VideoGameRapBattles - Minecraft Vs. Roblox
VideoGameRapBattles - SIREN HEAD
VideoGameRapBattles - Street Fighter vs. Mortal Kombat - Rap Battle
VideoGameRapBattles - Tobuscus vs. Pewdiepie - Rap Battle
VideoGameRapBattles - Slenderman vs. Herobrine - Rap Battle
Rustage&VideoGameRapBattles - Levi(feat. VideoGameRapBattles) (Explicit)
VideoGameRapBattles - Arceus vs. Giratina
McGwire&VideoGameRapBattles - Nothing Left(My Hero Academia)[feat. VideoGameRapBattles] (Explicit)
VideoGameRapBattles - Cuphead Vs Bendy and the Ink Machine (Explicit)
VideoGameRapBattles - Princess Peach Vs. Amy Rose
VideoGameRapBattles&SL!CK&Rustage&Mat4yo&Zach Boucher&DizzyEight&Gameboyjones&Connor Quest!&None Like Joshua - Eevee Cypher(feat. Sl!ck, Rustage, Mat4yo, Zach Boucher, DizzyEight, GameboyJones, Connor Quest! & None Like Joshua) (Explicit)
VideoGameRapBattles - Goku Vs. Sonic
McGwire&VideoGameRapBattles - SMASH!(feat. VideoGameRapBattles) (Explicit)
VideoGameRapBattles - Rust Vs. Minecraft
VideoGameRapBattles - Monokuma vs. Freddy Fazbear
VideoGameRapBattles&Cam Steady&Mat4yo&Kevin Krust - Turtwig vs Chimchar vs Piplup(feat. Cam Steady, Mat4yo & Kevin Krust)
VideoGameRapBattles&Cam Steady - Vegeta vs. Shadow The Hedgehog(feat. Cam Steady)
VideoGameRapBattles&Cam Steady&Zach Boucher&Chi-Chi&Twisted Savvy&Mat4yo&HalaCG&SailorurLove&McGwire&Shwabadi&SHOFU - Pokemon Trainer Cypher(feat. Cam Steady, Zach Boucher, Chi-Chi, Twisted Savvy, Mat4yo, Halacg, Sailorurlove, Mcgwire, Shwabadi & Shofu) (Explicit)
VideoGameRapBattles&Cam Steady&Kevin Krust&McGwire&Mat4yo&Freshy Kanal - An Among Us Airship Rap Battle(feat. Cam Steady, Kevin Krust, Mcgwire, Mat4yo & Freshy Kanal)
VideoGameRapBattles&Cam Steady&G.Yee&JT Music&Mat4yo&Chi-Chi&Diggz Da Prophecy&FrivolousShara&Trickywi&Breeton Boi&Dan Bull&GlitchxCity - Pokemon Champion Cypher(feat. Cam Steady, G.Yee, JT Music, Mat4yo, Chi-Chi, Diggz Da Prophecy, FrivolousShara, Trickywi, Breeton Boi, Dan Bull & GlitchxCity) (Explicit)
VideoGameRapBattles&Cam Steady&SailorurLove - Gardevoir vs. Gallade(feat. Cam Steady & Sailorurlove)
VideoGameRapBattles&Cam Steady&Mix Williams&Connor Quest!&Kevin Krust&Zach B&DizzyEight&NateWantsToBattle&SailorurLove&PE$O PETE&Ham Sandwich&HalaCG&Gameboyjones&Rustage - Pokemon Villain Cypher (feat. Cam Steady, Mix Williams, Connor Quest!, Kevin Krust, Zach)
Cam Steady&VideoGameRapBattles - MEWTWO! (Explicit)
VideoGameRapBattles&Cam Steady&Mat4yo - Seto Kaiba vs. Gary Oak(feat. Cam Steady & Mat4yo)
Cam Steady&VideoGameRapBattles - Genshin Impact
VideoGameRapBattles&Cam Steady&Breeton Boi&NerdOut&Chi-Chi&Connor Quest!&Cami-Cat&FrivolousShara&Louverture&The Stupendium&None Like Joshua&Silva Hound - Sonic The Hedgehog Rap Cypher(feat. Cam Steady, Breeton Boi, NerdOut, Chi-Chi, Connor Quest!, Cami-Cat, FrivolousShara, Louverture, The Stupendium, None Like Joshua & Silva Hound) (Explicit)
Cam Steady&Kamiyada+&VideoGameRapBattles - CHAOS CONTROL! (Explicit)
VideoGameRapBattles - Cu Kieu Meng Toi (Explicit)
VideoGameRapBattles&Cam Steady&Dan Bull&Zach B&Mat4yo&Shwabadi&Shao Dow&PE$O PETE - Sonic The Hedgehog Villains Cypher(feat. Cam Steady, Dan Bull, Zach B, Mat4yo, PE$O PETE, Shwabadi & Shao Dow) (Explicit)
VideoGameRapBattles&Mega Ran&Cam Steady&Ham Sandwich&The Kevin Bennett&Mat4yo&Politicess&Ty Wild&Chi-Chi&Mix Williams&Breeton Boi - Pokemon Rivals Cypher (feat. Cam Steady, Ham Sandwich, The Kevin Bennett, Mat4yo, Polit)
VideoGameRapBattles&Cam Steady&Mat4yo&Mix Williams - Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Giratina (feat. Cam Steady, Mat4yo & Mix Williams|Explicit)
