Judith Nelson
Judith Nelson&Rogers Covey-Crump&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood - Purcell: Pausanius, the Betrayer of his Country. (1695) , Z585 - original version: My dearest, my fairest
Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood&Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson - Purcell: Oroonoko: Celemene, pray tell me
Judith Nelson&Martyn Hill&Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford&Academy Of Ancient Music&Simon Preston - Haydn: Missa Sancta Caeciliae (Missa cellensis) , Hob. XXV:5: 3d. Et resurrexit
Judith Nelson&Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford&Simon Preston&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood - Handel: Messiah - Part 1: "There Were Shepherds...Glory To God In The Highest"
Judith Nelson&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood - Handel: Messiah / Part 1: "Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind ... He Shall Feed His Flock"
Judith Nelson&Paul Elliott&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood - Handel: Messiah / Part 2: "Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart...Behold The Lamb Of God....He Was Cut Off"
Judith Nelson&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood - Handel: Messiah / Part 3: "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth"
Judith Nelson&David Thomas&Martyn Hill&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood - Locke: The Tempest, Incidental Music: 5. Rustick Air
Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson&David Thomas&The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley - Parlo miser o taccio, SV 136
Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson&Poppy Holden&The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley - Come dolce oggi l'auretta, SV 173
Judith Nelson&Academy Of Ancient Music&Simon Preston - Haydn: Missa Sancta Caeciliae (Missa cellensis) , Hob. XXV:5: 2b. Laudamus te
Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson&Anthony Rooley - Vanne, O carta amorosa
Judith Nelson&Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood - Purcell: Theodosius, or The Force of Love: The gate to bliss
Judith Nelson&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood - Purcell: Theodosius, or The Force of Love: Now the fight's done
Judith Nelson&Paul Elliott&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood - "Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart...Behold The Lamb Of God....He Was Cut Off"
Judith Nelson&Christopher Keyte&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood - Purcell: Sir Anthony Love or the Rambling Lady (1690) , Z588: No more, Sir, no more
Judith Nelson&Jacques Vandeville&William Christie&Ariane Maurette - Les nayades
Judith Nelson&Jacques Vandeville&William Christie&Ariane Maurette - Récitatif II
Judith Nelson&Jacques Vandeville&William Christie&Ariane Maurette - Air III
Judith Nelson&Jacques Vandeville&William Christie&Ariane Maurette - Récitatif
Simon Preston&The Academy of Ancient Music&Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson - Vivaldi: Gloria in D, R.589 - Allegro: Laudamus te
Simon Preston&The Academy of Ancient Music&Judith Nelson - Vivaldi: Gloria in D, R.589 - Largo: Domine Deus, Rex Coelestis
John Eliot Gardiner&Monteverdi Choir&David Thomas&Judith Nelson&English Baroque Soloists&Elisabeth Priday - Scene Of The Drunken Poet: "Fill up the Bowl"
Judith Nelson&Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford&Simon Preston&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood - Handel: Messiah, HWV 56 / Pt. 1: "There Were Shepherds...Glory To God In The Highest" (Remaster)
Judith Nelson&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood - Handel: Messiah, HWV 56 / Pt. 1: "Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion" (Remaster)
Judith Nelson&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood - Handel: Messiah, HWV 56 / Pt. 1: "Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind ... He Shall Feed His Flock" (Remaster)
Judith Nelson&Paul Elliott&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood - Handel: Messiah, HWV 56 / Pt. 2: "Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart...Behold The Lamb Of God....He Was Cut Off" (Remaster)
Judith Nelson&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood - Handel: Messiah, HWV 56 / Pt. 2: "But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell" (Remaster)
Judith Nelson&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood - Handel: Messiah, HWV 56 / Pt. 2: "How Beautiful Are The Feet" (Remaster)
Judith Nelson&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood - Handel: Messiah, HWV 56 / Pt. 3: "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth" (Remaster)
Judith Nelson&Mary Beverly&David James&Paul Elliott&David Thomas&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood - On The Plains Fairy Trains
