Danger Music, Darkwave, Chaos and Noise, Vol J77P (Strange Electronic Experiments blending Darkwave, Industrial, Chaos, Ambient, Classical and Celtic Influences)
Wheel in the Sky (90 second edit) - Japanese Noise Machine&Electronica House&Journey Cover Band&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Llort
A Reprise of All That Remains (Jesus, in the Midst of Our Chaos, Come) - Christmas Noise&Industrial Christmas&Broken Christmas&Sans-Tiberian Floral Arrangement&Frank Pusher&Trans-Siberian Orchestra Cover band
HerE in thiS placE (Scott Cooper Edit) - Anti-Music&xaos musiqi&ddadyrddau&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Dar Quave&Avante-Garde
Jesus Still Loves Me - Anti-Music&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Dada Hanatarash&Emo Blackhouse&Post Modern Trance Orchestra
Trio super Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend (BWV 655, Deconstructed) - Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Noisy Friends&Darkwave Symphonies&A Flock of Darkwave&Christian Darkwave&Experimental Electronic Playground
AlaS and Did My SaVior BleeD - Anti-Music&xaos musiqi&ddadyrddau&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Dar Quave&Avante-Garde
Unearthed - Christian Darkwave&Chuuba&Ch’ach’ata Muzīk’a&Llort Jr&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
They Will Know We Are Christians - Anti-Music&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Dada Hanatarash&Emo Blackhouse&Post Modern Trance Orchestra
This Little Light of Mine - Anti-Music&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Dada Hanatarash&Emo Blackhouse&Post Modern Trance Orchestra
The Light Shines Brighter - Anomalous Diffusion&Anti-Social Agleblogs&Music for anti-social individuals&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Llort Jr
Echoes of Light - Anti-Music&Egen&Egendomlig&Obcy&Umculo Mveliso&Molar Fluxes
I Will Arise - Cacophony of Chaos&Trixie Rider of Luxembourg Lane&Totteridge Rodeo Ostentatious Luta Lord&Torn Rispa on Lumpy Lions&Zarqnon the Embarrased&Ted Riley's Ordinary Lizard Loins
Wayfaring Stranger - Cacophony of Chaos&Trixie Rider of Luxembourg Lane&Totteridge Rodeo Ostentatious Luta Lord&Torn Rispa on Lumpy Lions&Zarqnon the Embarrased&Ted Riley's Ordinary Lizard Loins
O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing (Slane) - Cacophony of Chaos&Trixie Rider of Luxembourg Lane&Totteridge Rodeo Ostentatious Luta Lord&Torn Rispa on Lumpy Lions&Zarqnon the Embarrased&Ted Riley's Ordinary Lizard Loins
Jesus Loves Me - Anti-Music&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Dada Hanatarash&Emo Blackhouse&Post Modern Trance Orchestra
Celtic Alleluia - Cacophony of Chaos&Trixie Rider of Luxembourg Lane&Totteridge Rodeo Ostentatious Luta Lord&Torn Rispa on Lumpy Lions&Zarqnon the Embarrased&Ted Riley's Ordinary Lizard Loins
For the Beauty of the Isochronous - Anti-Music&ddadyrddau&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Coil Zappa&Frank Pusher&Dada Hanatarash
Carry One Another’s Burdens (Gal 6:2) - Experimental Electronic Playground&Donkey Rhubarb&Xepha&Cryptic Motion&ritm&Industrial Music Factory
Carry Each Other's Burdens - Digital Mercy&2w43rtfg&99 Mxyzptlk&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Llort Jr
Do Lord - Anti-Music&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Dada Hanatarash&Emo Blackhouse&Post Modern Trance Orchestra
if You're Happy and You Know It - Anti-Music&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Skaldskaparmal&Emo Blackhouse&Post Modern Trance Orchestra
Veni Vidi Virasoro (I came, I saw, I annihilated my Eigenvalue) - Anti Music Berceuse&industriële Musiek&Industrijska Glazba&Joy Darkwave&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Elektronikai
The Peril of Bagels (Щедрий вечір) - Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Industrial Christmas&Broken Christmas&Trans-Siberian Orchestra Cover band&Frank Pusher&Frank Zappa's Prodigal Children
Heavy and Ominous in the Pulsating Abyss - Anti-Music&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Dada Hanatarash&Ted Riley's Ordinary Lizard Loins&Post Modern Trance Orchestra&Dar Quave
All CreatuRes of Our God aNd KinG - Anti-Music&xaos musiqi&ddadyrddau&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Dar Quave&Avante-Garde
Na piękno Izochroniczny (For the Beauty of the Isochronous) - Anti-Music&Chaos Meditations&Noisy Friends&Experimental Electronic Playground&DarkWave
Be ThOu mY VisiOn - Anti-Music&xaos musiqi&ddadyrddau&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Dar Quave&Avante-Garde
Thy Kingdom Come on Bended Knee - Cacophony of Chaos&Trixie Rider of Luxembourg Lane&Totteridge Rodeo Ostentatious Luta Lord&Torn Rispa on Lumpy Lions&Zarqnon the Embarrased&Ted Riley's Ordinary Lizard Loins
GrEat is thY fAithfulness - Anti-Music&xaos musiqi&ddadyrddau&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Dar Quave&Avante-Garde
Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock - Anti-Music&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Dada Hanatarash&Emo Blackhouse&Post Modern Trance Orchestra
wheN i sUrveY - Anti-Music&xaos musiqi&ddadyrddau&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Dar Quave&Avante-Garde
Nonparametric - qarmaqarışıqlıq&Qaz Wasex&Zarata eta Kaosa&Llort Jr&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Nonzero - musique industrielle&Molar Fluxes&kaoso hudba&Llort Jr&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
As We Mind the Way - isixokoxoko&geroysh&Vesa Fwet&Llort Jr&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Hand of Grace amongst the Turmoil - dziwne dziobaka&Chaos Redefined&99 Mxyzptlk&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Llort Jr
All Hail thE PoweR - Anti-Music&xaos musiqi&ddadyrddau&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Dar Quave&Avante-Garde
Wading Through the Celestial Marsh (May or May not be Water Proof) - ddadyrddau&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Anti-Music&Experimental Electronic Playground&xaos musiqi&Noisy Friends
K265/300e:X (Whistling Furchettas) - dadyrddau&Anti-Music&The Art of Sound&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Industrial Music Factory&A Flock of Darkwave
Non-decipherable - bunyi&storbju&turituri&Llort Jr&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Drummer and his Chaos (Nordvargr) - Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Chaos Meditations&Noisy Friends&Industrial Music Factory&Experimental Electronic Playground
BlesSeD AssurANce - Anti-Music&xaos musiqi&ddadyrddau&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Dar Quave&Avante-Garde
By the waters of Babylon (BWV 653b, Deconstructed) - Darkwave Symphonies&Noisy Friends&Joy Darkwave&Noise
Tensegrity - They Call Me Bucky Paper&Max and Fritz&Maximillian's Regret&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Llort Jr
Alas We Meet Again For the First Time (Jinx the Windmill) - Squids in the Mainframe&Кальмары в компьютере&Kalmari Tietokone&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Llort Jr
i lOVe to teLl thE storY - Anti-Music&xaos musiqi&ddadyrddau&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Dar Quave&Avante-Garde
Grace in the Discord - Sputnik Falling&Xanadu Descending&Xаатычны&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Llort Jr
Sibylline Postdiluvian Decay (Infinite Xaos) - Skinny Putty&Chaos Meditations&Noise Therapy&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Llort Jr
Making Sense of the Spontaneous Order of Things and Things that are Not - Simple Chaos&Yano nga Kagubot&Jednostavno Kaos&Llort Jr&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Filler Noise - Quasi-Probability Distribution&ddadyrddau&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Dada Hanatarash&Frank Pusher&Coil Zappa
Perforated Realms - Psycho Analytical Tunneling&The Sonic Unraveling&Artificial Lapse in Neurological Design&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Llort Jr
1072 Active Galactic Nuclei - Oscillating Ocelots&Barycentric Masses&BL Lac Objects&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Has Anyone Seen My Loofah&J. Cage&Intermission Paeiliui Dainuojami Kupletai
The Tunnel that takes us to the End of All Things - Psycho Analytical Tunneling&The Sonic Unraveling&Artificial Lapse in Neurological Design&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Llort Jr
i kNow whOm i havE bELieveD - Anti-Music&xaos musiqi&ddadyrddau&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Dar Quave&Avante-Garde
Padroni - Pad Over Pads&Ambrosia Pads&Darkwave Pads&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Llort Jr
Rhythmless (Iszoloscope) - Not Iszoloscope&Chaos Meditations&Noisy Friends&DarkWave&xaos musiqi&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
i suRrendeR aLl - Anti-Music&xaos musiqi&ddadyrddau&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Dar Quave&Avante-Garde
Alas We Yearn for Questions - Itchy Troglodytarum&Industrial Afterthoughts&Lo-Fi Industrial&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Llort Jr
JoyfUl joYfUl - Anti-Music&xaos musiqi&ddadyrddau&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Dar Quave&Avante-Garde
Ethics for Abiosynthetic Conscience - Love Songs for Robots&Coagulated Danger Music&Don't Panic&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Llort Jr
CMLXXXIII (Emperor Shengzong leads a Liao Dynasty expeditionary force again) - Llort Jr&Noise&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Buka Stroja
Qagnon - Ageispolis&Aleatoriedad Aleatorio&Alcubierre Drive&Llort Jr&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
The Lights of Hope - Mexico City Electronic Company&Dipio&Skrillerex&Llort Jr&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Diminishedness - DarkWave&Velvet Voltaire&Yamazaki Kaproulias&Llort Jr&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Antisymmetric Tensor - Ambient Chaos&Electronic Mess&Skillex&Llort Jr&Zarqnon the Embarrassed