Cam Steady&Pe$o Pete&VideoGameRapBattles - DISTORTION WORLD (Explicit)
Cam Steady&BLUPILL&VideoGameRapBattles - SECURITY BREACH! (Explicit)
VideoGameRapBattles&Cam Steady&Joey Nato&Jamar Rose&Gameboyjones&Connor Quest!&SailorurLove&Mir Blackwell&Chi-Chi - Pokemon Professor Cypher(feat. Cam Steady, Joey Nato, Jamar Rose, GameboyJones, Connor Quest!, Sailorurlove, Mir Blackwell & Chi-Chi) (Explicit)
Cam Steady&VideoGameRapBattles - GOD COMPLEX (Explicit)
VideoGameRapBattles&Cam Steady&ShueTube&VI Seconds&DizzyEight&G.Yee&Mat4yo&Ham Sandwhich&Shao Dow&PE$O PETE - Pokemon Starters Cypher(feat. Cam Steady, ShueTube, VI Seconds, PE$O PETE, DizzyEight, G.Yee, Mat4yo, Ham Sandwhich & Shao Dow) (Explicit)
JT Music&Dreaded Yasuke&Jeremy Dooley&Gameboyjones&The Stupendium&VideoGameRapBattles&Omega Sparx&MC Lars&NerdOut&Bonecage&Rockit Gaming&Andrea Storm Kaden&ChewieCatt&Elyse Willems&Dan Bull&Rustage&Neebs Gaming - Uncaged
JT Music&Dreaded Yasuke&Jeremy Dooley&Gameboyjones&The Stupendium&VideoGameRapBattles&Omega Sparx&MC Lars&NerdOut&Bonecage&Rockit Gaming&Andrea Storm Kaden&ChewieCatt&Elyse Willems&Dan Bull&Rustage&Neebs Gaming - Uncaged (其他)
Daddyphatsnaps&Gameboyjones&VideoGameRapBattles - Todoroki Rap (Explicit)
VideoGameRapBattles&Cam Steady&The Kevin Bennett&Shwabadi&Zach B&Mix Williams&HazTik&Mat4yo&Ty Wild - Legendary Pokemon Cypher (feat. Cam Steady, The Kevin Bennett, Shwabadi, Zach B, Mix Willi)
VideoGameRapBattles&Cam Steady&Mix Williams&G.Yee&The Kevin Bennett - Mythology Cypher (feat. Cam Steady, Mix Williams, G.Yee & The Kevin Bennett)
Cam Steady&Connor Quest!&VideoGameRapBattles - FAMILY NAME (Explicit)
VideoGameRapBattles&Cam Steady&Ethan Ross&Politicess&Connor Quest!&Diggz Da Prophecy&Mat4yo&BlvkDivmonds&954mari&Breeton Boi - Pseudo Legendary Pokemon Cypher (feat. Cam Steady, Ethan Ross, Politicess, Connor Quest!, Diggz Da Prophecy, Mat4yo, BlvkDivmonds, 954Mari & Breeton Boi) (Explicit)
VideoGameRapBattles&Cam Steady&Rustage&Unknown Singer&Ty Wild&Da-Wolf&Mat4yo&SailorurLove&Shao Dow - Pokemon Masters 8 Cypher (feat. Cam Steady, Rustage, Chi-chi, Ty Wild, DA-WOLF, Mat4yo, SailorUrLove & Shao Dow) (Explicit)
VideoGameRapBattles&Cam Steady&Ham Sandwich&Mir Blackwell&Chi-Chi&Diggz Da Prophecy&McGwire&FrivolousShara&SL!CK - Yugioh Cypher (feat. Cam Steady, Ham Sandwich, Mir Blackwell, Chi-chi, Diggz Da Prophecy, Mcgwire, FrivolousShara & SL!CK) (Explicit)
GBJ Advance&VideoGameRapBattles - Chidori (Sasuke Uchiha) (其他)
GBJ Advance&None Like Joshua&VideoGameRapBattles&Freesoul&Diggz Da Prophecy&SL!CK - YuGiOh Rap Cypher (Explicit)
VideoGameRapBattles - Slenderman Raps "Rap God"
VideoGameRapBattles - Call of Duty vs. Battlefield - Rap Battle
VideoGameRapBattles - Pocket Monsters (Pokemon Parody)
VideoGameRapBattles - Freddy Fazbear vs. Slenderman - Rap Battle
VideoGameRapBattles - Fallout 4 Rap Song
VideoGameRapBattles - Pokemon Omega Ruby Alpha Saphire Rap Song
VideoGameRapBattles - Red Vs. Gold
VideoGameRapBattles - Sniper Vs. Widowmaker
VideoGameRapBattles - Pikachu Vs. Eevee
VideoGameRapBattles - Blaziken Vs. Infernape
VideoGameRapBattles - Sprung the Spring Trap
VideoGameRapBattles - Pubg Vs. Fortnite Battle Royale
VideoGameRapBattles - Five Nights at Freddy's 2 Rap Song!
VideoGameRapBattles - Super Smash Bros. 4 Rap Song!
VideoGameRapBattles - Slender Man Vs. Baldi's Basics
VideoGameRapBattles - Five Nights at Freddy's Rap Song
VideoGameRapBattles - Torbjörn vs. The Engineer
VideoGameRapBattles - Baldi's Basics Vs. Granny
VideoGameRapBattles - Luigi Vs. Tails
VideoGameRapBattles - Soldier 76 Vs. Reaper
VideoGameRapBattles - Bendy Vs. Mama Tattletail