Blood Night (Soundscapes from Netherworld Haunted House)

Blood Night (Soundscapes from Netherworld Haunted House)

Blood Night is the third soundtrack based on the themes and stories of Netherworld Haunted House and the second by Michael Allen. For almost 20 years, legions of people have come from all over the world to experience this legendary attraction, to scream in terror and gasp in amazement at the nightmares that dwell here! So sit back in your musty leather-bound armchair, crack open an ancient tome and immerse yourself in sounds inspired by the place where monsters dwell, a land of yawning graves, the world of the dead - NETHERWORLD Haunted House!

1) Blood Night: The Vampire Lord Ghoulich had long been haunted by fell whispers from the abyss…"With your help" they said… "We can blot out the accused Sun forever!"….Hating and fearing the technological power of modern man, he agreed to assist in forever cloaking the awful light that tormented his people. So began the Blood Night – a darkness without end!

2) Season of the Witch: To save countless people from the life draining evil of the DEAD ONES, the Witches
