl - Stimme der Sehnsucht (Busse), Op. 19, No. 1
Christianne Stotijn - Mahler - Wer hat dies Liedlein erdacht?
Christianne Stotijn&Julius Drake - Mahler - Des Antonius von Padua Fischpredigt
Christianne Stotijn - Mahler - Erinnerung
Christianne Stotijn&Edwin Crossley-Mercer&Henk Neven&Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble&Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble&Jacky da Cunha&Nathalie Gaudefroy&Udo Reinemann - No. 3: Recitative and Arioso: Da nun Jesus war zu Bethanien (Then Jesus came to Bethany) (Soprano)
Christianne Stotijn&Edwin Crossley-Mercer&Henk Neven&Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble&Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble&Jacky da Cunha&Nathalie Gaudefroy&Udo Reinemann - No. 4: Recitative and Terzetto: Da das Judas sahe (When Judas saw it) (Bass, Tenor, Bass)
Christianne Stotijn&Edwin Crossley-Mercer&Henk Neven&Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble&Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble&Jacky da Cunha&Nathalie Gaudefroy&Udo Reinemann - No. 7: Larghetto con moto
Christianne Stotijn&Edwin Crossley-Mercer&Henk Neven&Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble&Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble&Jacky da Cunha&Nathalie Gaudefroy&Udo Reinemann - No. 8: Duet: Wie der Herr es uns geheissen (As the Lord hath bidden us) (Peter, John)
Christianne Stotijn&Edwin Crossley-Mercer&Henk Neven&Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble&Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble&Jacky da Cunha&Nathalie Gaudefroy&Udo Reinemann - No. 9: Lobet ihr Knechte des Herrn (Praise the Lord, ye servants) (Chorus of the Apostles)
Christianne Stotijn&Edwin Crossley-Mercer&Henk Neven&Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble&Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble&Jacky da Cunha&Nathalie Gaudefroy&Udo Reinemann - No. 11: Recitative and Chorale: Da sie aber assen, nahm Jesus das Brot (After they had eaten, Jesus took the bread) (Bass, Tutti)
Christianne Stotijn&Edwin Crossley-Mercer&Henk Neven&Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble&Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble&Jacky da Cunha&Nathalie Gaudefroy&Udo Reinemann - No. 16: Duet: Da traten herzu zweeen falsche Zeugen (There came two false witnesses) (Soprano, Tenor)
Christianne Stotijn&Edwin Crossley-Mercer&Henk Neven&Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble&Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble&Jacky da Cunha&Nathalie Gaudefroy&Udo Reinemann - No. 17: Recitative: Und der Hohepriester stand auf (And the High Priest arose) (Bass)
Christianne Stotijn&Edwin Crossley-Mercer&Henk Neven&Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble&Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble&Jacky da Cunha&Nathalie Gaudefroy&Udo Reinemann - No. 18: Recitative and Chorus: Ich beschwore dich (I abjure thee by the living God) (Christ, High Priests and Pharisees)
Christianne Stotijn&Edwin Crossley-Mercer&Henk Neven&Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble&Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble&Jacky da Cunha&Nathalie Gaudefroy&Udo Reinemann - No. 19: Aria: Weh' mir, wohin soll ich entfliehn? (Alas, where should I flee?) (Bass)
Christianne Stotijn&Edwin Crossley-Mercer&Henk Neven&Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble&Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble&Jacky da Cunha&Nathalie Gaudefroy&Udo Reinemann - No. 21: Recitative: Pilatus ging hinein in das Richthaus (Pilate went into the hall of justice) (Christ, Pilate)
Christianne Stotijn&Edwin Crossley-Mercer&Henk Neven&Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble&Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble&Jacky da Cunha&Nathalie Gaudefroy&Udo Reinemann - No. 26: Aria: Ach seht, der allen wohlgethan (Ah see, he who has brought good to all) (Alto)
Christianne Stotijn&Edwin Crossley-Mercer&Henk Neven&Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble&Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble&Jacky da Cunha&Nathalie Gaudefroy&Udo Reinemann - No. 30: Fliesset, ihr unaufhaltsamen Thranen (Flow, ye ceaseless tears) (Daughters of Sion)
Christianne Stotijn&Edwin Crossley-Mercer&Henk Neven&Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble&Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble&Jacky da Cunha&Nathalie Gaudefroy&Udo Reinemann - No. 31: Recitative: Jesus aber wandte sich um (But Jesus turned and said to them) (Bass)
Christianne Stotijn&Edwin Crossley-Mercer&Henk Neven&Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble&Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble&Jacky da Cunha&Nathalie Gaudefroy&Udo Reinemann - No. 32: Terzetto: Den wir jungst auf Tabors Hohen (The one whom we lately saw on Tabor's height)
Christianne Stotijn&Edwin Crossley-Mercer&Henk Neven&Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble&Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble&Jacky da Cunha&Nathalie Gaudefroy&Udo Reinemann - No. 33: Recitative: Pilatus, du hast auf's Kreuz geschrieben (Pilate, thou hast written on the cross) (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass)
Christianne Stotijn&Edwin Crossley-Mercer&Henk Neven&Heures Romantiques Instrumental Ensemble&Heures Romantiques Vocal Ensemble&Jacky da Cunha&Nathalie Gaudefroy&Udo Reinemann - No. 36: Recitative and Duet: Jesus aber sprach: Vater vergib ihnen (But Jesus said: Father, forgive them) (Christ, Tenor, Bass)