Practice Is Over... Let the Games Begin

Practice Is Over... Let the Games Begin

We are young Hip Hop artists born and raised in Philadelphia. Recognizing the radio stations don't always play music appropriate for young listening ears and impressionable minds, we decided this was a void we could fill. Our youngest member is 8 years young now, but when we started out 5 years ago we heard her repeat the lyrics to songs who's content definitely didn't have us in mind and it was very uncomfortable. Since 2012 to now we've grown, matured, and taken constructive criticism as well as input to areas we needed to address and put it into lyrics. With almost 400 performances since 2012 and 6 independently released cd's we now feel very comfortable with the clean, feel good, music options we're offering parents and caregivers. Knowing children learn through music and their behaviors can reflect the messages, we decided our music would be the type of music that feels good, has all positive messages and goes back to when families could listen to and enjoy music together.
Our members are both boys and


