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DJ Otzi

出生:1971年1月7日\r 小约翰施特劳斯奥地利 DJ奥兹从小就被别人收养,他曾经说过,在他青年的时候,是约瑟夫墨菲的作品让他重新找到属于自己的人生方向,他的第一次演艺经历时在他的家乡的舞厅里面作为一名业余歌手登台演出,那个时候,他的歌唱事业才刚刚开始起步,可是又很不幸地他被确诊患有癌症,后来他与癌症作斗争并且凭借着两首人气歌曲“安东来自泰洛”和“hey baby”来提升他的人气。 在2001年结婚之后的他拥有一个叫做Lisa-marie的女儿,她将他的女儿叫做猫王的女儿。随后,他发行了翻唱版本的A Ram Sam Sam在德国和奥地利都有着不错的人气。 在2006年他成功获得了the Volksmusik-hit "Sieben Sünden"大奖,于是在一个“我是一个音乐人” 的光环下笼罩着的他在日本开始被广泛了解。 他的家乡的一座山谷是以他的名字奥兹来命名的,他的音乐作品在奥地利德国和法约尔等地区有着不 错的销量。\r \r DJ ?tzi is the stage name of Gerhard Friedle (born 7 January 1971), an Austrian entertainer and singer.\r \r Biography\r DJ ?tzi was born Gerhard Friedle in St. Johann in Tirol , where he was raised by foster parents and later by his grandmother. An epileptic, Friedle claims that when he was an adolescent, reading Joseph Murphy's book The Power of Positive Thinking gave his life a new direction.[citation needed]\r \r He first appeared on the stage as an amateur karaoke singer in his native Tirol. Shortly after the start of his career as a singer, he was diagnosed as having cancer. However, his popularity increased, and has transcended the narrow boundaries of Austria. Two of his hits are "Anton aus Tirol" and "Hey Baby", a cover version of Bruce Channel's 1962 song.\r \r In 2001 he married and the year after, his daughter Lisa-Marie was born. She was named after Elvis Presley's daughter.\r \r He released a cover version of A Ram Sam Sam, called the "Burger Dance", which peaked #1 in Germany and #3 in Austria.\r \r In 2006 he found success with the Volksmusik-hit "Sieben Sünden", which was #2 in Austria and "I Am The Music Man" under the pseudonym DJ ?tzi Junior, which peaked #1 in Japan.\r \r His birthplace of ?tz in the ?tztal valley was the inspiration for Friedle's stage name.\r \r He is one of the most successful Austrian musicians (sold ~15 million copies), next to Falco (sold ~60 million copies) and Peter Alexander.

