

 SIGNAL is a little-known visual kei band that debuted in June, 2011 with the single called M・E・L・T.   Members: Vo. 百合 (Yuri) (rosalie (ロザリオ) → 13 → dizSolid → Signal) Gt. ルア (Rua)  Gt. ShinyA Ba. SHION   Former Members: Dr. Raychel (Living+Body+Experiment → ZEXER → ROSALIA → REIGN → Signal) *joined on October 22nd, 2012; departed on June 28th, 2013 Dr. Korey   Signal announced to disband in September 2013.   In April the band’s drummer Raychel announced his departure from the band after their live at Ikebukuro EDGE on June 28th. As if that wasn't enough the band just stated that they will stop all activities after their final one man live on September 14th at Meguro Live Station – the same live house they had held their very first live two years ago.   Actually the members didn’t plan to disband but after many discussions they came to the end that they don’t want to continue as Signal if it’s not the five of them.   They are very sorry for such a sudden announcement and apologize for not being able to keep their promise to continue making music as Signal.

