The Consort Of Musicke
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley&Christopher Gibbons&Matthew Locke - Fifth Entry: Mercury Descends: Apes and Satyr Dance
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley&Christopher Gibbons&Matthew Locke - Fifth Entry: Mercury Descends: Chamberlain's and Apes' Entrance and Aria: "O Yes ..."
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley&Christopher Gibbons&Matthew Locke - Fifth Entry: Mercury Descends: Suite of Dances
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley&Christopher Gibbons&Matthew Locke - Fourth Entry: Distraught Nature: Nature's Song: "Change, O Change Your Fatal Bows" - Chorus: "Take Pity, Gods!"
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley&Christopher Gibbons&Matthew Locke - Fourth Entry: Distraught Nature: Soldier's Dance (The Hector's Dance)
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley - Sinfonia "Altri canti d'Amor, tenero Arciero"
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley&Emma Kirkby&Evelyn Tubb&Mary Nichols&Andrew King&Paul Agnew&Alan Ewing - Questo specchio ti dono, Rosa
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley&Emma Kirkby&Evelyn Tubb&Mary Nichols&Paul Agnew&Andrew King&Alan Ewing - "Balliamo, che 'l gregge"
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley&Christopher Gibbons&Matthew Locke - Fifth Entry: Mercury Descends: Chorus: "Like a Perfurming Gale O'er Flowers"
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley&Christopher Gibbons&Matthew Locke - Fifth Entry: Mercury Descends: Mercury's Aria: "Return, Return You Happy Men"
The Consort Of Musicke&Claudio Monteverdi - Pianto della Madonna a voce sola
The Consort Of Musicke&Antonio il Verso - Lasciatemi morire a 5
The Consort Of Musicke&Francesco Antonio Costa - Pianto d'Arianna a voce sola
The Consort Of Musicke&Claudio Monteverdi&Severo Bonini - Lamento d'Arianna in stile recitativo
The Consort Of Musicke&Claudio Monteverdi - Lamento d'Arianna à 5
The Consort Of Musicke&Claudio Monteverdi - Lamento d'Arianna a voce sola
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley - 19. Questi vaghi concenti, SV 106a
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley - 11. Come away, come sweet love
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley&Emma Kirkby&Evelyn Tubb&Mary Nichols&Paul Agnew&Andrew King&Alan Ewing - Ardo si, ma non t'amo
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley&Emma Kirkby&Evelyn Tubb&Mary Nichols&Paul Agnew&Andrew King&Alan Ewing - Usciam, Ninfe
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley&Emma Kirkby&Evelyn Tubb&Mary Nichols&Paul Agnew&Andrew King&Alan Ewing - Se per avervi, ohiomÞ
The Consort Of Musicke - No. 20, Ond'ei di morte la sua faccia impressa
The Consort Of Musicke - No. 18, Lumi miei, cari lumi
The Consort Of Musicke - No. 16, Ma dove, o lasso me, dove restaro ?
The Consort Of Musicke - No. 14, Occhi, un tempo mia vita
The Consort Of Musicke - No. 13, Ch'io non t'ami, cor mio?
The Consort Of Musicke - No. 11, O primavera, gioventù de l'anno
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley&Emma Kirkby&Evelyn Tubb&Mary Nichols&Andrew King&Paul Agnew&Alan Ewing - Crudel, perchè mi fuggi (wds. Tasso)
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley&Emma Kirkby&Evelyn Tubb&Mary Nichols&Andrew King&Paul Agnew&Alan Ewing - Se tu mi lassi, perfida (wds. Tasso)
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley&Emma Kirkby&Evelyn Tubb&Mary Nichols&Andrew King&Paul Agnew&Alan Ewing - Donna, nel mio ritorno (wds. Tasso)
The Consort Of Musicke&Heinrich Schütz - O dolcezze amarissime d'amore, SWV 2
The Consort Of Musicke&Heinrich Schütz - O primavera, gioventù de l'anno, SWV 1
The Consort Of Musicke&Heinrich Schütz - Alma afflitta, che fai?, SWV 4
The Consort Of Musicke&Heinrich Schütz - Selve beate, se sospirando, SWV 3
The Consort Of Musicke&Heinrich Schütz - D'orrida selve alpina, SWV 6
The Consort Of Musicke&Heinrich Schütz - Così morir debb'io, SWV 5
The Consort Of Musicke&Heinrich Schütz - Feritevi, ferite, viperette mordaci, SWV 9
The Consort Of Musicke&Heinrich Schütz - Fuggi, fuggi o mio core, SWV 8
The Consort Of Musicke&Heinrich Schütz - Ride la primavera, SWV 7
The Consort Of Musicke&Heinrich Schütz - Quella dama son io, SWV 11
The Consort Of Musicke&Heinrich Schütz - Fiamma ch'allaccia, SWV 10
The Consort Of Musicke&Heinrich Schütz - Io moro, ecco ch'io moro, SWV 13
The Consort Of Musicke&Heinrich Schütz - Mi saluta costei, SWV 12
The Consort Of Musicke&Heinrich Schütz - Dunque addio, care selve, SWV 15
The Consort Of Musicke&Heinrich Schütz - Sospir che del bel petto, SWV 14
The Consort Of Musicke&Heinrich Schütz - Vasto mar, nel cui seno, SWV 19
The Consort Of Musicke&Heinrich Schütz - Giunto è pur, Lidia, SWV 18
The Consort Of Musicke&Heinrich Schütz - Di marmo siete voi, SWV 17
The Consort Of Musicke&Heinrich Schütz - Tornate, o cari baci, SWV 16
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley - Hor che’l ciel e la terra e’l vento tace, SV 147 (No. 2 from "Madrigals, Book 8")
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley - Perchè t'en fuggi, o Fillide
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley - 'Amor, dicea, il ciel'
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley - Ninfa, che scalza il piede
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley - 'Due begli occhi fur l'armi, onde traffitta'
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley - 'Altri canti di Marte, e di sua schiera'
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley - Ardo, ardo, avvampo
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley - 'Ogni amante è guerrier, nel suo gran regno'
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley - 'Cosi sol d,una chiara fonte viva'
The Consort Of Musicke - Cupid and Death - A Masque in Five Entries: Fourth Entry: Distraught Nature: Nature's Entrance and A
The Consort Of Musicke - Cupid and Death - A Masque in Five Entries: Fifth Entry: Mercury Descends: Apes and Satyr Dance
The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley - Dowland: Second Booke of Songes, 1600: 12. Fine knacks for ladies
The Consort Of Musicke&La Quarta Sciència - Si de los Ojos Nasce / Si una Dulce Vista
The Consort Of Musicke - Sonata Quarta
The Consort Of Musicke - Sonata Secunda
The Consort Of Musicke - 6. Now, O now I needs must part
The Consort Of Musicke&La Quarta Sciència - No Hi Ha Béns, No Hi Ha Fortuna / Lo Que No's Fa Per Potència
The Consort Of Musicke - Balletto primo - Gagliarda prima - Corrente nona
The Consort Of Musicke - 1. Unquiet thoughts