Experimental Electronic Vol ZZZ (Strange Electronic Experiments blending Darkwave, Industrial, Chaos, Ambient, Classical and Celtic Influences)
Pentazeit - Llort Jr&Yamazaki Kaproulias&DarkWave&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Reformated Identities - Llort Jr&Skillex&Electronicmess&Ambient Chaos
Anti-Wave Click - Llort Jr&Glitchy Click Sub Electronic&Anti-Techno&Anti-Wave
We All Fall Apart - Llort Jr&Skrille&Not Very Good Dance Music&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Canon of Dageraad in Disarray - Skrilex&Llort Jr&Darkwave Jesus&Sans-Tiberian Floral Arrangement
xccva Trance - Elektro Kardiogramm&Elektronescher Musek&Endistriyèl Klas Mizik&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Untechno Clock - Glitch Factory&Llort Jr&Elektronikus&Elektryczny Warszawa
The Marbles of Madness - Electroprog&Llort Jr&Electronic Void&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
1087 Oscillating Ocelots - Oscillating Ocelots&J. Cage&BL Lac Objects&Has Anyone Seen My Loofah
Last Great Inquery of All - Llort Jr&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&duu chimee&Dunkle Welle
Pazifoo - Llort Jr&Dīvaini Mūzika&Dooflachi&Dr. Zaius
Left Over Battering Rams - Llort Jr&Chaotic Skipping&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Chaos Sampler
Deshol Played the cGontne - Das Durcheinander&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Das Ungewöhnliche&Llort Jr
797 guhin(797 g minor) - musique industrielle&Cryptic Motion¶mpatar get&Ted Riley's Ordinary Lizard Loins
9 Inch Square Pan - Czarny Dom&Llort Jr&Dark Side Of The Moon&Waves of Dark
Bass the Drum - Llort Jr&Crazy Straws&Cranky Fish&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Time Out from the Standard Beat - Llort Jr&Chist Khaos&Caniption&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Last of the Sky Pigs - Llort Jr&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Chaos Meditation&CHAOS
It's Life, Jim, But Not As We Know It - Spitz-Holter&Hydrocephalus&Casey Holter’s legacy&Zarnon the Embarrassed
Ineffable - Llort Jr&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&bunyi&turituri
Goqnim Bvosh - Llort Jr&Bezgłowie Bezrząd&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Black Hole Abyss
Phum7 - Biśr̥ṅkhalā&Llort Jr&Binky Gnobula&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Skipping to the Xaos - Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Beedeebeedeebeep&Chaotic&Llort Jr
Glimpse of Something - Llort Jr&Architype Deconstructed&Asymetrical&Anty Muzyczny
The Lines of Time Erased - Daffy Skunks&Bangarang&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Llort Jr
Meteor Meltdown - Llort Jr&Ang Kasaba ug sa Kagubot&Altibzz&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Mountain on the Mist - Aghmuk&Llort Jr&Aleatorio&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Thermionic Tumult - Zaj&pheap min chbasa&Llort Jr&Noizu
Bina Sift - Llort Jr&Darkwave Waters&Experimental Audio&Cosmic Water Tower
Padis - Darkwave Pads&Pad Over Pads&Ambrosia Pads&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Sham Rock Asteroid - Llort Jr&AnteFlux&Broken Blackholes&Experimental Quasars
Flowers in the Stardust - Zarqnon the Embarrassed&A Brief Dissolution of Infinity&Angry Sloth&5 Minutes After I Die
Zemni - Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Zip Nilla McZalla&Abampere Xaos&0aawvge4t65
Jacinthe Noise - Zziink Norda Wiffles&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Qaz Wasex&Jactitation Chaos
Zolotnik - Stratified Cheese&Ipari Zene&Llort Jr&YacuZombie
Ogive of Mercy - Ascent From the Nevermore&Digital Forgiveness&Architype Deconstructed&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
The Last of the Ender Dragons - Emno&Llort Jr&The Dady Xaos&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Measurable Drift - Llort Jr&Active Galactic Nuclei&Abstraktnyye Paradigmy&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Homogeneity of Variance - Llort Jr&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Qaz Wasex&qarmaqarışıqlıq
Grace in the Discord - Llort Jr&Xаатычны&Sputnik Falling&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
How Can We Find the Answer if We Refuse to Understand the Question - Llort Jr&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Digital Mercy&2w43rtfg
Artificial Syllogistics - Llort Jr&Delay in Reasoning&Laws of Robotics&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
The Entrance Fee is High (We Hope You Enjoy The Ride Mix) - Donkey Rhubarb&dziwny&dziwaczny&Anti-Music
wiggle - Llort Jr&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Indescriminate Noise&Industrial Zombie
quarks and pinto beans - Fuzzy Snakes&Llort Jr&El Zombi&Gerogerigegege
Udernoj - Llort Jr&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&dziwne dziobaka&Chaos Redefined
K265/300e:XI(Disobedient SmivenBiven) - The Art of Sound&Irreconcilable Dissolution of Clatter&Industrial Music Factory&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
wf2f ee - 7f3fw4&Llort Jr&Dark Ambient&Chaos for the Ear
Tonics of the Tec - Llort Jr&Imaginariums of Molecular Diffusion&Industrial Unicorn&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Figure This Out in Your Spare Time - Llort Jr&Industrial Afterthoughts&Lo-Fi Industrial&Itchy Troglodytarum
Weshiftazon - Quasi-Probability Distribution&Llort Jr¶mpatar get&nezinxushunxushu
Self-Monitoring Behavior - Llort Jr&摩酱&Skaldskaparmal&Songs from the Black Hole
Dada Hanatarash Calculates His Derivatives in His Quasi-Probability Distribution - Llort Jr&Joy Darkwave&A Flock of Darkwave&Darque Wave
Sallow Physiotherapeutic Dilong(175) - Llort Jr&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Chaos Meditations&Noise Therapy
Ephemeralization - Max&Fritz&Maximillian's Regret&They Call Me Bucky Paper
And This Concludes Our Exploration of Strange Attractors - Llort Jr&Jednostavno Kaos&Yano nga Kagubot&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
The One Who Mostly Waits - Llort Jr&Discurso Rítmico Indescifrable&Indecipherable Rhythmic Discourse&Неописуемой ритмической речи
I Lost Track of Time - Kalmari Tietokone&Zarqnon the Embarrassed&Кальмары в компьютере&Llort Jr
Conferral of Parallels(Kolyadka) - Broken Christmas&Frank Pusher&Frank Zappa's Prodigal Children&Zarqnon the Embarrased
O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing(Slane) - Ted Riley's Ordinary Lizard Loins&Cacophony of Chaos&Zarqnon the Embarrased&Torn Rispa on Lumpy Lions
Hickory Dickory Leshi - Darkwave Ministry&Darque Wave&nezinxushunxushu&Industrial Music Factory
Chinese Dance - Broken Christmas&Sans-Tiberian Floral Arrangement&Golly Gosh Torōru&Anti-Music
Mas I Ma(Sam Beckett's last jump) - Asperger Beeblebrox&Phloide&Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Tesseractic Honeycomb Amalgamator - MediSpa&Noisy Friends&Noisy Meditations&Chaos Redefined