Michael MacLiammoir
Michael MacLiammoir - Proclamation Of The Irish Republic
Michael MacLiammoir - Mad as the Mist and Snow
Dame Edith Evans&Pamela Brown&Michael MacLiammoir&The Rivals Cast - The Rivals - Act II Part 2; Act III
Dame Edith Evans&Pamela Brown&Michael MacLiammoir&The Rivals Cast - The Rivals - Act I; Act II Part 1
Dame Edith Evans&Pamela Brown&Michael MacLiammoir&The Rivals Cast - The Rivals - Act V
Dame Edith Evans&Pamela Brown&Michael MacLiammoir&The Rivals Cast - The Rivals - Act IV
Michael MacLiammoir - 1916 Proclamation Of The Irish Republic "I Am Ireland"
Hilton Edwards&Michael MacLiammoir&Daphne Carroll - The Taming of the Shrew: Introduction
Michael MacLiammoir - The Ruba'iyat
Michael MacLiammoir - A Coat
Michael MacLiammoir - After Long Silence
Michael MacLiammoir - A Dialogue of Self and Soul
Michael MacLiammoir - The Song of Wandering Aengus
Michael MacLiammoir - He Thinks of His Past Greatness When a Part of the Constellations of Heaven
Michael MacLiammoir - Cuchulain Comforted
Michael MacLiammoir - Her Anxiety
Michael MacLiammoir - Lapis Lazuli
Michael MacLiammoir - Mise Eire
Michael MacLiammoir - The Fool
Michael MacLiammoir - Fornocht Do Chonac Thu
Michael MacLiammoir - Red Hanrahan's Song About Ireland
Michael MacLiammoir - Easter 1916
Michael MacLiammoir - The Rose Tree
Michael MacLiammoir - He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven
Hilton Edwards&Michael MacLiammoir&Daphne Carroll - The Taming of the Shrew: Act II
Michael MacLiammoir - He Thinks of His Past Greatness....
Michael MacLiammoir - The People
Michael MacLiammoir - The Song of the Wandering Aengus
Michael MacLiammoir - Patrick H. Pearse's Oration Over The Grave Of O'Donovan Rossa
Michael MacLiammoir - The Rebel
Michael MacLiammoir - On A Political Prisoner
Michael MacLiammoir - The Mask (口白)
Michael MacLiammoir - The Wild Swans at Coole
Michael MacLiammoir - He Wishes for the Clothes of Heaven
Michael MacLiammoir - Renunciation
Michael MacLiammoir - I Am Ireland
Michael MacLiammoir - Red Hanrahan's "Song About Ireland"; Easter 1916; the Rose Tree
Michael MacLiammoir - To A Mouse
Michael MacLiammoir - Epithalamion
Michael MacLiammoir - The Fool; The Rebel; Renunciation written by PH Pearse
Hilton Edwards&Michael MacLiammoir&Daphne Carroll - The Taming of the Shrew: Act III
Hilton Edwards&Michael MacLiammoir&Daphne Carroll - The Taming of the Shrew: Act V
Hilton Edwards&Michael MacLiammoir&Daphne Carroll - The Taming of the Shrew: Act IV
Hilton Edwards&Michael MacLiammoir&Daphne Carroll - The Taming of the Shrew: Act I
Michael MacLiammoir - Robert Emmet's Speech Before His Execution
Michael MacLiammoir - 1916 Proclamation
Michael MacLiammoir - The Fool
Michael MacLiammoir - The Rose Tree (Wb Yeats)
Michael MacLiammoir - The Rebel
Michael MacLiammoir - I Am Ireland (Mise Eire)
Michael MacLiammoir - Padraig Pearse's Oration
Michael MacLiammoir - Easter 1916
Michael MacLiammoir&William Butler Yeats - To Ireland In The Coming Times
Michael MacLiammoir&William Butler Yeats - The Rose Of The World
Michael MacLiammoir&William Butler Yeats - The People
Michael MacLiammoir&William Butler Yeats - Under Ben Bulben
Michael MacLiammoir&William Butler Yeats - To The Rose Upon The Rood Of Time
Michael MacLiammoir - The Faerie Queen - Book III, Cantos XI, and XII
Rudolf Nureyev&Michael MacLiammoir - Stravinsky: The Soldier's Tale / Part 1 - "Ah, villain, black-hearted knave"
Rudolf Nureyev&Glenda Jackson&Michael MacLiammoir - Stravinsky: The Soldier's Tale / Part 1 - "Your violin - give it me"
Michael MacLiammoir&Argo Chamber Ensemble&Gennady Zalkowitsch - Stravinsky: The Soldier's Tale / Part 2 - The Devil's song - "You may think that you have won"
Rudolf Nureyev&Glenda Jackson&Michael MacLiammoir&Argo Chamber Ensemble&Gennady Zalkowitsch - "The poor have everything"
Rudolf Nureyev&Glenda Jackson&Michael MacLiammoir&Argo Chamber Ensemble&Gennady Zalkowitsch - "The music struck up, the king himself received me"
Michael MacLiammoir - The Rebel (P.H. Pearse)
Michael MacLiammoir - The Rebel
Michael MacLiammoir - P.H. Pearse 1916 Easter Proclamation
Michael MacLiammoir - Padraig Pearses Oration over the Grave of Odonovan Rossa
Michael MacLiammoir - 1916 Proclamation