David Halls
David Halls - Trumpet March
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&David Halls - Hear my prayer: Hear my prayer
David Halls - Andante Grazioso
David Halls - Rhapsody No. 2, Op.17
David Halls - A Jubilant March
David Halls - Sunrise on Stonehenge
David Halls - Salisbury Fanfare
David Halls - Dance in the Twilight
David Halls - Carillon de Westminster
David Halls - Toccata, Fugue and Hymn on Ave Maris Stella
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&David Halls&Simon Lole - Jerusalem
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&David Halls&Simon Lole - All Creatures of Our God and King (arr. S. Lole)
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&David Halls&Simon Lole - Angel Voices
Alyusha Chagrin&John Robinson&David Halls&Salisbury Cathedral Choir - The old rugged cross
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&David Halls&Simon Lole - Amazing Grace
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&David Halls&Simon Lole - Christ Triumphant
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&David Halls&Simon Lole - Alleluia, Sing to Jesus (arr. S. Lole)
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&David Halls&Simon Lole - O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&David Halls&Simon Lole - Psalm 23, "The Lord is my shepherd"
Hugh Heatherington&David Halls&Salisbury Cathedral Choir&Simon Lole - Abide with Me (arr. S. Lole)
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&David Halls&Simon Lole - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&David Halls&Simon Lole - Stand Up! Stand Up for Jesus
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&David Halls&Simon Lole - Ride On, Ride On, in Majesty
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&David Halls&Simon Lole - Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&Rowan Wright&David Halls&Simon Lole - We Cannot Measure How You Heal (arr. S. Lole)
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&David Halls&Simon Lole - There's a Wideness in God's Mercy
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&David Halls&Simon Lole - God Be in My Head
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&David Halls&Simon Lole - How shall I sing that Majesty
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&David Halls&Simon Lole - Morning Has Broken
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&David Halls&Simon Lole - Onward, Christian Soldiers
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&David Halls&Simon Lole - Lord of the Dance
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&David Halls&Simon Lole - Glorious things of thee are spoken
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&David Halls&Simon Lole - Make Me a Channel of Your Peace (arr. S. Lole)
Camilla Harris&Daniel Cook&Salisbury Cathedral Choir&David Halls - Magnificat in G Major
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&David Halls - Salve Regina
David Halls - Toccata, Chorale and Fugue, Op. 16
David Halls - Toccata, Chorale and Fugue, Op. 16
David Halls - Liberty Bell
David Halls - Fantasia and Fugue in C Minor, BWV 537
David Halls - Fantasia and Fugue in C Minor, BWV 537
David Halls - Finale (from Symphonie, Op. 42 No. 6)
David Halls - Scherzetto (from Sonata in C Minor)
David Halls - Toccata, Chorale and Fugue, Op. 16
David Halls - Jig (from Five Dances, Op. 179)
David Halls - Le Monde dans l'attente du Saveur (from Symphonie-Passion, Op. 23)
David Halls - On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring
David Halls - Rhapsody, Op. 17 No. 3
David Halls - Imperial March, Op. 32
David Halls - Fantasia and Fugue in G minor BWV542
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&Director Simon Lole&David Halls - There is no rose of such virtue
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&Director Simon Lole&David Halls - Come, thou long expected Jesus
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&Director Simon Lole&David Halls - Hymn to the Virgin
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&Director Simon Lole&David Halls - This is the truth
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&Simon Lole&David Halls - Come my way
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&Simon Lole&David Halls - Preces
David Halls - Organ improvisation
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&Simon Lole&David Halls - King of Glory
David Halls - Trumpet March
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&Simon Lole&David Halls - Lo, the full final sacrifice
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&Simon Lole&David Halls - Nunc Dimittis
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&Simon Lole&David Halls - Magnificat
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&Simon Lole&David Halls - Psalm 34
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&Simon Lole&David Halls - Psalm 33
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&Simon Lole&David Halls - Psalm 32
Salisbury Cathedral Choir&Simon Lole&David Halls - Set me as a seal
Salisbury Cathedral Boys & Girls Choir&David Halls&Simon Lole - An Easter Sequence
Salisbury Cathedral Boys & Girls Choir&Harriet Colley&Simon Lole&Sofia Larsson&David Halls - An Easter Sequence
Salisbury Cathedral Boys & Girls Choir&David Halls&Harriet Colley&Simon Lole&Camilla Godlee - An Easter Sequence