Circuits Minimus (feat. Lomluka Sinfonia)

Circuits Minimus (feat. Lomluka Sinfonia)

"Circuits Minimus" (2016-17) grew out of my participation in a contemporary music festival in Thailand, at which John Corigliano's "Circus Maximus" was (for me) the centerpiece. While I enjoyed the camaraderie and the chance to hear the work of so many excellent composers, the experience of having my work performed outside my control made me very uncomfortable. Afterwards, I felt the need to retreat into my studio and produce something finished and untouchable. During the next six months, this composition poured out.

It exploits rhythmic ideas I developed from studying dynamical systems and chaos. Assembled from tiny musical motives in endless combinations, it's often not in any particular meter at all, but wandering around without ever repeating literally. The seven movements are based on slightly varied sets of rules, developed in very different ways.

Instruments used in this recording were Applied Audio Systems (String Studio, Chromaphone, Lounge Lizard, Ultra Analog), Arturia (Matrix 12, Mini V3, Modu