Judith Nelson&Mary Beverly&David James&Paul Elliott&David Thomas&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood - Welcome, Sweet Pleasure
Judith Nelson&Mary Beverly&David James&David Thomas&Paul Elliott&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood - Tomorrow The Fox Will Come To Town
Judith Nelson&Mary Beverly&David James&Paul Elliott&David Thomas&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood - Martyn Said To The Man
Judith Nelson&Mary Beverly&David James&Paul Elliott&David Thomas&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood - The Baffled Knight
Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson&Susan Sheppard&Christopher Hogwood - "Quel fior che all'alba ride" (Duetto XV) , HWV 192
Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson&Susan Sheppard&Christopher Hogwood - "No, di voi non vuo' fidarmi" (Duetto XVI) , HWV 189
Judith Nelson&Susan Sheppard&Christopher Hogwood - "Nella stagion che...Ride il fiore"
Judith Nelson&Susan Sheppard&Christopher Hogwood - "Così la ninfa...Tergei il ciglio lagrimoso"
Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson&David Thomas&Susan Sheppard&Christopher Hogwood - Se tu non lasci amore, HWV 201
Judith Nelson&Choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford&Simon Preston&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood - "There Were Shepherds...Glory To God In The Highest"
Judith Nelson&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood - "Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind ... He Shall Feed His Flock"
Judith Nelson&Paul Elliott&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood - "Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart...Behold The Lamb Of God....He Was Cut Off"
Judith Nelson&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood - "But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell"
Judith Nelson&Jane Ryan&Christopher Hogwood - Première Leçon à une voix
Emma Kirkby&Christopher Hogwood&Jane Ryan&Judith Nelson - Troisième Leçon à deux voix
Judith Nelson&Emma Kirkby&Jane Ryan&Christopher Hogwood - Victoria, Christo resurgenti
Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson&The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley - Chiome d'oro, SV 143
Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson&Charles Brett&Rogers Covey-Crump&Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford&Academy Of Ancient Music&Simon Preston - Handel: "Utrecht" Te Deum, HWV 278: To thee all Angels cry aloud To thee Cherubin and Seraphin
Judith Nelson&Emma Kirkby&Rogers Covey-Crump&David Thomas&Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford&Academy Of Ancient Music&Simon Preston - Handel: "Utrecht" Te Deum, HWV 278: The glorious company of the Apostles Thou art the King of Glory
Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson&Charles Brett&Rogers Covey-Crump&Paul Elliott&Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford&Academy Of Ancient Music&Simon Preston - Handel: "Utrecht" Te Deum, HWV 278: When thou took'st upon thee... When thou hadst overcome Thou sittest at the right hand of God
Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson&Susan Sheppard&Christopher Hogwood - "Quel fior che all'alba ride" (Duetto XV) , HWV 192
Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson&Susan Sheppard&Christopher Hogwood - "No, di voi non vuo' fidarmi" (Duetto XVI) , HWV 189
Judith Nelson&Susan Sheppard&Christopher Hogwood - Handel: Cantata: Nelle Stagion che, di viole e rose, HWV 137: "Nella stagion che...Ride il fiore"
Judith Nelson&Susan Sheppard&Christopher Hogwood - Handel: Cantata: Nelle Stagion che, di viole e rose, HWV 137: "Così la ninfa...Tergei il ciglio lagrimoso"
Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson&David Thomas&Susan Sheppard&Christopher Hogwood - Se tu non lasci amore, HWV 201
Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson&Anthony Rooley - Intenerite voi, lagrime mie
Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson&Anthony Rooley - Alla guerra d'amore
Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson&Anthony Rooley - Vanne, O carta amorosa
Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson&The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley - Spine care e soavi
Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson&The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley - Fortunato cantore
Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson&The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley - Chi vuol haver felice e lieto il core
Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson&Anthony Rooley - O come sei gentile
Judith Nelson&Emma Kirkby&Anthony Rooley - La mia Filla crudel
Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson&Anthony Rooley - Io mi sento morir
Judith Nelson&Anthony Rooley - La Virtù
Judith Nelson&Emma Kirkby&Anthony Rooley - Udite, o selve
Judith Nelson&Emma Kirkby&The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley - Fulmina da la bocca